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Things to do in airports


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So here I am at SFO waiting for my flighty home, we're slightly delayed but nothing too bad. I currently have 3 hours to kill though. So far my activities have included:


Lunch with flatmate

Watched some planes take off

Pretended to look at perfume while checking out the ridiculously hot cashier

Priced up some gin

Looked at presents for family


Now I'm in the only bar at the airport drinking some bud light. Anything else I can entertain myself with? What are your favourite airport activities?

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I always just sat around listening to music or playing my DS. I usually was way too tired to do anything else really. =P


Also making about 20 trips to the bathroom before the flight. Not because I'm nervous, travelling just seems to make me need the loo more haha.

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Play hide and seek? ::shrug:


It sounds like it could be fun...


Who's going to come and find me in time for my flight?


Find better beer than Bud Light!!!


Is it bad that i actually quite like it?


I always just sat around listening to music or playing my DS. I usually was way too tired to do anything else really. =P


Also making about 20 trips to the bathroom before the flight. Not because I'm nervous, travelling just seems to make me need the loo more haha.


Damnit I wish i had a ds with me now. Flying is the one time I hate using the bathroom, i always worry we'll hit turbulence while I'm in there and I'll pee all over myself.

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Damnit I wish i had a ds with me now. Flying is the one time I hate using the bathroom' date=' i always worry we'll hit turbulence while I'm in there and I'll pee all over myself.[/quote']


The DS helped me through many longs hours on flights and in airports haha.


As for toilets on planes, I always tried to avoid them. Maybe went once or twice during a transatlantic flight. Just hated having to get up and have people staring at you. And just knowing all those people went to the same toilet many times haha.

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I hate SFO airport, when ever I fly home from there I can never ring my family from the pay phones since the phones won't dial international for some stupid reason.


Last time I was there I sat in the cafe/bar that overlooked the runway and ate expensive chocolate cake and drank a 500ml bottle of coke.


You should hang your head in shame at not bringing your DS as well.

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I hate SFO airport, when ever I fly home from there I can never ring my family from the pay phones since the phones won't dial international for some stupid reason.


Last time I was there I sat in the cafe/bar that overlooked the runway and ate expensive chocolate cake and drank a 500ml bottle of coke.


You should hang your head in shame at not bringing your DS as well.


I'm pretty sure it's my least favourite airport in the world. If I'd have thou about it sooner I could have stolen a 3ds from work. Damnit.


Can't you like read a book or something?


I might well do that, I'll see if there is anything good on ibooks.


Usually when I have time to kill in airports, I draw, write and eat. A lot.


I'm not creative, and I'm pretty full from lunch still. The drinking is going well though.

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Can't you like read a book or something?


If I recall correctly the book selection at SFO is kinda limited. Plus you can never find something that really grabs you when you need a good read.


What about watching something on your laptop/listening to music while updating your facebook/twitter?

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I find I always get too nervous when I'm traveling to do much of anything while in airports. I tend to just sit and watch the news on the TVs they usually have in departure lounges 4chan is also an option if you have Wifi access.


I once spent 15 hours sitting in the departure lounge in the Montreal Airport because my flight was cancelled and the next one was booked solid. I was on my way back from a massive group camping trip, so I didn't have any electronics or books on me. Not only that, but past security (in the domestic part at least), they didn't even have any decent shops (Basically a small cafe, a gift shop, and a convenience store, nothing that sold books or magazines), so all I had was a small magazine I bought before going through security. It was probably the most boring day I've ever had. In the end, they lost my luggage as well.

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