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Pokémafia 9 : Red and Blue


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I know, I rest my case. I'm not pursuing my case, as the response was good stuff.


But that's now how you use that phrase! :p If you say: "I rest my case," what you're saying is: "And it has hereby been proven that I was right." So saying "I rest my case" in this case is to say: "Diageo's Pokémon are not as awesome as mine."

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[Genuine question of curiosity] So you're saying you always thought there were many other awesome Pokémon you could have chosen for this game?


Oh there were so many to choose from, but I didn't want to make it all the "awesome" Pokemon. Also I was restricted by a few things;


- Made the mafia ice type.

- Returning characters that I wanted (Cybernetic Mewtwo, Tentacruel, Moltres)

- Definitely wanted some "iconicly" RB Pokes - Pikachu, the starters.

- Then needed to work in a couple of evolution triggers.

- Add (Ho-oh and Lugia lol) and Shiny Magikarp who I was adamant on having and it doesn't leave many. I'd already written a few powers so linked them up to Pokemon and its done.


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...but...the mafia won...?


So what? It's the whole concept of being able to figure out the mafia based on obvious common traits that doesn't sit well with me. There's a reason you mix up the alignments in mafias with known good/evil characters.


Besides, the mafia only won because I joined and because we played well/got lucky. Note how easily the focus was switched onto us when the mafia type had been figured out. Even I became suspicious when I had been town all along until that point. It's simply too revealing a trait.



I shall not reveal. :)



And also, they weren't one type. :p


That it's on your mind is all I need to hear. :)


Not strictly, but close enough for it to be revealing.

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I protected Dannyboy, he shouldn't have turned. He should have been sound in his little egg masturbating himself like usual.


Jynx (Psychic Scan, Reveal) Choose a target and page number at night. Their posts on that page will be psychically scanned for accuracy and you will discover the results. If Jynx is the target of three quarters majority votes then its Alleigance and Pokedex information will be revealed.(Unbeknownst Role Information ; If Jynx is targeted to be killed, it will join the mafia)


And Jynx being sex obsessed was just flavour. The jiggin about was the psychic, and you'll notice the porn stuff was separate to that. :p

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