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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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First things first, neither of these are Mexican wrestlers. Chaobu looks like a Greco-Roman wrestler, and Enbuoo looks like a Chinese brute of sorts (definitely Chinese-inspired)


Needs more of a personality/unique thing. But then I feel like Mexican wrestler (and even normal wrestler) is done already. There's those kinda fat yellow ones from 3rd or 4th gen, the two (judo-y) ones from last gen (fair enough no wrestlers, but yeah...).


The yellow pokémon from 3rd gen are Sumo Wrestlers.


And Mexican wrestlers are known for being quick and flashy. Surely an electric type would work?





*dies* This is just amazing!


As for you art style, you should keep doing your thing. Why copy someone else's style for the sake of it? The best fanarts make their own style, they don't copy others in an attempt to please the audience.

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Hmm..I'm getting a bit addicted to this now! Updated some of the shading:








Just a tip, to stop them looking so spikey / jagged make sure the line outside the Pokemon never has right angles. Bit hard to explain but really examine the REAL Pokemon sprites up close and look at the line around it.

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Just a tip, to stop them looking so spikey / jagged make sure the line outside the Pokemon never has right angles. Bit hard to explain but really examine the REAL Pokemon sprites up close and look at the line around it.


I see what you mean. How's this?


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I'm ditching the Mexican Wrestlers. I've tried to design them a number of times and now when I open up Flash to try and draw them it starts to feel like a chore, like work, and that's what this project was never supposed to be. So GONE!


However, that does mean I now have 2 spaces on the list. The best suggestion will get it! It cannot be a baby/evo of a current Pokemon, must be a Pokemon and one evolution.


It needs to be able to be alongside Maraket and Marattler.

It doesn't need to be "Mexican" but it needs to feel like it's from somewhere outside of Europe. There's a part in this hypothetical game where a crate from a ship is found and you can chose a Pokemon from it. One is from "Mexico" and the other one can be, like a Pinata pokemon or something like that, but it could be from somewhere else. Just say.



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Llama? Alpaca? Vicuña?


Oooh a capybara? Have a guinea pig evolve into one of those.


Orrrrr a flying squirrel. Or a chinchilla.



I don't know. =P


I like the idea of doing a Llama... maybe mixing in the Pinata idea.


Flying squirrel's been done in Black and White and the guinea pig Pokemon I've already designed http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/jekyllig

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I like the idea of doing a Llama... maybe mixing in the Pinata idea.


Flying squirrel's been done in Black and White and the guinea pig Pokemon I've already designed http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/jekyllig


Ah yeah, forgot about test subject Pokémon.


And flying squirrel? Ooooh. I need to update myself on the Pokémon that exist out there heh. I've been left behind with the first 151. =P


Red pandas are amazing! Some of my favourite animals out there!


Also, do snow leopard pokémon already exist? It's such a beautiful animal.

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How about a Samba-based Pokémon? The Tambourine would offer a nice contrast with the Maracas.








And, of course, there are plenty of Brazillian/Amazonian animals, if you really need to base it off a local animal.


Ha ha! Great pictures! And a really really good idea. I might look towards instruments to balance with Marattler.


Oh lions, there aren't any lions.


Good point! I can only think of Persian when I try to think up any Big Cat Pokemon.

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Hm? Why a milipede in particular? I don't think there are insects in Antarctica (of course, I could be wrong)


It was a Pokemon research lab that was setup in Antarctica to see if they could find the origins of Pobearian, and with them they took various other Pokemon to see how they were effected by the conditions. Their wish was granted when they found a group of Pobearians...however they attacked the research lab and the Pokemon inside had to build a home in Antarctica. One of the only remaining Pokemon to survive was a bug type Pokemon, and after decades of living in the harsh conditions it is now an Ice/Bug type.


Don't know how it found its way inside a crate though. :p

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