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The End Of The World Mafia

The Peeps

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We have to take into account that Eenuh and Rummy could be team-mates of some sort.


Would I really be questioning him then the way I did the previous day about his target?


Anyone is free to target me and check out my targets/role/alliance etc. I can't claim whether or not Rummy is telling the truth 100%, I just know he is right about me targeting him, my initials and the fact he didn't target anyone the night before (can't claim anything for last night).

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Would I really be questioning him then the way I did the previous day about his target?


Anyone is free to target me and check out my targets/role/alliance etc. I can't claim whether or not Rummy is telling the truth 100%, I just know he is right about me targeting him, my initials and the fact he didn't target anyone the night before (can't claim anything for last night).


I also know your face, but I'll keep it to myself :p


Eenuh only confirmed his power for night before this one. We don't particularly care about your normal power. You killed tonight so you clearly weren't using your normal power.


No, I didn't. I told mr-paul he didn't make it to me before any mention of roleblocking, in fact I probably pointed it out.


Rummy is defending himself quite vigourously, but also in a way that gives me scumnag vibes. I feel pretty certain he's mafia.


With verified/verifiable stuff. I'm amazed one statment has lead to such a hasty lynch! How else do I defend myself except with the truth?


If anyone wants to verify what I've said, they can target me tonight and I'll tell them about themselves. Give me a chance, and trust me that Tales is lying!


Wait scratch that about mr-paul, he did mention the roleblocking.

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For the record;


Evidence against me:

Tales makes a statement I killed aqui1a last night.


Evidence I feel is in my defense:

Tales claims to have 'multiple powers' - how common is that?

I knew Eenuh targetted me Night 2.

I can confirm this by having had her confirm the initals of her name, I also have her face.

Nobody has come forward for targetting me Night 1.


You can also add that I make a statement I did not, can not, and do not actively do anything, and I definitely can not kill because I'm good, but you guys probably won't take that for much from my mouth.


If Eenuh doesn't mind, I can tell people who her picture is based on. I don't know if they affect anything in this game.

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I'm starting to believe Rummy a bit...

It may seem like i'm being repetitive but I really want to work out who is the cause of all this environmental stuff, which seems to consistently go after me.

Tales, what power do you have to use tonight? Can you choose which power to use or is it set?


People I feel aren't posting/contributing enough: Dohnut, Jonnas, jayseven, Mundi, Dannyboy, MadDog, Dazz.

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It's Al Bundy.



Tbh, I honestly think we should lynch Tales tonight. Sure, he claims to have used a power to have found me out, but that's his own un-doing. He's gotta be mafia. If you guys insist on lynching me, I'm almost certain three of your mafia are Tales, Eddie, and Diageo. Take note of the names, my defense is done because I have nothing else.

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*sigh* Let's see:


Rummy says he has a generic name, has no picture and no night action, but he contains verifiable information. Except for the fact that him killing tonight goes along with him not saying who targeted him tonight.


Tales says he has a different power every night, but tonight's is the only one he couldn't have possibly made up.


Out of the two... I think Rummy is the most likely of being mafia, so I'll let my vote stay. But it is pretty ambiguous.

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People I feel aren't posting/contributing enough: Dohnut, Jonnas, jayseven, Mundi, Dannyboy, MadDog, Dazz.


I must admit that my interest in other mafias is decreased for as long as the Gentlemen's Mafia is ongoing. Sorry, Peeps. :heh: It's nothing personal.


I contribute with what I can. Yesterday I admit I was a bit lazy and didn't read up on the long debate ... and I'm afraid I'll be away for most of this day as well. Sorry. :heh:


For now, Rummy does make a good defence, but nothing conclusive. I dunno ... I still suspect he's arguing mostly with force to spread doubt about Tales's investigation. But I'm not sure ...

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Al Bundy it is! =P


Anyway, I believe Rummy for now I think, but that would also mean either Tales is lying or he got redirected or someone messed up his results.


It's impossible he got re-directed. If he got re-directed, I'd know about it, he'd have reached me and I'd have the same info on him. I don't, I know it's my word against his, but I swear to god he HAS to be lying. There is NO WAY he had me performing a kill, there's no way for me to target, and thus no way for him to be re-directed to get a false result.

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Sorry, but I have you down as totally being a liar. Trust me guys, it's impossible. Tales IS mafia. You shoulda picked a better target to pin this on :p




Which in this case further implicates Eddie as mafia also.


Bold statements, no evidence.


I can confirm that the gunfire you heard doesn't have anything to do with Aqui1a's death.


