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QINC! (Hamishmash's new web comic)


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I've talked to a few people now about the content in the series. I write it with my friend Chris and he likes the more dirty side of dark humour but seeing as I put more work into it then him I feel I have the right to over ride him.


I want the series to have a dark, and sometimes slightly disturbing sense of humour, but I don't think I want to make it genuinely vulgar.


In the last issue, Qinc was supposed to enjoy sneaking into Ween's bed to hug him but it sort of got a bit distorted. He doesn't rape him or anything, but even I felt it was a bit unnecessary.


I might go back into the past issues and sort of... censor them a bit unless anyone thinks I should stop and keep it as it is?

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Yeah, that part was a bit unclear, though I did figure it out after a second read. It did surprise me a bit, seeing as it seemed a bit grotesque even for this strip - but then again, the style and tone are pretty different to my tastes, so I wouldn't want to impose my own opinions on it. You know much better what's fitting and appropriate, and what isn't.

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If you go to hamishmash.com/qinc you can now see the comic has been edited to remove the bad language ("slut", "pissy", "anus" and "genitals" are as far as we go).


Tomorrow or before Monday's issue I am going to edit those 3 slightly confusing panels to make it a bit clearer and change what happens. Qinc is going to say he liked to dress up as a woman and play "husbands and wives" with Ween while he was sleeping. "You know? Hugged but under the covers... that's what husbands and wives do isn't it?"


I actually think limiting yourself to being more suitable is actually more creative.


A lot of this series comes from my love for Ren & Stimpy and their dark humour. But I forgot the reason I loved Ren & Stimpy is not because it was rude and crude but because of what they got away with. The funny thing about Ren & Stimpy is that it's a kids show but with a really adult sense of humour under the surface. I think that can be a lot funnier than just straight-out adult humour through and through.

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You can't win them all. Both versions will have their fans but I can only be true to my own style.


There is a very key aspect to this story which is very UN-PG but I don't think I'll be changing that. But I'll not make it explicit... it might be creepier that way if you don't see everything.

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