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007 Mafia Game

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Is this going to be a problem for you Flinkmon?


Nothing to do with me. But, I'm just a bit iffy about this watch and Trevelyan. Trying to find some youtube footage so I can see that scene again.

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Eenuh (4): The Peeps, EEVILMURRAY, mr-paul, Tales


Yvonne (1): Eenuh

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Nothing to do with me. But, I'm just a bit iffy about this watch and Trevelyan. Trying to find some youtube footage so I can see that scene again.

Which bit? At the beginning they were meant to set the timer for 6 minutes but Bond became a rebel and remixed it to 3. Later on Alec returned the favour by giving Bond 3 minutes but saying he had 6.

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They were supposed to set 6 min charges I think but Bond set a 3 minute charge thinking Trevelyan was already dead.


Later, on the train, Trevelyan gave Bond 6 minutes to escape "the same 6 minutes you gave me" (which obviously meant 3 minutes).


I can't think of any other example in a bond film where a 3 minute watch timer has been of any relevance.






Eenuh (4): The Peeps, EEVILMURRAY, mr-paul, Tales


Yvonne (1): Eenuh



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Ohhhh. I totally and utterly forgot that part.


In that case, fuck my other theory.


Vote: Ine

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Yeah I sent him a PM about that. My info said I was not able to vote today as I'm recovering from the injuries I sustained. He better reply to my PM!

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When I was tortured I was given a 100 word limit, same for whoever else got tortured after me.


If you're limited with your words in any way Eenuh then all the more reason for you to character claim. If your character makes sense then it would help you. It looks really bad for you right now though as I'm sure you've gathered :p

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Yeah I sent him a PM about that. My info said I was not able to vote today as I'm recovering from the injuries I sustained. He better reply to my PM!

Being shot in the face by Ouromov can do that to you.

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Too much to concentrate on.






Eenuh (5): The Peeps, EEVILMURRAY, mr-paul, Tales, Fierce_LiNk


(Sorry Eenuh)

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What videos were you looking for?


Well, I was looking for videos of Alec's "fake death" scene in Goldeneye. But, the other information people have posted was even more relevant. I forgot about that part.

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Or being exploded by... what was in those containers? It was green gas in the game but different in the film I'm sure.

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Or being exploded by... what was in those containers? It was green gas in the game but different in the film I'm sure.


A certain type of Explosive Phlebotinum.


I agree it doesn't look good for Eenuh. If we don't get an explanation soon, I shall put my vote down for her as well.

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Nintendohnut corrected the votes. I am right. I'm not allowed to put a vote on today.

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Nintendohnut corrected the votes. I am right. I'm not allowed to put a vote on today.

That doesn't stop you from revealing yourself.

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Well the thing is you all guessed it already.


The other thing is I'm not mafia. I'm not part of SMERSH.


My role says I'm a Defector/Survivor. I win with whoever wins at the end (suits the character I guess).


I've not lied about anything I've said. I did get tortured last night, proven by the fact I can't vote (something a mafia wouldn't use on their own).

MadDog did visit me and I let him live (whereas someone else, most likely mafia did kill him).


I can see how people want me gone (I had to look up the character as honestly I don't know anything about Bond), but I can be of help to the town if I survive. Which seems unlikely.

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Well the thing is you all guessed it already.


The other thing is I'm not mafia. I'm not part of SMERSH.


My role says I'm a Defector/Survivor. I win with whoever wins at the end (suits the character I guess).


I've not lied about anything I've said. I did get tortured last night, proven by the fact I can't vote (something a mafia wouldn't use on their own).

MadDog did visit me and I let him live (whereas someone else, most likely mafia did kill him).


So, you are Trevelyan?


Hmm. When did MadDog visit you?

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MadDog visited me last night. He mentioned that he got to his target but didn't get anything from it I think.


By last night I mean the second night, sorry. Last night I was taken to the warehouse.

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Don't end it yet anyway. We've still got other investigations to hear about presumably. She is neutral too by the look of things.

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MadDog visited me last night. He mentioned that he got to his target but didn't get anything from it I think.


By last night I mean the second night, sorry. Last night I was taken to the warehouse.


You're stumbling over your own words there. :heh:


Trevelyan is evil as hell in Goldeneye. I mean...the guy's a bastard. This idea that you're now neutral could be because you've had your identity revealed.

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If I do get lynched, people should look at who voted for me and Dazz. There's bound to be a few mafia in there, especially as I accumulated a lot of votes in a very short time.

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How the fuck can Trevelyan be considered Neutral?!


Robbie Coltrane was Neutral. Bean was a badass.

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