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I <3 THE 90s


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No it didn't. Dragon Ball did. Learn your facts.


[/harsh reality]


dragonball itself never took off over here. I believe it had a short run in 1995 but didn't get the audience.

Z then got a short ocean dub run but again the same problem and was cancelled shortly into it.


Didn't get the attention until it appeared on toonami in 1998.. the same year the pokemon anime got localised in the US. So it's highly arguable. I really think pokemon contributed to the eventual success of dragonball z. I personally went through a pokemon phase before dragonball anyway.


I know most people here will testify to the fact that the first anime they ever watched was pokemon.

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Daft already argued this one better than me (although he included stuff like skins as good tv, but whatever :santa: ), but I shall insist further... how do you not mention Seinfeld, which is 3 times the show Frasier was (and that's saying a lot, since Frasier is awesome)? And you actually like Father Ted? Cheap laughs, is all that ever gave us.

That's one of your worst exports, comedy-wise... How can you name the 90's as good when you had gems like Fawlty Towers and Blackadder in the past? And then in the 2000's I won't even bother, coz like Daft said, it really was the decade TV came into it's own.


Red Dwarf is cool, but it's hardly the phenomenal piece of brilliance you brits believe it to be.


And Star Trek? The whole franchise is pretty much a joke that's been taking itself too serious for almost 50 years now (excluding the reboot). It's amazing to me that it's such a benchmark in fiction, when any single given episode of Battlestar Galactica completely obliterates it's archaic narratives.


Game shows? Yeah... right. :blank:

[/harsh reality]


First of all I'm irish. Even father ted was produced by channel 4, generally it's pretty much an irish comedy, Irish writers and actors etc. Our own network stupidy turned it down first.

It's pretty much one of the funniest comedies you can watch actually. But hell that's my opinion.


I'm not really sure where you're going with this. You're giving out to me for thinking the 90's were better and then giving out to me for not arguing my point better( by not mentioning Seinfeld?) :)


To be honest, I'm very big into my cartoons and that WAS my main point when I said tv was better. Probably should have made that clearer because the more I think about it the more I think that Perhaps 2000's were better for actual live-action tv after all :)


Oh and game shows used to be better too.


I WILL defend father ted to the grave though but then again so would any Irishman, so i'm probably biased there :)

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Does anyone remember that kids channel called TCC?




When I was in my very early years, I only had terrestrial TV (BBC1, BBC2, ITV and Channel 4).


At the age of 7 my Dad got a job at Cable (they're called Virgin Media now), which meant I got all the channels (including the Movie channel for free).


When I found these TV channels dedicated to cartoons and kids shows et. al, It was quite a privilege after having put up with boring terrestrial.

Edited by The Lillster
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First of all I'm irish. Even father ted was produced by channel 4, generally it's pretty much an irish comedy, Irish writers and actors etc. Our own network stupidy turned it down first.

It's pretty much one of the funniest comedies you can watch actually. But hell that's my opinion.


Ah, so it's Irish, so maybe that's why it's crap (joking, obvs... I love your country). You should stick to bragging 'bout your writers. =D

Seriously, biggest disappointment I've ever had. I always loved britcom and when some people recommended that to me, I watched (or shall I say, suffered) the first two seasons, only to realise that no, it wasn't gonna get better. You know what it reminds me of? That gimmick based-comedy that is made fun of on Extras. I seriously do not understand why some people even come close to loving it. Allo Allo I can understand, even if I personally don't like it, it does has it's merits, however, Father Ted is just terrible in every single way.


I'm not really sure where you're going with this. You're giving out to me for thinking the 90's were better and then giving out to me for not arguing my point better( by not mentioning Seinfeld?) :)


Because I think that if you really wanted to make people think 90's TV was all that good, you should have mentioned Seinfeld, Absolutely Fabulous and Vicar Of Dibley, instead of Frasier and Father Ted. Not only were you wrong about 90's being the best for TV, you argued for it in a feeble way. :heh:


To be honest, I'm very big into my cartoons and that WAS my main point when I said tv was better. Probably should have made that clearer because the more I think about it the more I think that Perhaps 2000's were better for actual live-action tv after all :)


Oh and game shows used to be better too.


Fair enough. Although game shows were NEVER good. EVER.


I WILL defend father ted to the grave though but then again so would any Irishman, so i'm probably biased there :)


Why????? :(

Actually, now that you mention it, I know 4 Irish guys living over here, and one of them really hates Father Ted, which caused quite a humorous discussion when I brought it up. But then again he's the only one out of the 4 who likes James Joyce, so it figures, ah! :D

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haha ok that's your opinion, you're in a vast minority there though. Wow i've heard arguments between Star trek original series, Next generation and DS9 but never had voyager been lumped in there before.

On contrare mon frere. You do not know the extent of this pr0 opinion network. Voyager both pisses AND shits on Deep Space Nine.

Game shows? Yeah... right. :blank:

Fuck off.


I think I've made my point.



Silliness aside.


ReZ, while I love thy talk, please, for the love of everything crispy, stop using "doth" wrong! :shakehead

I'm just enjoying that it fucked his text colour over.

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On contrare mon frere. You do not know the extent of this pr0 opinion network. Voyager both pisses AND shits on Deep Space Nine.


Agreed on big break :D.

but I just cannot understand why anyone would prefer Voyager to Deep space nine.


DS9 is a completely different style show to the rest of the star trek series.


As usual though it takes about 4 seasons for it to REALLY take off. You HAVE to watch it from the start though unlike the others. There was a LOT of 2 or 3 parters and one would not have a CLUE what was going on if you joined in late on.


It had the dominion war as well and it's by far the darkest star trek series and the effects were top-notch! Sisko as a captain was sort of more ruthless than the others and led to a more action packed series. Just because Voyager was shown more and more accessible doesn't mean it was better.


Find it hard to believe that ye praise Battlestar so highly but shit on deep space 9. Same brain behind both and has a lot of similarities :)


I'll try not to keep banging on about it. This would be my order though.



Next generation


Original series



never watched the animated series.

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