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Teh King Kong thread!


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Well, the movie has it's World "release" today, but lucky me; i saw it yesterday ^^

It is by far the best movie i have seen in a VERY long time, maybe the best movie i have ever seen. It's long and full of scary shit, and some ******* awsome shit!! I LOVE KÃŒNG KONG!! If you have any doubt you'll go see it, well... drop those doubts and go see the best movie of the century.


... it's better than LotR and Harry Potter. MUCH better.

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Saw it yesterday.

It's really impressive from a technical standpoint, but that's about the only thing that's really good about it. The first half certainly was the better one, it had me glued to my seat with a sense of tension.


After a while the effects of the pretty CG visuals just wears a little thin I'd say. At three hours, the last two almost entirely filled with over the top action, the film was really too long to hold my interest. Much better than ROTS (obviously) but definitly overrated.

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Peter Jackson...story...what are you talking about?

There's very little introduced to the storyline after about half way through, after Kong takes away Ann Darrow.

That's what made the film overlong and boring towards the end.


Crap this film certainly is not, but mindless it most definitly is. It's just a popcorn-film, pure eyecandy but not much else. Peter Jackson undoubtely intended it to be that way, but action for the sake of action isn't my cup of tea.

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Peter Jackson...story...what are you talking about?

There's very little introduced to the storyline after about half way through, after Kong takes away Ann Darrow.

That's what made the film overlong and boring towards the end.


Crap this film certainly is not, but mindless it most definitly is. It's just a popcorn-film, pure eyecandy but not much else. Peter Jackson undoubtely intended it to be that way, but action for the sake of action isn't my cup of tea.


it certianly wasnt mindless action, if it was i dont think i would of given a toss about king kong, but the film reduced me to tears

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Just got back from watching King Kong. Fantastically well made film, the cgi is amazing, the actors were fantastic. The thing that let it down was the fact I knew the story and it dragged on a bit, 3 hours was a bit too long.




Some incredibly funny deaths, when they find the dinosaurs and giant insects.


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