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Rhythm Paradise Wii


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for one thing, not being portable like the last one means it's not as easy to just switch it on and have a go


Same here. Had a 2-3 hour session last night with the game, but I hadn't played since Sunday afternoon, simply because I couldn't be bothered to switch on the Wii :indeed:


Are you guys playing with the Japanese or English soundtrack?


Japanese soundtrack if it's a full on song, English soundtrack if it's just vocal shouts and commands.


So what're everybody's favourite and least favourite games?


Love the majority of the games, but the few I dislike are :-


Screwbot Factory


Monkey Watch

Love Rap

Tap Troupe


Find them boring or just don't like the rhythm.


On the subjest of dislikes, it annoy's me that there's no option to restart a game in the pause menu, and even though I knew it was coming, I was disappointed that out of the 12 '2nd round/after credits' games, only a quarter offered any real gamesplay changes. I had hoped we'd still be seeing new and original offerings right up to Remix 10. Put the likes of Karate Man 2, Packing Pests 2 etc in the Extra Games section next time , or offer a Hard mode.


Anyone else enjoying the Endless Game, Munchy Monk? It's suprisingly addictive, and has great rhythm and gameplay unlike the others. Take it there's some good stuff to unlock in Extra Games too? Only got 24 medals at the mo, so will improve that later on today

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In terms of the games themselves, the only one that disappointed me was Screwbot Factory (AKA Fillbots clone)


It's almost identical in every single way to Fillbots from the DS game and it starts the game off on a rather sour note. Thankfully that feeling goes away quickly :D


Oh and Packing Pests/Packing Pests 2 are my favourites of the bunch. Dat music! :D

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How's everyone doing with the Perfect campaign?

I've got 13 to go... :bouncy:


Are you guys playing with the Japanese or English soundtrack?

I have checked out the English dub (since getting all the medals) but just as I expected, it's nasty. :woops:

The songs are pretty much unbearable for me in English! :shakehead

Flipper-Flop, Ringside and the other less vocal tracks are OK, but I just can't handle the cheese on stuff like this:



So much better not being able to understand it:



So yeah, I'm very glad that we got the option for original audio in the PAL version.


So what're everybody's favourite and least favourite games?


My faves:


Least favourite?... Does not compute. :heh:

Actually I'm not that keen on

for some reason. :hmm:



Anyone else enjoying the Endless Game, Munchy Monk?
Only had a couple of goes on that one so far. I prefer the 2P endless games...


Kung-Fu Ball:


Bossa Nova:

...they're great fun to play solo, seriously addictive too. icon14.gif


Take it there's some good stuff to unlock in Extra Games too?
Yeah, some games from the GBA version of Rhythm Tengoku, remastered for Wii!

It was nice playing them with improved audio/visual quality, almost seems like HD having played them so much on the GBA. :D

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Just perfected the two Love Raps this evening, as well as Remix 5 and Karate Man. There were lots more than that that I didn't manage in today's play session though - a mixture of my own silly mistakes and bits where I must have been a fraction of a second off. I really wish that, once you got 50 medals, you could have as many attempts at perfect on whichever games you wanted. I'd like to be able to choose which ones I played, but I just feel as though I'm being told what to do by the game a bit too much. Exactly the same as the DS one, I know, but it's just bothering me more in this one.


Awesome sig by the way, RedShell! Thanks for at least giving me a few days with the best Rhythm Paradise sig on the forum. ;)

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Just perfected the two Love Raps this evening
Same here, in fact I just had the most epic session on this. It involved perfecting both Donk-Donk and Remix 10!! :awesome: :yay:




I swear, I almost passed out after Remix 10. :o It was on the last of the 3 attempts, when I got to the final moments of it, the pressure was just immense. I could see the little flashing P in the top left of the TV screen out of the corner of my eye, knowing that 1 little mistake would end it all. :heh: Managed to hold my nerve though and got the Perfect.

So relieved... So happy. :hehe:


With that and Donk-Donk now done, I'm on the homestretch.

Only 5 left to perfect, they are:


Monkey Watch (Almost did this tonight, failed right on the last beat though. :rolleyes:)

Cheer Readers (The only game that I've never even been given the chance to Perfect.)

Remix 8 (Had quite a few chances at this one, always caught me out so far)

Screwbot Factory 2 (another game that I've failed on the final beat. So close, yet so far. :grin:)

Figure Fighter 2 (damn those first punches! :laughing: Oh well, better to fail right at the start, than the end.)

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:o Wow, you'll have 50 perfects this time tomorrow, I bet! I think I've only got around 20 so far. Not sure I can see myself getting Remix 10 - even if, by some fluke, I can nearly get to the end, Night Walk will always scupper me - I've never been able to get all of the beats in that one.
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:o Wow, you'll have 50 perfects this time tomorrow, I bet!
That was a good bet to make...







