BigTac Posted December 11, 2005 Posted December 11, 2005 I am trying to find out if this is fake or not but it's a good read. This guy is smart in the way he talks. Some of the things he has said actually sounds familiar, so that why I'm wondering if he could be real. Anyway, fake or real here are a few things he has said about development kits: Nintendo gave us many diffrent development kits to work with. We've received many upgrades on both hardware as development tools. Keep in mind however Revolution development is very similiar to Gamecube development. The first "real" development kits we've received from Nintendo actually was a Gamecube development kit with Revolution controller tools/support. That was however, more than one year ago and those development kits have been replaced many times already. Two months ago our studio aswell was still working with a Revolution development kit that had slightly more power than the current xbox. Less than a month ago however, we've again received upgraded development kits. Now I suspect ( no I'm actually positive ) this studio talked with IGN just before Nintendo handed over new development kits. It's also posible by the way, as I'm not sure how big this annonymous studio is, hasn't received the upgraded development kits as of yet. Mostly of the time the "big" studio's receive upgraded development kits a few weeks before the small ones do, because it's not a cheap job to replace development kits every time. The most up to date working Revolution development kit has alot more power than the previous one. I can even confirm to you the newest development kits are the first development kits that includes prototypes of both Hollywood and Broadway. The previous versions didn't have those included.
King_Mushroom Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Though this is all plausible, it certainly reeks of dissapointed nintendo fan trying to make himself feel beter.
MikeMania Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 its kinda hard to tell, because all the things he stated can be drawn from the recent news plus a few false details to smooth out the edges. But he does seem to be developing a game with some pretty descriptive details... who knows...
BigTac Posted December 12, 2005 Author Posted December 12, 2005 Some of the things that he has said along with the timing make me wonder if he might be real or just coincedence. December 1st, sust days before IGN pt up their Revolution page and all the talk about developers leaking out specs is when he makes his first post. And here is some of what he said the first day: After tomorow we developers are free to talk about development of Revolution. So fare we wern't allowed to do so, but we got a go from Nintendo, stating we can talk about Revolution developement in general after tomorow. However, we still aren't allowed to show you screenshots. You shouldn't expect screenshots any day soon as well. Here are some Q&A from his blog: QUESTION: Will you also show content or only annouce the game at E³? ANSWER: No End Soon will be officially announced by a press release before e3 2006. The first content will be shown at e3 2006, whether it’s at our own booth or Nintendo’s one. However it is possible we’ll release a teaser at the same time we officially announce No End Soon, if Nintendo’s policy allows us to at that time. QUESTION: Do you know about the final design of the Rev? Will there be another change beside the size? ANSWER: Nintendo Revolution will look basically the same as the prototypes Nintendo showed at E3 2005. But as you said it will be a little bit smaller and some other very small things have changed you probably even won’t notice. People that have had hand on time with Revolution (like IGN) will notice the difference, but you won’t. Well, keep in mind that’s what we’ve been told. It could always be possible Nintendo decides to make a complete different design, but that’s of course not something you should expect. QUESTION: Is it as easy to develop for the Revolution as we are hearing from IGN,, etc.? ANSWER: If I would speak for my department, audio, yes it is. Now if I listen to other people in my team when they talk about stuff in their department I can say the same thing, yes it is. So bottom line; yes it’s as easy to develop for as IGN, says it is.
BigTac Posted December 12, 2005 Author Posted December 12, 2005 Sorry for double post QUESTION: How long has the game been in development? ANSWER: Uhm, if I would include everything, so let’s say from day one the idea of this game came in mind of some one in the team. I would estimate a month or 3 by now. QUESTION: Are you using a In-house engine for the game? ANSWER: We’re currently using a special for Revolution designed prototype engine, provided by the engineers of Nintendo, which is included in our current development kit. QUESTION: How will No End Soon's graphics compare to next-gen games now like PDZ or Call of Duty 2 on 360? ANSWER: The visuals of No End Soon will be true next-generation visuals. So you can expect at least visuals which are on pare with the games you’ve stated above. QUESTION: When do you think Nintendo will announce the final name? I don't think they could afford to keep that secret for that much longer. ANSWER: I don’t know Nintendo’s exact plans on when they will announce the final name. Only thing I know from the NOE’s which visited us during the meeting, is that Nintendo will announce the final name before E3 2006.
Beanie Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 I've read bits of his blog. Maybe I'm being too critical in saying this, but surely someone who's intelligent enough to create games should know the difference between "there" and "their." And it isn't simply a typo because he's done it a couple of times. But from past experience, I prefer to assume it's false, like the majority of other 'secret developer'/'industry insider' blogs.
Pestneb Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 No End Soon. = NES. 3 months to develop a game, and they'll possibly release a teaser before E3? I imagine a huge team is working on it if its true. but personally I would say a better fake blog, rather than a legit blog. but it is well written if it is fake, keeps speculation plausible
system_error Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Nintendo supplied a complete GFX Engine with the SDK = NO WAY!
mike-zim Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 well there are loads of gramaticle errors in the blog and surely if it were legit he would get it checked before he posted. i hope it is real but i just cant see it personally.
