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Battlestar Galactica & Caprica


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No, it's more about the events that led to the first Cylon war. Like their creation and change of heart. I'm not sure if the actual war was something they considered doing down the road. Blood and Chrome takes place at the end of that war.


I think the idea was if they had more seasons they would lead to the start of the war...maybe even season 2 could have done that, shame we'll never know.


Blood and Chrome is taking place a bit earlier into the war with Bill Adama being a rookie on his first assignment/tour. Think by the time it ends he's been in it for a few years at least.




also Jay, loving reading your progress, makes me want to watch it all again :D

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No, it's more about the events that led to the first Cylon war. Like their creation and change of heart. I'm not sure if the actual war was something they considered doing down the road. Blood and Chrome takes place at the end of that war.


Yes, it was leading up to the whole "they rebelled" part of the opening lines, leading up to the war.

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Been feeling utterly ill today, so I've blasted through a fair few eps. Currently about to start s03e05.


Fat-Suit Lee is a gem - I can't believe I forgot about that. I'd also forgotten that the whole New Caprica stuff was so tantalisingly teasered with the last ep of s02. Everyone marrying off/having babies was nicely done - it has to be applauded how the show consistently shrinks the soap-opera drama as much as possible so while there's a fair amount of retconning-esque backtracking in some areas (i.e. Lee and D getting it on, with poor, poor Billy getting killed off in favour of CylonLady who does pretty much the same job).


This New Caprica arc is probably where bob felt Baltar is the baddie - I'd semi-forgotten it, with his whole Jesus Episode sticking in my memory the most (that's all 'theatre' stuff/s04 isn't it? I'll find out soon enough) - next episode I'm about to watch will deal with the Collaborators so we'll see. This arc is also where Saul's character is really, really strengthened and his soon-to-appear eyepatch will really cement his bad-assery. I thought they were going to do the whole Ellen-waking-in-slime-bath cylon-reveal immediately, but again misremembered. I also keep trying to remember who the final 5 are and only remembering 4 of them. I know that this is a big plot point with s04 so I'm actually quite chuffed that I've forgotten what is clearly vital stuff!


Last thing to comment on; was this arc filmed with movember in mind, or something? The last ep of s02 and the start of s03 has Adama with a srsly, srsly suspect tache, looking like something out of a bom-chika-wow-wow flick. Saul and Chief both manage excellent beards (with the chief's mysteriously disappearing between episodes) and, thankfully, Adama's tache takes on a more realistic shade of grey (god that phrase is forever tarnished) the ep before he shaves it off.


Starbuck's hair. It grew 2 years worth in one BSG year, then 4 months later it isn't any different. Adama's haircut after he has a shave raises the question - is thinking about hairdressers in space really worth my time?


The answer is no. Onwards, to the next episode!



I like their dating system. s03e05 they sentence Jammer to the ol' airlockeroo "On this, the third day of the second exodus." Masks the whole temporal thang nicely.


Makes you wonder, what world-changing event could possibly occur for us to change our calendars again, if any?


Edited by jayseven
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I like their dating system. s03e05 they sentence Jammer to the ol' airlockeroo "On this' date=' the third day of the second exodus." Masks the whole temporal [i']thang[/i] nicely.


Makes you wonder, what world-changing event could possibly occur for us to change our calendars again, if any?


Is it obvious


On this the 1st day of year 1 AC (after cylon)




...and yeah we'd still forget to start at zero I bet


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Totally forgot how awesome s03's end is. Turns out I've not seen Razor either... perhaps why I had such disdain for the Pegasus arc earlier. I'm not 100% convinced that including Razor on s04 but not including the 'mini-series' beginning to the series on s01 is a mistake... yes, I'm still bitter.


Razoring as we speak! Extending my bed-time to stupid-o-clock.

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Totally forgot how awesome s03's end is. Turns out I've not seen Razor either... perhaps why I had such disdain for the Pegasus arc earlier. I'm not 100% convinced that including Razor on s04 but not including the 'mini-series' beginning to the series on s01 is a mistake... yes' date=' I'm still bitter.


Razoring as we speak! Extending my bed-time to stupid-o-clock.[/quote']


I think end of s03 is my favourite TV. I was sat watching it with my wife, just being amazed at what was unfolding at the end of the episode. My wife tried to talk to me about some plot point and I instinctively shushed her. Normally she'd go mental if I did that. BUT SHE KNEW.

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The season 3 finale is still one of my fav TV moments... especially that last 15mins or so, it just builds and builds and explodes with pure epicness like a TV orgasm.


Even after however many times I've rewatched the show and seen that ep, it still gives me chills and makes my heart beat faster like the first time I saw it :D

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Yeah the first time I was watching it I was just going ".... naaaaaaaa.... Naaaa! NAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!" (in a 'surely not!' kind of chavish way).


Just gotten up to everyone's memorable air-lock scene in s04.


Not other major comments - just

that I'm realising I'd forgotten a fair amount. There just something reallysad about this season. Knowing so much about the cylon fleet "chasing" them (at this point, busy with their own conflict and not really a threat anymore, of course doubly-so with Anders giving them the ol' eye, but still the lack of that any-moment fear leaves the show feeling ... different.


To some extent I do think that the 4 outta 5 cylon arc takes a long time to really reveal anything; we (and the 4 cylons themselves) spend a lot of time simply reacting. I know it all builds up but... I don't really know. I think the final season knows exactly where it's going and there's just something about that which kinda slows the whole show down. But then maybe it's just me watching it, knowing... Maybe it's the fact that Galen was always consistently awesome and I just don't want him to be cylon? Maybe it's knowing that these characters were not written from the start to be cylons so there's always going to be that element of unbelievability about it... Or maybe I just need to finish the episodes before I think too much.



EDIT: Lol I'd forgotten how Lawrence-Llewelyn- Bowen Baltar gets in s04.

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And the final part is here




Very interesting twist at the end I thought. Knew there would be something iffy with your one after teh Cylon stopped on seeing her necklace.


Also, WOOT for Tricia Helfer cameo. I got all excited when I heard the line "are you alive" :D


Really hope they get a full series next (and it is allowed to run to a proper end and not get cut off). Very interested to see where it would go next with this new Cylon Hybrid we saw at the end... like what is it? Is it a hybrid? Or just a robot with a human arm? Why are none of these seen during the 2nd Cylon war? Do the humans even ever get to see these things? (if not that would explain also why no mention of them during BSG and all we see from there were the Centurions)


Oh and the music of the BSG intro theme coming in as Bill got in his Viper for the first time, EPIC moment!





Really REALLY hope they get a full TV green lit for this soon. Would love to see where the story would go and more of young Bill. Maybe even get a cameo from some characters from Caprica to help fill in the gap between the shows. Even just a cameo of Esai Morales as we know that his character at least is still alive (and I think should be for awhile as I think I remember Lee saying he knew his grandfather?).


Have cameos from Zoe and Tamara too would be icying on cake. Don't think Daniel Graystone would appear... I'd imagine after the Cylons fought back, he (as their creator) didn't last long :heh:

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