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Boom Street


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Boom GET!




I was out doing my last bit of Christmas shopping when I noticed this on the shelf in HMV. Needless to say I snapped it up. That's my Christmas gaming sorted now :D



Are HMV allowed to break the street date on the game by nearly a week purely because 'it's nearly Christmas' and that there isn't a huge lot else 'new' out on the Wii? :blank:


Obviosuly I would have done the same and bought it anyway, you did the right thing H-o-T. ;)


Regardless of legality I too am interested in this intruiging title so I await your impressions. :)

Edited by S.C.G
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Are HMV allowed to break the street date on the game by nearly a week purely because 'it's nearly Christmas' and that there isn't a huge lot else 'new' out on the Wii? :blank:


Obviosuly I would have done the same and bought it anyway, you did the right thing H-o-T. ;)


Regardless of legality I too am interested in this intruiging title so I await your impressions. :)


I'm heading into Birmingham City Centre shortly, going to see if I can find a copy while doing the last of my Xmas shopping.

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I'm so gutted.


Went into Birmingham and visited HMV @Bullring, x2 GAME stores and a Gamestation and none had it on display.


Just before leaving I tried the smaller HMV, and they had two copies out on Display for £39.99. I took it to the sales cashier and he gave a puzzled look to the other guy behind the counter (likely cause he had never heard of the game) but they loaded the game into the case and I paid by card.


Then after he scanned the barcode, he said he couldn't sell it after all since the release date was 28th December. So he had to give a refund on my card, and it was removed from the shelves.


Guess I'II have to wait.

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I'm so gutted.


Went into Birmingham and visited HMV @Bullring, x2 GAME stores and a Gamestation and none had it on display.


Just before leaving I tried the smaller HMV, and they had two copies out on Display for £39.99. I took it to the sales cashier and he gave a puzzled look to the other guy behind the counter (likely cause he had never heard of the game) but they loaded the game into the case and I paid by card.


Then after he scanned the barcode, he said he couldn't sell it after all since the release date was 28th December. So he had to give a refund on my card, and it was removed from the shelves.


Guess I'II have to wait.


That sucks, I guess Hero of Time got lucky.


Anyway, mine arrived from Shopto! Ordered a game from GAME yesterday as well which didn't turn up even though they got sent on the same day.


Haven't had time to play it yet though :(

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Impressions time.


I didn't know what to expect from the game and even when this is the case I usually just jump in head first. With this game I decided to play the tutorial stage first as I figured there would be a few things I needed to know before I played it properly. I was right. :D


The game does a great job in telling you what needs to be done and how to go about playing. Firstly there is a set amount of cash that you need to have to win the board. This varies from board to board, usually the bigger the board, the more cash needed. To increase the net amount of cash, you have to buy various shops ( more on that later ) that are dotted around the board.


A player also has a base amount of cash. This is seperate from the net amount and you use it to buy shops and to pay "fines" when you land on another players shop. If you lose all your money and thus go bankrupt the game ends and the winner is decided by who has the largest amount of net cash at that time.


So how can you earn cash? Obviously you start off with a certain sum which allows you to buy a few shops but there are other ways to get cash. You can either land on the mini game square, grab a Venture Card or by the following means.


Around the board are 4 card suits, Club, Heart, Diamond and Spade. If you make your way around the board and pick all of these up you can get a big bonus if you head back to the start, which is a bank. Once you deposit the 4 suits you are greeted by the delightful DQ level up tune and you get promoted. This means that once you collect all 4 suits again and return to the bank, you will recieve even more money and once again, level up.


Earlier I mentioned a Venture Card and while on the subject of the 4 suits I may aswell explain these. If you pass a suit then you collect it and be on your merry way. If you actually land on that space then you get a chance to pick numerous cards that are facing downwards. Pick one of these cards to get a nice bonus. Sometimes it may give you cash, other times it may give you a chance to buy a shop on the cheap.


Spaeking of shops, these things are probably where you will get most of your cash from so here's how they work.


When you land on a space that has a shop on it you have the option to buy it. Simple, yes? Now, if you buy the building next to it then it creates a chain effect, which will give you more cash should a player land on either one of your shops. Keep chaining together your buildings to make the AI's life hell.


If you land on a shop which you already own then you are given the option to upgrade it. This will again give you more cash should someone land on it, but it also makes it harder for the other players to buy it from you. Yes, that's right you can essentially muscle the other players out should you have the cash to do so.


To buy another players building you must first land on it. Once you have paid the fee then you are given the option to buy it. It does come at a hefty price though, with some costing 5 times the normal amount. You have to weigh up the pros and cons. If buying it means breaking a chain of shops then it is probably a good move.


So that's how to play, but what about where you play it?