Here's how the final 5 went down:


Figure Fighter 2

Screwbot Factory 2

Cheer Readers

Remix 8

Monkey Watch


Yep, Monkey Watch was my final perfect. :heh:

And at one point it seemed like I was going to have serious trouble there for a while too. :o Despite not really finding that stage particularly difficult, the final section of it (when the music fades out) is pretty tricky on a perfect run. Even more so when it's your last perfect to get. :shakehead

Kept it together though, and finally made it. :awesome:


Noticed the dog appearing in the Café icon afterwards, went to check it out and was greeted with news of...


a new game in the endless section!

Endless Remix. :)




This thing is ridiculous though! A completely new rhythm game (2 girls playing basketball), new music, and absolutely no practice or explanation how to play!!!! :blank:

I was stuck on 0 points for ages, before I realised that it required A+B together in order to catch the ball. :blush:

Then I was continually stuck on 4 points in the next section (involving a frog) before discovering that holding down and releasing A was how you made him jump. :indeed:


Then it started chucking in other endless games like Munchy Monk, which helped. Managed to get up to 130 points on my last attempt. I only came across one other brand new section (which involved eating a fly as a chameleon :hehe:) during my play, not sure if there will be any more, or if it just repeats those ones. ::shrug:

...But anyway, a nice surprise. Not to mention a fiendish way to end the game. :laughing:


Here's my current playtime:




Keep in mind that includes playing 2P, Endless Games, Rhythm Toys, checking out the Café every so often to listen to music/read stuff, and playing through on another game file which also has 50 medals. :D

Yep... I love this game quite a bit. :heart:


I'll be getting my rhythm on with my girl soon now.
Good stuff, you're gonna have a blast. Be sure to check out the 2P versions of the games too. ;)


Flock Step, Bossa Nova and Hole in One 2 perfected this morning, but failed about another ten, including Remix 3, Air Rally, Karate Man 2 and Packing Pests 2..
Keep going, Mike!

I'm cheering for ya...


:yay:"Hey! You Can Do!" :yay:

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46 Medals get. Struggling on Love Rap 2 and a few of the Remixes, but I know I can do them. Monkey Watch though....that's another story. It's the one game I truly suck at. Anyone got any tips?



Yeah, some games from the GBA version of Rhythm Tengoku, remastered for Wii!

It was nice playing them with improved audio/visual quality, almost seems like HD having played them so much on the GBA. :D


Pretty fun games, and each was quite unique. Simple, but that was expected seeing as the game only used the one button. Do you think we'll see the GBA game on the eShop someday? Would love to play it.


Yep... I love this game quite a bit. :heart:



Best game in the series then?

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Pretty fun games, and each was quite unique. Simple, but that was expected seeing as the game only used the one button. Do you think we'll see the GBA game on the eShop someday? Would love to play it.


Damn, I was looking for that game a few days back, but it sure is rare.


I believe I found it on eBay for quite a sum o' coins.


Would love to see it on the eShop VC, but who knows when that'll happen.

I mean, NINTENDO hasn't even uploaded any GBA games apart from the Ambassador program.

They probably figure that the ambassadors are the only ones who give a crap.


Well we give a crap NINTENDO and we want MORE!!!




Anyway, if all goes well, I could be playing this the day after tomorrow.

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46 Medals get. Struggling on Love Rap 2 and a few of the Remixes, but I know I can do them. Monkey Watch though....that's another story. It's the one game I truly suck at. Anyone got any tips?
Best tip I can give you is the one that the game itself gives, which is to relax. :hehe:

Seems weird, but it really does make all the difference, especially when going for perfects. Yeah, easier said than done, but give it a go.


Try not to think too much either. :heh: Another strange tip, but seriously, the moment you start to think about being precise with your timing, is likely to be the same moment that you make a mistake.

To quote the great Bruce Lee:

"Don't think!... Feeeeeel!"


If relaxing and not thinking both fail, then the final tip (to be used as a last resort) is to play with your eyes closed/look away from the screen. This forces you to focus on the rhythm and can help with any distractions that the visuals might be chucking your way too. ;)


Pretty fun games, and each was quite unique. Simple, but that was expected seeing as the game only used the one button. Do you think we'll see the GBA game on the eShop someday? Would love to play it.
Actually there are a few games in the GBA version that use the B button and the D-Pad. But yeah, the majority is played using just the A button.


As for seeing it on the eShop, well I very much hope that we do. There's absolutely no way that Nintendo will ever localise it though (at least not fully), so it would have to be part of a Hanabi Festival. :blank:


Best game in the series then?
Oooo, now that's a tough one... Really tough... :shakehead

Nope. For me it's just too close between all 3 games to call any one of them the best in the series, I love them all equally. :love:


Damn, I was looking for that game a few days back, but it sure is rare.