BigTac Posted December 12, 2005 Author Posted December 12, 2005 QUESTION: Are you using a In-house engine for the game? ANSWER: We’re currently using a special for Revolution designed prototype engine, provided by the engineers of Nintendo, which is included in our current development kit. Alright assuming he is real(which I think he is fake) I think he is just reffering to all the talk that Nintendo have some methods for improving graphics with lower specs which Nintendo would also provide to 3rd parties. It's probally not an actual complete graphics engine. And as far as gramaticle errors, there is no need for proof reading it isn't anything official as far as being published or something it's just a blog. Looking at the info there are very few things I think are outright false, but if he really is guessing some of what he says is fact. I think we will find out before the month is over i he is real or not. Apparently he will have another meeting with NoE on Dec.23 I think.
Hellfire Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Meh, it's probably fake, but it's entertaining. Still, it's a big coincidence that he posted that they could reveal info before IGN did.
Guest Stefkov Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 "There’s so incredible much possible with this controller, which wasn’t possible with current generation controllers. " does that make any sense to anyone
Ryz Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 Yes, 'incredible much' sounds a literal translation from ongelooflijk veel, Dutch. Maybe it's a Dutch kid having fun.
DCK Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 You can't expect perfect grammar/spelling from a developer that might not be a native writer, and what he says sounds pretty realistic (and he's made sure that he says 'I'm not a programmer' so he can make errors on the technical side). Still blogs don't sound very convinving to me.
Hellfire Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 I have to admit, it's pretty convincing. It could be Ubisoft, since they're making a FPS and they're french. Not saying that I believe it, but it's more credible than a lot of the "insiders" out there.
BigTac Posted December 14, 2005 Author Posted December 14, 2005 Will you all look at the blog now. He apparently has a partial pic of him holding the revolution controller. He says that he isn't allowed to show the rest of the controller. Maybe it has something to do with the controller secret. Which I heard today that it's a mic on the controller like on the DS. So maybe the controller has a mic so that why he can't show it. I can't tell if the photo is real or not though.
Maverick Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 A yo big tac. I know u know your shizzle, but i dunn told these mother fuckers how the legend of zelda should ship with revolution control. Do you think it would be capable to play twin snakes on revolution with revolutionary controls??? [Added some dotts - Diemetrix]
DiemetriX Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 BigTac said: Will you all look at the blog now. He apparently has a partial pic of him holding the revolution controller. He says that he isn't allowed to show the rest of the controller. Maybe it has something to do with the controller secret. Which I heard today that it's a mic on the controller like on the DS. So maybe the controller has a mic so that why he can't show it. I can't tell if the photo is real or not though. That photo isn't proof at all. I'f I had used a mobile phone to take the picture it would look the same. The blog dosen't scream FAKE. but i never trust blogs. I hope it's trough though.
BigTac Posted December 14, 2005 Author Posted December 14, 2005 I see that a co-worker of mine posted anonymous, after I told him about this blog. He seems to think that the Revolution will have some kind of 3d capabilities. He works works in Japan mostly while I'm in the US. New info comes soon! Oh I can't wait until January - Nintendo to release new info and I have my Ubisoft visit March - EA Redwood City visit ps Fight Night Round 3 looks amazing and plays great.
MikeMania Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 if he really is developing for the rev, he wouldn't be trying so hard to prove it. Why won't they let him take the whole pic of the controller, we've seen it. We know what it looks like even in hi-res pics. If Nintendo are going to let him take a pic of him holding it, might as well be visible and plausible.
DiemetriX Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 BigTac said: ps Fight Night Round 3 looks amazing and plays great. On revo? or xbox360?
Patch Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 I can safely say without shadow of a doubt that that blog is utterly and absolutely 100% fake.
Stabby Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Ryz said: Yes, 'incredible much' sounds a literal translation from ongelooflijk veel, Dutch. Maybe it's a Dutch kid having fun. yes, you're right. I've noticed other mistakes that especially dutch people make. "It's just a shame" (do Americans use the word just that often? because dutch people seem to) "we can't expect all comments to be intelligent ones" (not really a mistake but typical for dutch people) "install some faith in our readers" "there's a big chance" "you can see my hand holding" He always writes were instead of we're, dont instead of don't and wouldnt instead of wouldn't. He doesn't even know when to use a '! A schooled Americain/Britons doesn't make that kind of mistakes. His name (Rebus) sounds pretty dutch too.
Tyson Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 If it was real, which is doubtable, it would probably be the team working on Smash Bros. Scratch that my diddle pigs. Edit: May I also point out, although most of my English skills are self taught, I think the sentance "Yes this would certainly be an entertaining feature to include" should actualy become "Yes, this would certainly be an entertaining feature to include." But then again, who is to say that developers should have good literacy skills?
mike-zim Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 DiemetriX said: That photo isn't proof at all. I'f I had used a mobile phone to take the picture it would look the same. The blog dosen't scream FAKE. but i never trust blogs. I hope it's trough though. wasnt there a link not too long ago about making your own Rev controller out of card board? that is exactly what that pic looks like. this makes me think 100% FAKE ass. entertaining though.
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