I heard it too. Please tell us more.


Also is it not a little strange that he has 'multiple powers'?


No :p


It's Al Bundy.



Tbh, I honestly think we should lynch Tales tonight. Sure, he claims to have used a power to have found me out, but that's his own un-doing. He's gotta be mafia. If you guys insist on lynching me, I'm almost certain three of your mafia are Tales, Eddie, and Diageo. Take note of the names, my defense is done because I have nothing else.


Why are you so certain that the three of us are mafia, exactly?




I'm leaving now, so my vote stays. If he turns out to be good, either Tales is mafia (unlikely, unless the plan wasn't very good), or he got redirected somehow.

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I won't deny, the only way to verify my information is to kill me and see me good. But, I'd rather like to do the classic 'lynch him tonight and lynch me tomorrow', it's a 50/50, he HAS to be evil. I'm 100% SURE he's evil, there is NO WAY he could have gotten a re-direct to me! Assuming I'm good(which I promise I am) there's no way Tales can be good too.

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Bold statements, no evidence.




I heard it too. Please tell us more.




No :p




Why are you so certain that the three of us are mafia, exactly?




I'm leaving now, so my vote stays. If he turns out to be good, either Tales is mafia (unlikely, unless the plan wasn't very good), or he got redirected somehow.


No evidence for Tales's claims, either.


How often does someone in a mafia have multiple powers?


Because of the way the three of you are going after me. Well, Tales I have for his claim, you two, the way you're backing and believing him has to be mafia pushing the vote. Why choose him over me? Diageo made a rather suggesting post by directly saying I killed Aqui1a, expressing no doubt, that's mafia to me. Town should have some doubts about one person's info, surely. Especially when Tales's 'mutliple powers' aren't verified in any way either.

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There is the possibility of a PM manipulator like I was in the last game.


ALSO. Just thought.

Surely, Tales would have been re-directed to whoever Aqui1a's target was?

He said he couldn't be targeted apart from by night kills.

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I heard it too. Please tell us more.


First of all, I know for a fact that there are multiple gun wielders in this game, so any instance of gunfire is not necessarily related to others.


Second of all, what makes me sure that the gunfire Ellmeister heard wasn't the gunfire that killed Aqui1a is because he heard shouting as well.


Obviously I know more, but for now it's best kept secret as it serves no immediate purpose.

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Eenuh only confirmed his power for night before this one. We don't particularly care about your normal power. You killed tonight so you clearly weren't using your normal power.


This post is assuming too much on Tales's info being true, what gives you reason to be so certainly convinced about it, Diageo? Unless you're a mafia in cahoots with him? That's the only way I could make such a certain post.


There is the possibility of a PM manipulator like I was in the last game.


ALSO. Just thought.

Surely, Tales would have been re-directed to whoever Aqui1a's target was?

He said he couldn't be targeted apart from by night kills.


mr-paul! Genius! So true, though I'm not entirely sure the implications, because Aqui1a didn't target me either. I wish I had a more provable power -.-


Ah! It would have meant that Tales gets re-directed to me, which means he'd have reverse tracked me! Which means, he's trying to say I targetted myself?! I love you mr-paul!

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I won't deny, the only way to verify my information is to kill me and see me good. But, I'd rather like to do the classic 'lynch him tonight and lynch me tomorrow', it's a 50/50, he HAS to be evil. I'm 100% SURE he's evil, there is NO WAY he could have gotten a re-direct to me! Assuming I'm good(which I promise I am) there's no way Tales can be good too.


See, this forcefulness just make me believe you less. "It's either me or him!" How can you be so sure you're not both mistaken? I have a hard time believing a scumnag would pull what Tales just did. It seems way too risky to me.


Yeah Danny, I just realised, yesterday you said Jonnas can't be a zombie, and today you claim to know about this gunfire. What exactly do you do/do you know?


I didn't say Jonnas wasn't a zombie, I said that it wasn't Jonnas that herojan saw, and it wasn't a zombie he saw, either. I maintain that what I know is best kept secret for now.

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See, this forcefulness just make me believe you less. "It's either me or him!" How can you be so sure you're not both mistaken? I have a hard time believing a scumnag would pull what Tales just did. It seems way too risky to me.


Right. I can be sure because I know my power. Assume what I say to be true, and work through it.


I'm a mirror tracker, I find out who targetted me in the night, I have no active power.


For Tales to claim I targetted, and I know I'm good and can't target actively, is there any way for him to get the result he claims to have gotten if he is good? If you can tell me how, then I will stop claiming like I am.

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