I believe I found it on eBay for quite a sum o' coins.

Indeed, be prepared to splash out if you want to get hold of it, you'll be lucky to find a copy for under 60 Euro these days.


But anyway, just enjoy Beat the Beat for now.

I'll keep my eyes peeled for any potential Rhythm Tengoku deals too, and will let you know if I find any.

: peace:

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Had a good session on this tonight, getting some 'easy' perfects as well as some that had been troubling me for a while, like Flipper-Flop and Air Rally (a tense moment, as my cat descided to jump on my lap and start sniffing my hand halfway through my final chance!). Just ten to go now:


Working Dough I despise this one. Too long, boring, and I rarely feel like I've done anything wrong when it says I've missed a beat! I've got very close to the end a few times, but never made it.

Figure Fighter Just not had many chances to perfect this one. Shouldn't be too difficult.

3rd Remix I like the song on this, but it's usually the Working Dough and Air Rally segments where I mess up. I'll get it one day!

4th Remix Not had many chances. A few difficult changes between segments, but I'll get it eventually.

Samurai Slice 2 I like the Samurai Slice ones, but they're a bit too strict, IMO. Can't do anything other than keep on trying and hope for the best.

Working Dough 2 Hate hate hate...

8th Remix Great song, but the Samurai Slice and Working Dough segments are tough. The speed doesn't make things easy either..

9th Remix Another difficult one because of the speed. At least with this one when I mess up, I know it's my fault!

Karate Man 2 I like this one, but I often mess up the 'Huh?' part, or if not, some other random place. Just a matter of time 'til I get it right.

10th Remix It'll be a miracle if I crack this. I've never got the Night Walk segment right, but that's not usually the problem, as I usually screw up the shrimps right at the beginning anyway!

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Had a good session on this tonight, getting some 'easy' perfects as well as some that had been troubling me for a while, like Flipper-Flop and Air Rally (a tense moment, as my cat descided to jump on my lap and start sniffing my hand halfway through my final chance!). Just ten to go now:
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Quality. :grin:

Good job for still making the Perfect with that distraction too. :bowdown:


Working Dough I despise this one. Too long, boring, and I rarely feel like I've done anything wrong when it says I've missed a beat! I've got very close to the end a few times, but never made it.

Working Dough 2 Hate hate hate...

Hehehe. :hehe: I wasn't a massive fan of the Working Dough games either really, although the Mr. Game & Watch cameo is cool. :awesome:


10th Remix It'll be a miracle if I crack this. I've never got the Night Walk segment right, but that's not usually the problem, as I usually screw up the shrimps right at the beginning anyway!
Yeah, the Night Walk segment on Remix 10 is insanely fast. :o

:idea: You should do a few practice runs on the credits before taking on Remix 10, see if that helps.


Did anyone get one of these?
Nope. Hadn't even seen it until just now.

I wonder if it has extended versions, like the Rhythm Tengoku soundtrack did. :blank:

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My (Year 5) class usually has Music on Wednesday afternoons, so I took this in today as an end of term treat. Everyone had a go on one game - I recommended some of the easier ones, like Hole in One, Ringside, and Double Date. Utterly hilarious - there were about three OKs, and the rest were Try Agains. Thank heavens it's not actually on the curriculum. ;)

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My (Year 5) class usually has Music on Wednesday afternoons, so I took this in today as an end of term treat. Everyone had a go on one game - I recommended some of the easier ones, like Hole in One, Ringside, and Double Date. Utterly hilarious - there were about three OKs, and the rest were Try Agains. Thank heavens it's not actually on the curriculum. ;)
You should have stuck them on Remix 10. :heh:
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My (Year 5) class usually has Music on Wednesday afternoons, so I took this in today as an end of term treat. Everyone had a go on one game - I recommended some of the easier ones, like Hole in One, Ringside, and Double Date. Utterly hilarious - there were about three OKs, and the rest were Try Agains. Thank heavens it's not actually on the curriculum. ;)


No black kids in your class then?

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Got it yesterday and played through a good few tracks.


One thing I noticed is that more rhythm games are definitely longer rather than short.


Having a blast though :D

What Remix are you up to now, Fused King?

And what's your favourite stage so far?

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What Remix are you up to now, Fused King?

And what's your favourite stage so far?


I believe I just passed remix 8.


My favourite would have to go to the Samurai Rhythm games. That stuff is just so epic :D


I noticed that they're really trying to create a rhythm universe here, which makes me hope we will one day see something grand regarding this franchise.


I also noticed the Space Bunnies from Orbulon in one track.


WarioWare X Rhythm Paradise = FUCK YEAH!


Wario could do with some flipper rolls :D

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