The main game is called Tour Mode and it offers quite a few maps to play on. In the DQ Tour there are 6 worlds which are:


Castle Trodain ( shaped like the number 8, nice! )

The Observatory

Ghost Ship


My Magmagedon

Robbin Hood Ruins


The Mario Tour also consists of:


Mario Stadium

Starship Mario

Mario Circuit

Yoshis Island

Delphino Plaza

Peachs Castle


These levels all come with a tune from the game they represent. Some sound the same, others are remixed.


So that's the meat and potatoes of the game, but what else is there? Well, there is a trophy room where you can see all the awards you win when you finished the match. Think of these like the bonus stars from the Mario Party games. There is a shop where you can buy new outfits, gestures and mascots for your Mii, with the money you win while playing. There is also a list of of all the Venture Cards in the game, which will become unlocked once you pick them up in the main game.


Hopefully all of that was clear and gives you an idea of how the gam plays. I could have just said that it plays just like Monopoly but where is the fun in that. :)


When I first seen the game I thought that it was like Mario Party, but with DQ characters thrown into the mix. I was wrong. If you are expecting mini games then this really isn't the game for you. If you want to be an investor then pick this up. :D



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  • 2 weeks later...
I may be playing golf on Tuesday but if I'm free I'll let you know... It would be cool if this game supported WII SPEAK.


GOLF?! I thought Richard was the only person who played. And if only, I could do a great commentary of the game along the lines of "wow, woah man, wow".

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It's just Everybody's Golf on PS3 lol but Foxy might be coming over and I need to unlock the Wesker lookalike for him.


I thought he only had eyes for Leon ::shrug: And we should play BOOM Street tomorrow, hopefully it has 2 player local online like on Mario Kart Wii (If that makes sense! It's hard to explain) and then we can take on N-E (and indeed, the world) with pizza and Japanese beer. @yesteryeargames won't know what's hit him

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Haha we didn't have enough time today to play Boom Street, nor watch the Donkey Kong documentary and play Resident Evil 5 like we were planning. If I've got time tomorrow I'll join you guys online.


The Wizard and Kirby were much better alternatives :D And sorry @yesteryeargames I didn't see your post! But yeah, we didn't have time today anyway! Tag me when you're next planning to play so I don't miss it but I should definately be on tomorrow night. I have the dentist so I will be at home not eating or drinking and feeling sorry for myself - Nothing could make me feel better than a burly investment with the help of Birdo

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@Hero\-of\-Time that was a decent personal impression of the game, but I would've enjoyed the read more if you could upload a better photo of Links in your avatar. It'd be bearable if you were Retro Link, but you're not, so get a more awesome, modern one. Fuck!

Also, H-o-T, as quoted from Steven Reign (The Rich White Man) from Rush Hour 2: "Greed, shall imprison us all". :wink:


@Josh64 you need to be currful with the japanese burr, but it tastes sugoiily oishii!! :D


I love both Mario Party and Monopoly, so I should enjoy this. But I dunno what this hesitant feeling inside of me is. For sure I'd pick this up in a heart beat if you could go Wi-Fi with at least 2 players on the same Wii and if it had HeadBanging (.. maybe Wii Speak, too) so I could use my sexy voice to manipulate my opponents to give me bargains in rough times.


How does the shares/stock market work? And what kind of advantage does that give you over the more novice players?


Did you say the game ends when ONE out of the four players becomes bankrupt? :nono:

Are there match time limits?... I want answers, people!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Beverage
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I haven't played much but the game is much more Monopoly than Mario Party because the mini games are few and far between. There are easy rules where you don't get to buy stocks and it plays very similar to Monopoly and there's the standard rules where you get to buy stocks and stuff. Every time you pass the bank or land on a stock dealer square you get to buy stocks for a district. When you buy shops and upgrade them then the stocks for that district increase in value meaning it's good to buy stocks in a district that you own multiple shops in, however you can also buy stocks in districts you think will improve which will increase the value of the stocks e.g.


Player 1 buys stocks in District A for 10g

Player 2 has shops in District A and spends cash increasing the shops' value which increases the stock value

Player 1's net worth increases because his stocks in District A have gone up from 10g to 15G


In short buy cheap stocks in districts which you think will increase in value!


I'll try online multiplayer tonight and let you know what kind of options there are, I don't think there's Wii Speak support though.

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Finally! My internet is working again! :D You know what this means.... BOOM Street!


@Beverage the Japanese beer was mighty nice thank you, I'm drinking the remaining bottles now :P And you WILL like the game, I suggest you snap it up whilst you can, I can't imagine it being widely available for long!


Anyway guys, me and @f00had are about to start an online game if you wish to join!

My FC is: 1335 1980 7675 :)


(I'm looking at you @yesteryeargames

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