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My Fake Pokémon Bring All the Nerds 2 the Yard & They're Like "Its Better than Ninty"


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Hmm, I just feel like it looks like a Cubone evolution, rather than a Marowak one. I remember you said you loved Cubone and hated Marowak though.


I had something more like this in my head as a Marowak evo (ok...done in 5 mins on GIMP with a trackpad... :p).



Don't think this is me trying to "change" your designs or anything...just what I'd envision a Marowak evo to be like. Yours reminds me more of Cubone...almost as though it should be the male equivalent to the "female" Marowak. Or something. :)

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The reason why Femury looks more like Cubone is that I LIKE Cubone more and have said many times that I don't like Marowak. That is why I didn't make it look more like Marowak and brought it back to what makes Cubone so awesome, and took away everything that makes Marowak so lame.


Also I thought you might like to see close ups of my drawings for old Pokemon.



Edited by Hamishmash
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: peace: Why do you hate Marowak so much, lol?! Considering it's relatively similar in design to Cubone. :p


I don't even know but I remember almost being in tears when I played the original and my Cubone (called Pugsly after my dead guinea pig) evolved. It lost all of its charm! Cubone was my favourite.


I know Pokemon all evolve into less cute things, but Marowak just looks like bad concept art for Cubone... it's got no personality or anything... urgh!


It's mainly just due to my love for Cubone... like how someone might hate one album by a band JUST because of how much they love another one.

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Oh shit... Pokemon Black and White are so good. I love all the new Pokemon! I've never really been one to badmouth Nintendo's Pokemon... I only design my Pokemon cos I love Nintendo's so much.


But it has given me some new ideas... but I wanna design some more trainers. Like my own take on Youngster, Bug Catcher and Lass. :P

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I came just to post the realisation that Okapipako is a palindrome and my shock and lack or realising it before, and further expression of amazement at just how much you think about these things.


EDIT: Thouuuuuugh...I realise it took inspiration from another pokemon/is evolution based off of it, and it has the same ol' trickery, so I take back a little of my praise.

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I came just to post the realisation that Okapipako is a palindrome and my shock and lack or realising it before, and further expression of amazement at just how much you think about these things.


EDIT: Thouuuuuugh...I realise it took inspiration from another pokemon/is evolution based off of it, and it has the same ol' trickery, so I take back a little of my praise.


I'm glad it doesn't sound forced. I was pleased with myself with that name because it does use the same trick as Giraf-farig but sounds unique and like a normal name. Okapi-ipako




BLOG ENTRY - http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/dunsprise

DEVIANT ART - http://spune.deviantart.com/#/d3b1dky



Dunsprise evolves from Dunsparce at Level 45.


Scientists are currently trying to work out why it has taken so long for Dunsprise to be discovered, seeing as only that needs to be done is to train a Dunsparce to Level 45…


The first theory is that Dunsparce only evolves like this in the Urion region. Other pokémon have been known only to evolve in certain regions.


However, another theory is that simply - nobody has ever bothered to train a Dunsparce to that level!


Anyway - Dunsprise is a formidable foe and is very improbable in other ways. It is incredibly heavy, and its belly is always on the ground. It never uses its feet, inside it uses its wings to hop/slide about. However, it can be taught FLY, and soar to great heights sometimes.

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Thanks guys!




BLOG ENTRY: Ratwire Ratiktok

ART LINK: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/050-Ratwire-051-Ratiktok-200009069




Ratwire are found in large numbers, chewing through the wires in power stations and sucking on the sweet, sweet electricity.


They were named the “Tin Toy Pokémon” but there feral nature would make them the very LAST thing you’d give a child! They were originally called “The Electric Mouse Pokémon” … but this sometimes caused confusion, when little children were given a ferocious Ratwire to play with instead of the lovable Pikachu.




Ratiktok drain whole streets of electricity in order to keep turning their keys turning. It is rumoured that if they ever stopped, they could die.


Ratiktok swarms can be heard from a mile away - the huge noise of cogs and clocks ticking is how they’re usually described.

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My tablet is being really wonky at the moment so I can't draw on the computer :/ So Fakemon will be on a mini-hiatus while I get this fixed.




Pokemon are often seen carrying stuff - Kadabra and his spoons, Farfetch'd and his leek... or wear clothes even in the wild!


I had this idea for a Poltergeist Pokemon and it'd look like this transparent white teddybear thing (a bit like the Adipose from Doctor Who?) holding up a chair - and it's evolution would have possibly a table or something... do you think that's alright? Having a wild pokemon have a CHAIR. Compared to others it's no where near as nutty...but still...

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Very true guys. Right! Well I still don't have a working drawing tablet. Going for an Apple Store consolation thingy on Friday and I'll look on eBay or somewhere for cheap replacements.


All I can do now is just give you some spoilers:


Gonna give Ghazeon and Ghizero slight redesigns... mainly on Ghazeon... just gonna make him more box-art-worthy

So... a couple of poltergeist pokemon coming up.

We also have the legendary phantoms - Banshein, Psyzwei, Shadrei

This gen's cutesy wootsy - Pooky

Some Mexica wrestler pokemon - Macho and Hunka

Pokemon you can get from the Hunter Fossil and the Predator Fossil.

The pseudo-legendaries (Dragonite, Tyrannitar) - Spinocyphur (think... Jurassic Park 3...)

This gen's "go along to Toys-R-Us to download" - Attom

And... Mewzero... and a nameless one known as The Last Pokemon...


We also have the remaining GYM LEADERS (Mr. & Mrs. Moss, Captain Sparks, Charity, Edith/Lissa/Daria)


The Elite Four (Ben/Oli, Elly, David, Namdi) and of course... the Champion... who has a very high-level Pikachu...


Also, once you defeat the Champion a new set of even tougher Elite Fours open up... and you might be able to guess who they comprise of when I say the first are


Kanto Heroes



That's right... Imma gonna be drawing Brock, Misty and the lot in my style and in new costumes! Hells yeah!

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BLOG LINK: http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/poltorb http://urionpokedex.tumblr.com/tagged/tablogeist

deviantART LINK: http://spune.deviantart.com/art/052-Poltorb-53-Tablogeist-200553826



Poltorbs are known for being incredibly lonely Pokémon. They like to sneak into nurseries and kindergartens to play games with the children, but they tend to all run away when their toys start floating.


When Poltorbs are about, the room temperature drops significantly. They were only discovered after Pokémon Professors such as myself used special goggles to observe these cold spots.



Tablogeists like nothing more than to find old, abandoned houses and “play families” in them. They pretend to have children and cook for them, and then pretend to read in the rocking chair. While this is clearly partly for entertainment, it is probably mostly due to loneliness. People stay away from these houses, hearing all the racket and seeing all the floating objects inside.


Sometimes, Tablogeists have been known to give people frost bite when they’ve accidentally walked through them.

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