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How Social Is Normal?


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Confrontation makes me happy?


I don't know. I've explained countless times that it's just the way I write, as well as other reasons.


I've been called "Most popular guy in the class" and my friend said that I was just a little ball of happiness, and other people say they always see me smiling, blah blah blah. I'm probably getting too much into this for a joke you made.


Look at Chair, he has a constant smiling face whenever he's on a youtube video or similar media. Maybe if you imagined me smiling in every post you read you wouldn't think I was a "crunch", whatever that is.

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I find it strange how some people feel the need to be constantly surrounded with people. I've never felt this fear of being alone. I put it down to being an only child I guess.


That's pretty much me. Being an only child makes me want to spend more time alone, since I was raised with my own space. Although when I'm alone I tend to just stay in and watch DVDs, play games etc. I've recently started going out on my own as well though, mainly to car shows/cinema. I quite like doing things on my own now.


In terms of friends and sociability, I see Happenstance pretty much every Sunday and a few of my old school friends every couple of weeks. I also do things with 2 of my work friends too, usually centred around photography.


I don't really have anything in common with my old school friends though, so it can be tough. I really need some friends with interest in the same music. I want to go to more gigs, but have no one to go with. Might start going it alone.




Randomly, I've had an old school friend who I haven't seen since we left school get in contact over FaceBook asking if I wanted to play guitars soon, since he noticed my photo of my bass.

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Being an only child makes me want to spend more time alone


I have 4 brothers and a sister, and an insane aunt along with my parents all in the one house. I love being alone, I take any chance I can get and I wish there was some outdoor place where there was no one for miles. Or everyone died temporarily. It's probably just the type of person you are.


I am active and social in that I like sports and play regularly with friends. The thing is I hate how when people talk of a social life it is just the drinking they take into account, as if it is somehow cooler. That's just lazy and easy. Not everyone likes that scene, and surely playing a 7-aside game of football is more sociable than just getting drunk and doing meaningless shite that you mightn't remember well. It's possible that people take being drunk as an excuse for doing things they wouldn't otherwise do/say, and it gives them a sort of freedom, but I always have a voice in my head drawing a line so I don't go sneaking up behind people and steal pieces of their hair to test its colour whenever I want. It's not a nice thing to do even if I am very drunk. Random comraderie with strangers is fun though.

Edited by heroicjanitor
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Ive definitely become less social since I finished college. When I was a kid I was always out with friends but drifted apart from most of them and while I still talk to most of my friends from college we dont see each other nearly as much as I would like.


My current group of friends (that includes Goafer) has been steadily drifting apart as well due to internal drama of the girlfriend/fiance variety which is a big shame, we used to do something nearly every weekend but now its closer to every few months.


One of my main problems is that I never really made any friends with the same interests as me. Yeah I have Goafer for gaming and movies but mostly im a massive comics and sci-fi geek, thats probably why I spend a lot of my time on the net talking with people.

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I am active and social in that I like sports and play regularly with friends. The thing is I hate how when people talk of a social life it is just the drinking they take into account, as if it is somehow cooler. That's just lazy and easy. Not everyone likes that scene, and surely playing a 7-aside game of football is more sociable than just getting drunk and doing meaningless shite that you mightn't remember well.




I think its more that a lot of people play sport AND get drunk afterwards and it's not a one or the other sort of thing, it's both. Playing football is obviously very social and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Most of my social life is Facebook these days, just don't get out as much as I used to for various reasons, moving in with my girlfriend, having rent and bills to pay, the onset of my MS. Between work, hospital appointments, lack of money and decreased mobility I just don't have the funds, time or inclination to get out more than once a month, if that. I think that I appreciate a good night out more now than I used to because of it though. It's the old 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' thing, it might be a bit of an empty platitude to some people, but I do enjoy my time with friends more the less I see of them, if that makes any sense.

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