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Car Insurances will no longer be able to charge different amounts based on Gender


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That's exactly the reason that I'm going to get a second quote but declare myself as a female every time I get a quote. If it's different I'm going to ask them why and then kindly request the lowest of the two.


(I don't understand, can you explain)



Unless you're joking.

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Next time I get an insurance quote, I'll ring up/go online and get a quote as normal using all my details. I'll then do it again, but type in/say it's for a woman (with all other details matching the first quote). If there is a price difference (which is no longer allowed since the only thing I'll change is the gender I type in), I'll ask why, mention the new equality thing and generally kick up a stink.

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Next time I get an insurance quote, I'll ring up/go online and get a quote as normal using all my details. I'll then do it again, but type in/say it's for a woman (with all other details matching the first quote). If there is a price difference (which is no longer allowed since the only thing I'll change is the gender I type in), I'll ask why, mention the new equality thing and generally kick up a stink.


Remember it doesn't come into effect until December 2012.

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Here's my two cents: It's about effing time!


Honestly, I was absolutely sick to death of women having cheaper car insurance than men! Why shouldn't women pay the same as men? There was a woman on the news last night that made me laugh. She roughly said:


"Women are more cautious and boys aren't and they just want to race."


I'm sorry but I don't think so. I'm not saying this because I was against it but I know quite a few girls who are more of a danger to the road. My ex's sister is a maniac on the road, she's constantly checking and applying her make-up in the mirror and not keeping her eyes on the road to the point she's swerving and she gets cheaper car insurance.


I'm not saying all women are like this but what I am saying is how is she getting cheaper car insurance than other cautious drivers just because she's a woman? Not really fair, they shouldn't do it based on gender full stop. Everyone should have the same insurance.


Roll on 2012!

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I'll be the first to admit, I've only just started driving really, and I am a terrible driver(when my car actually works and moves enough for me to be a driver, that is).


However, I do think insurance is daylight robbery. There's apparently another factor playing into it, which is apparently a lot of young reckless people are driving without insurance, and because of these people who drive without insurance, the general price of insurance must increase. This strikes me as a vicious circle though, because when you can't afford the insurance because it is too much, you might just make the decision to drive without it, possibly having accidents and pushing it all up further. This is gender-neutral, as well, as I don't know the stats.

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