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[Spoiler-Free] Zelda: Skyward Sword


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At the 4th dungeon now, but I have a question regarding the end of dungeon 3:


After one's finished dungeon 3, does Link fall into what is essentially the base of the Spirit Tower from Spirit Tracks?

If so, is NINTENDO then saying that this particular structure survived the flood and that the 'new land' on which Spirit Tracks takes place is actually still Hyrule?

I found it quite strange that the Spirit Tower is based next to the Temple of Time in Skyward Sword...


I thought that was just an Easter Egg rather than a proper timeline thing. Feel free to correct me though, @Captain Falcon. :heh:


Picked this back up from where I left off over Christmas...


Returning to each area...


Out of those three things, I thought the desert segment was the best. Maybe as it was the shortest and felt least like a retread.


Done the volcano which was pretty good and then I went to the forest which was a drag. Tadtones? Swimming around? Boring & awkward due to the controls. The only dangers are from drowning or from those fish that conveniently don't swim as low as the tadtones so you barely see them.


Let's hope the desert is more promising!

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I thought the desert part felt very same old same old. We'd had those puzzles throughout the game.


LOVED the return to Eldin. The whole atmosphere and visuals of that part was a series highlight IMO.


Enjoyed the tadtone hunt personally, dunno why it seems universally hated. The transformation in that area looked beautiful.

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Got this yesterday, in the first temple now. Story is pretty ok, controls work fine. Cutting trees is pretty fun... ; D Graphics look surprisingly good, although they are basic compared to Xenoblade. Art style works here as well. Music hasn't been anything special yet. Zelda? Friggin' cute! ; D

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I've been struggling with the time to play this due to work, but I did a nice 4 hour stint a few nights ago and have been busy upgrading some my items.


This aspect of the game is so fun. It really is satisfying. I have one tiny annoyance:


Those ornamental skulls. I find it pretty difficult to find them. Must have slayed about a hundred of those bokoblins only to get two skulls.




So yeah, a few more of those would have been nicer. But, otherwise, I find it fun.


The controls are also awesome, although I do notice a slight difference when laying on my bed and playing the game, when compared to sitting on the sofa and doing it. Things like rolling a bomb is much more difficult to do when laying down, since I end up hitting my knee or the bed. :heh:

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Those ornamental skulls. I find it pretty difficult to find them. Must have slayed about a hundred of those bokoblins only to get two skulls.

There's an easier way to get them, but you probably haven't played far enough for that yet. :heh:


There's also...


... A medal that makes treasures drop more often.


I ended up with way more treasures than I ever needed by the end of the game. Even the supposedly rare ones are everywhere.

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There's an easier way to get them, but you probably haven't played far enough for that yet. :heh:


There's also...


... A medal that makes treasures drop more often.


I ended up with way more treasures than I ever needed by the end of the game. Even the supposedly rare ones are everywhere.


Hmm, I'm not sure if I need them now. But, do tell, in case I need some more. :D

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Actually, turns out I had them mixed up with horns, so there isn't an easier way to get them. :red:




You can buy treasures in the waterfall cave in Skyloft, but I think you only unlock that near the end of the game, when you're unlikely to need it.


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That happened to me in Opoona, so I think it's actually a problem with some nunchuks having an adapter that's not completely secure. So if you pull/push at it while at the same time moving the analog stick, when it reconnects the Wii will think that the stick is in the neutral position even though it's not.


Xenoblade Chronicles, meanwhile, would often tell me to reconnect my nunchuk.


Anyway, I don't think the Wii Remote Plus is the issue, and I actually had the problem less often when I played Skyward Sword because I didn't get a chance to rest the Wiimote on my lap as often.

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I just loaded up Twilight Princess and I found it really hard to play after SS controls wise.


Also, Link is tiny (ie camera is much further out)


I completely agree with that last bit. Honestly, I've always thought technical details were the No.1 problem with Twilight Princess, not "it feeling too much like OOT" or "the formula getting stale" (neither of which I agree with). Link was indeed tiny. There were only a few places (like Agatha's house) where you could see how good the character model was.


Also, like I say (probably too much), it really annoyed me that the R-trigger didn't correspond to the shield. All these technical things meant TP just didn't feel right to me.


Skyward Sword fixed loads of these, it really did, as well as bringing the NPCs and enemy designs back to being more Zelda-like. I really do commend a lot of what Skyward Sword did, which is why if I criticise any of it, I genuinely mean I don't like that aspect, not hate the whole game.

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Finished this today. Overall I enjoyed it, I give it a 7 (in a proper scale where 10 is amazing and 5 is average).


The boss battle was the same as every other sword fight in the game though. Wait for them to slash and then attack. I actually feel like the motion controls are limiting the fighting. I basically stood face to face with Girahim and then Demise/Ganon, backflipped away from their slash and then moved in to strike.


At least with traditional controls there's more call for moving around. In Wind Waker you had awesome controls where you could roll round behind your enemy or flip over their heads. I don't see that kind of movement happening while motion controls are being used.


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Finished this today. Overall I enjoyed it, I give it a 7 (in a proper scale where 10 is amazing and 5 is average).


The boss battle was the same as every other sword fight in the game though. Wait for them to slash and then attack. I actually feel like the motion controls are limiting the fighting. I basically stood face to face with Girahim and then Demise/Ganon, backflipped away from their slash and then moved in to strike.


At least with traditional controls there's more call for moving around. In Wind Waker you had awesome controls where you could roll round behind your enemy or flip over their heads. I don't see that kind of movement happening while motion controls are being used.



The Demise fight was fun, but it was too simple. Parry with your shield, then attack, repeat. Would have been more interesting if it made you use at least one of your items to defeat him.


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How many hours has it taken you all to complete? I'm 22 hours in and just wondering if I still have a lot to go. I do like going back and doing side quests. Where I am is in the spoiler tag.


just got the ability to swim properly.


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