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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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Just watched The Hub.




I'm too stunned.


Too much is done. Too much is said, this episode. Too much. I'm shaking. Roslin knows. She knows that she has blood encrusted into the lines of her hands. She knows.


The power of God is too massive. The power of faith. 8's world is breaking apart. Helo's world is breaking apart. Everyone's faith is shifting. Fuuuuuuck.


I love D'Anna's stunning use of Outwit. My favourite character. The best character.


"Permanent Death. It makes this so much more meaningful". Of course.



I just love when things are so obviously Great.

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Just started watching it again, just finished the Pegasus episode set. There are so many unintentionally great moments for people who know all the secrets.


A lot of the GCI looked a bit iffy on Blu-Ray in season 1 (in particular, the centurions were terrible) but it looks fantastic from Season 2 onwards.

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"Think about the people of this fleet, and surrender."















I've never believed anything more. I'm so terrified.

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I love how


when D'Anna sees the Final 5, she says "You're so beautiful". Presumably directed at Ellen (standing in the middle (of course)).


A really uncliched reaction. Since, she looks great for her age, and it's only because Trish is hogging all the limelight that we don't really register.




I likeitlikeit.


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My college is revamping its DVD library, and they're asking for nominations for films/DVDs. I've nominated the Battlestar Galactica Miniseries. Other people are nominating whole boxed sets, but it feels somewhat more stunning to just have the first episode, because it's such a great introduction, and people can invest on their own terms if they're captivated.


If it fails, thinking of just spending £5 of my own money buying it for the college.

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One thing that has confused me:


Why didn't they just live on Kobol? The only reason they couldn't was because the Cylons had occupied it. Surely if they had made a truce, and found they could breed with the Cylons, they could have just moved there, and loved the truth of the Opera House.

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Reading through this thread makes me want to rewatch the show again for the 5th time. :heh:


I'm currently going through a re-watch. I just watched all the New Caprica episodes today. The scene where they release the Vipers is absolutely stunning in HD.

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I'm currently going through a re-watch. I just watched all the New Caprica episodes today. The scene where they release the Vipers is absolutely stunning in HD.


Yeah I got the complete boxset on Bluray, it's bloody awesome in HD on a big screen:D




In some ways it would have more powerful if it had been written in a way such that it was left open-ended.


Really? how so?


I thought the ending was perfect, one of if not my favourite ending to show ever. It ended where you expected it to end from the very first ep, but thought wasn't possible by season 4 but still in a way that was totally unexpected.


the whole, it all really happened "a long time ago" really threw me for a loop anyway as you kinda expected it to have happened in the future or for them to arrive at Earth "today".


Then they did that thing with the end of season 4 (or mid way in season 4 which ever you look at it) with Earth and the 13th Tribe and you're just left wondering both "WTF" and "what do they do now, there's nothing left"



haha, I could type away in depth but I'm actually gonna go pop the mini series on right now. : peace:


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Just finished watching Season 2 Ep "Sacrifice"


Prolly my least favourite ep in the whole show, mainly due to


The death of Billy. Everytime I watch that ep it still upsets me when Billy dies. Didn't like how Dee treated him in the ep either he deserved a bit better... and she didn't even cry for him when he died, too worried about Apollo.


Would have thought they could do more with Billy, develop his character more, maybe even give him a later shot at vice president or president :heh:


Had always hoped actually...

... that Billy would return as one of the final 5 cylons... oddly though I do think had he not died maybe he would have been



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To be fair...


The actor who played Billy apparently wasn't very interested in being on a science fiction show and the showrunners weren't sure if he'd want to come back for season three, so that's probably why they killed him off.


I liked Billy, but killing him off made Roslin even more alone, which I remember thinking served the story really well at that point.


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To be fair...


The actor who played Billy apparently wasn't very interested in being on a science fiction show and the showrunners weren't sure if he'd want to come back for season three, so that's probably why they killed him off.


I liked Billy, but killing him off made Roslin even more alone, which I remember thinking served the story really well at that point.


yeah I just figured that...


