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Cataclysm: World of Warcraft


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I know there's a WoW thread but it seems silly to add the biggest expansion Blizzard have ever made for WoW onto that thread, which hardly gets used anyway.


So WoW fans, how are you coping before the big release? Have you stopped playing like me or are you desperately levelling and running through raids like a headless chicken?


What do you think about Cata are you waiting in line at 12am?!


Hell yes I am! :grin:

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I've cut down on playing recently. Got myself decent enough geared but then friends starting leaving the guild and now I find myself guildless. So I've just been doing other stuff whilst waiting for Cata to come out.


I have pre-ordered the Collectors Edition, like I did for Wotlk. Hopefully like Wotlk, Game will get it to me a day before release so I can have it all installed and ready to go as soon as it goes live.

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Is this like a complete reboot of sorts or something? Heard lots of people talking on podcasts like they will have to start again!


Not quite, but they are updating the two original areas of Azeroth (Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms) whilst adding loads of new content, raising the level cap etc.

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I stopped playing a while back now. Getting spammed to go play again though despite my failing protests :heh:


Is this like a complete reboot of sorts or something? Heard lots of people talking on podcasts like they will have to start again!


The original content is getting completely redone, basically, a crap load of stuff is getting revamped.

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I'm thinking about going to the midnight launch. I just want to experience the purest form of nerdism.


I think my Night Elf Hunter is going to be switched to a Goblin. I hardly play it at all, so I'll just use it as a head start for the Goblin. I've been trying to get my Gnome Rogue to 80 in preparation for the new stuff, but it's not going too well.

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I'm thinking about going to the midnight launch. I just want to experience the purest form of nerdism.


I think my Night Elf Hunter is going to be switched to a Goblin. I hardly play it at all, so I'll just use it as a head start for the Goblin. I've been trying to get my Gnome Rogue to 80 in preparation for the new stuff, but it's not going too well.


The purest form is having the game pre-loaded and ready to go when the content goes live. It's mental hundreds of people getting boats or portals to the new places.


Or as I have slipped in a weeks holiday at work to conveniently fit in with the games launch.

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I'm considering getting the CE edition too. I'm hoping that i'll get it before release from work so i'll be ready when it goes live at 11pm :heh: (And doing 25 quest to turn in for easy exp)


If that fails then me and a friend(Zero) will probably go to ASDA and get it. Then a montage will ensue no doubt.

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It's threads like this that make me miss playing WoW. I keep meaning to get back in to it but the problem is right now that there are so many games to play (Rock Band 3, Fallout, Black Ops, Halo Reach, TF2) that I don't think I'll get my subscription fee's worth. That, and I fear that I'll get back in to it only to be disappointed that I'm playing solo again. I can't seem to find a good group of players to settle down with and get going, which is frustrating. The most fun I had playing WoW was with the N-E lot. Fallen Pigeons ftw. :D

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I'd be up for that, although I tend to focus on my main a lot when an expansion hits!


I'm intending on levelling a Worgen at least, but I'd play whatever side you guys were


That'll be the same for me probably. I'll no doubt have montages to 85 with the 80's, then gear-age, then epic adventures from level 1. Hell, friend and I plotted on getting a kettle for our bedroom. Then stack up bottles of water and coffee powder and pot noodles. Hell it was meant for a joke but sounded awesome. But I kinda wanna make a Worgen so i'll be fine with Alliance. Then this whole Christmas thing...


For the Horde...!!


I would but I already have a solid stuff going on my hunter and stuff with my uni friends on another server, it'll be too much for me to keep up with.


Ah well. We shall continue the Pigeons of the Fallen kind in your honour. How is the ol' Hunter doing?

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She's kinda been left behind for now, I spent a lot of time with my newer guild getting stuff through ICC, we managed to get to Lich king but then the guild spilt up because of cata, it's still going but not as busy as it was so hopefully it'll pick back up.


Although my talents are everywhere as are my gems. Boo.


I officially cancelled my subscription today, I really don't play enough to warrant 8.99 so no more WoW until cata comes out.

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I had stopped playing WoW but Cataclysm looks awesome so I'm considering reactivating my account. I only have one character, a Night Elf Druid, but the Worgen's look pretty cool so I'm thinking of making one. I won't rush into it though as I'm rather picky with characters and want to make sure each one is just right before creating them, so will definitely put a lot of thought into it beforehand.

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I'm guessing some sort of pre-Cataclysm event is going on? I started playing only to notice a whole mess of people crowding outside the AH in SW. Something was mentioned about flood water or something. I then got disconnected and couldn't get back on. Balls. Things sure did look frantic/massively overcrowded.

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I'm guessing some sort of pre-Cataclysm event is going on? I started playing only to notice a whole mess of people crowding outside the AH in SW. Something was mentioned about flood water or something. I then got disconnected and couldn't get back on. Balls. Things sure did look frantic/massively overcrowded.


Damnnnn... I was going to hold off renewing until Cataclysm came out, but if shit's going down in Azeroth right now, I might have to renew sooner...

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