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Rising Tensions


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Noticed lately there's been a fair bit of tension between various members, arguments, unnecessary name-calling -- just a general unpleasant vibe on these forums.


Would be nice if people could make effort to be less [whatever] or more [whatever]. (Starting from last night when I had a massive crisis of faith I'm trying to be more nice and less anal and more light-hearted in life.)


Feel free to be like "What right do you have to suggest we should change the vibe" etc etc, but realistically, it feels like tension is everywhere.

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I haven't noticed any.


I don't post that much usually, but I do read the forums a lot.


How can you tell if there's tension anyway, it's an interest forum.


I can read the nastiest shit on the internet to myself in a funny voice and it's immediately non-offensive.

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I haven't noticed much personally, but I generally go in the same few threads an haven't been on as much lately. Do you have any examples (that you'd be willing to share)?


How can you tell if there's tension anyway, it's an interest forum.


I think having an interest will make it more likely to have tensions. People can get quite tetchy/defensive about their interests.

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I think having an interest will make it more likely to have tensions. People can get quite tetchy/defensive about their interests.


Actually, I get annoyed that people can't understand my own interests.


I like to watch ReZ's videos okay?


I find them funny.


Why do people have a problem with that?

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Major stimulus was just now with Kurtle/Retro. Along with a little spout between Kurtle and myself on Friday. Of course, neither was a massive deal, and perhaps by even pointing them out I'm making a bigger deal of them that necessar, but just feels progressively there's an unpleasant vibe.


EDIT: Just saw Diageo's post. That's a prime example. Unnecessarily tapped with something slightly negative.

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It is a little funny and ironic who the suggestion is coming from. What crisis brought this about?


Probably me.



If there's a problem, you can discuss it with the individuals you know; pussy-footing around don't help in the long term.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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I don't think it's ironic at all. In fact it makes sense, as he himself said he was trying to be nice/have less sex.


It's ironic because he's the king of, "I'm this way, deal with it." And now he's saying, "Can we get along, change our behaviour."


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It's ironic because he's the king of, "I'm this way, deal with it." And now he's saying, "Can we get along, change our behaviour."



Surely that qualifies him to make such statements. He's not saying it in a hypocritical way, he's saying he was part of the problem, and is now (trying to be) part of the solution, and is asking others to make the same effort.


Sinners make the greatest saints or some other shit like that.

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Man, it's not even close to being as bad as it was back in the day. I think that in any forum of discussion, people are inevitable going to butt heads, and as long as nobody's ego is mortally wounded it's all fair game, right?


To be fair, I think there is a consistent majority among forumers that seem willing to go out of their way to to console or offer advice (misguided though it may be :heh:) to others, rather than to go out of their way to offend. Which is cool, and is kinda what sets this place apart from other forums I've been on.


Ah, if only I was the same old Bard from years ago =p. Just can't get riled up about shit anymore.

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Surely that qualifies him to make such statements. He's not saying it in a hypocritical way, he's saying he was part of the problem, and is now (trying to be) part of the solution, and is asking others to make the same effort.


Sinners make the greatest saints or some other shit like that.


Thank U India.

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Bard makes a good point.


This forum has so much, "Oh my dad just raped my mum and then threw my cat out the window... now I feel kind of ill... :'(" posts followed by pages upon pages of "Awww it's ok your mum's cunt will get better."


On most forums that doesn't happen.


I don't think that that happened on this forum.


But you get what I mean.

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Bard makes a good point.


This forum has so much, "Oh my dad just raped my mum and then threw my cat out the window... now I feel kind of ill... :'(" posts followed by pages upon pages of "Awww it's ok your mum's cunt will get better."


On most forums that doesn't happen.


I don't think that that happened on this forum.


But you get what I mean.


You'd best make sure you're okay with "feminazis" complaining about you saying cunt so much. :heh:

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Man the fuck up Chair.

this post is multi-faceted and lolz could ensue


[Just want to make it known that I think think over-emphasised gender performance is the root of a lot of trouble, and find the whole concept of constructed masculinity/feminity really suspect. ktnx]

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I agree with Wesley, no point in this... But my two pence anyway:


I think individuals here are fairly 'soft' and get too easily intimidated, another problem is theres this silly 'buddy' mentality (which is occuring in this thread already) here where by members just jump into a conversation in 'defence' of another and just cause unnecessary BS.


Just petty crap which actually is repelling to have a desire to post for any long duration. (I'll just stick with the game talk from now).

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Bard makes a good point.


This forum has so much, "Oh my dad just raped my mum and then threw my cat out the window... now I feel kind of ill... :'(" posts followed by pages upon pages of "Awww it's ok your mum's cunt will get better."


On most forums that doesn't happen.


I don't think that that happened on this forum.


But you get what I mean.




Oh shit, that was someone here's mum?!

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