I thought it might have been something to do with the actor and was just over at google... googling, haha. The part though about not liking Sci-fi was odd though as he later went on to do Knight Rider... k not full on Sci-Fi but pretty close still.


I don't know, imagine if they kept him on and made him a Cylon, how would Roslin reacted to that? Or if they killed him off later on like on in the first few eps of "season 3" in that "place"



Watching the next ep "The Captains Hand" now, for me this is the point where "Razor" needs to be watched after this ep... debating whether I should stay up late and continue watching... (been watching non-stop since "Black Market" so this is my 4th ep now :))

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I don't know, imagine if they kept him on and made him a Cylon, how would Roslin reacted to that?

Yeah, you can tell they were probably thinking along those lines, as they ended up making what's-her-face a cylon. Roslin's second sidekick. It would have had a bigger impact if it had been Billy instead of some woman no one cared about anyway.


Ah well, I guess it all worked out in the end. :smile:

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Watching the next ep "The Captains Hand" now, for me this is the point where "Razor" needs to be watched after this ep... debating whether I should stay up late and continue watching... (been watching non-stop since "Black Market" so this is my 4th ep now :))


I watched Razor after The Captain's Hand this time round, too.


For me, the most emotional death of the series was


Cally. She was so awesome and cheery. I had a massive crush on her.


Although Billy's death also brings me on the verge of tears.



It says a lot about a show that I dread watching some episodes because I know what happens to the characters and I don't want to go through the loss again.

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Since I seem to have started a discussion on deaths and I started with Billy and mentioned Dee... when she died I was shocked, when I first saw it I nearly choked on whatever I was drinking (prolly coke)... but there was a little bit of me that was a bit happy cuz, as I said I didn't like how she screwed Billy over :heh:


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Dee got exactly what she deserved. She gets no sympathy from me.



Cally got really annoying towards the end (though it was understandable, I guess), but more than her death, I felt her whole situation was tragic. Her and the Chief ending up together just because it was convenient and because, hey - there aren't that many people around anymore, was just sad. :sad:


I thought the most emotional death was Roslin's, though I suppose that's a bit of an obvious choice. It was also a long time coming and ended up being more touching than anything else. Really awesome scene, though.


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Really? how so?


I thought the ending was perfect, one of if not my favourite ending to show ever. It ended where you expected it to end from the very first ep, but thought wasn't possible by season 4 but still in a way that was totally unexpected.


the whole, it all really happened "a long time ago" really threw me for a loop anyway as you kinda expected it to have happened in the future or for them to arrive at Earth "today".


Then they did that thing with the end of season 4 (or mid way in season 4 which ever you look at it) with Earth and the 13th Tribe and you're just left wondering both "WTF" and "what do they do now, there's nothing left"



haha, I could type away in depth but I'm actually gonna go pop the mini series on right now. : peace:


This show pretty much showed me Sci-Fi wasn't a 100% garbage genre afterall and I absolutely love it, but it's pretty much universally considered that the ending was somewhat underwhelming, and I personally agree with it. Mainly due to the poor writing, which I can't understand at all, considering how good it was in every other episode of the show... a bit of a cop out, to say the least.

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This show pretty much showed me Sci-Fi wasn't a 100% garbage genre afterall and I absolutely love it, but it's pretty much universally considered that the ending was somewhat underwhelming, and I personally agree with it. Mainly due to the poor writing, which I can't understand at all, considering how good it was in every other episode of the show... a bit of a cop out, to say the least.


I don't know where the "Universally" comes from, most of the people I know who watch the show think the ending was great. I only started reading/hearing negetive reactions to the ending over a year after it aired. The day after it aired I only remember reading praise online. ::shrug:


I don't see how it's a cop out either...


We always expected it to end at Earth... though less so when they got to the first Earth... which leads to a fair bit of confusion when you first see our Earth appear at the end. The idea of then placing it 150,00 years ago (think that's what it was) was much better than having them arrive in modern times like the original show or in a futuristic Earth. It was also something very unexpected that I don't think anyone considered as a possibility. And it allows for one of the shows basic themes to follow through... that "all of this has happened before and will happen again."


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