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Rhythm Paradise Wii


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I should have this by tomorrow, fingers crossed. :)

@Mike did you get your review copy?


(oh and play in English before trying out Japanese. US English dub >>>>>> JPN version in this case!)
From what I heard of the English dub on RP and also what I've heard of this one online, I very much doubt that somehow. :hehe:

I will check out the English dub, but after playing through it with the original. ;)

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I should have this by tomorrow, fingers crossed. :)

@Mike did you get your review copy?



Nope, don't know where it's got to. :( I must stop getting my hopes up when they promise review copies will be with me on a certain day...

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I've played both dubs and the only song IMO that's better in English is the Wrestling song.


What Nintendo should've done is have an option to toggle between English and Japanese for each individual song so everyone would be happy.

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My copy arrived today! :yay:

Just had an awesome first play, over 4 hours on the trot :bouncy::




Was difficult to stop, but I'm playing via my 5.1 setup at full blast (sounds absolutely incredible :cool:) which is a bit too loud now. :heh:


My progress so far, (a few Perfects under my belt already. :D):



My God this game was worth the wait. :)

Just as with Rhythm Tengoku and Rhythm Tengoku Gold, I've been smiling like a maniac the entire time. This series is pure happiness. :love:

Loving all the little references to the previous RT games as well, especially the GBA one.


Ugh, Monkey Watch is brutally hard :nono:
Trickiest one for me so far has been Air Rally. The imagery is so distracting on that game, had to play it with my eyes closed in the end! :laughing:


Well, I'm about ready to pass out after that initial session, can't wait to get stuck in again tomorrow...


My Wii collection is finally complete. And what a way to end it...

Perfect! ;)


: peace:

Edited by RedShell
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So I picked up the EU copy of the game and then... My wii remote's batteries died during the rhythm test! :cry: That test is like the worst thing about this game and I've done it 3 times already, twice on the Japanese edition and once on the American.

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Got this today, and have done the first seven games so far. As expected, I'm enjoying it, but don't think much of the actual music. Then again, I thought the same about the DS one first, but ended up loving it! So far it's been pretty easy, apart from the tambourine one, which I really struggled with, and the office chair one, which is where I got my first 'Try Again' - all the the rest were Superbs. Looking forward to cracking on with it again later! :)

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Just been playing the 2P games...


...on my own. :laughing:

That sounds sad, but it's actually incredibly fun! :D


That test is like the worst thing about this game and I've done it 3 times already, twice on the Japanese edition and once on the American.
Hehehe! I liked it, because it brought back memories of the GBA game. :love: They should have made it skippable though, yeah.


Got this today, and have done the first seven games so far. As expected, I'm enjoying it, but don't think much of the actual music. Then again, I thought the same about the DS one first, but ended up loving it! So far it's been pretty easy, apart from the tambourine one, which I really struggled with, and the office chair one, which is where I got my first 'Try Again' - all the the rest were Superbs. Looking forward to cracking on with it again later! :)
Glad your copy finally showed up. :yay:


I get what you're saying about the music, kind of felt the same at first. But yeah, after a while they do start to get catchy. :grin:

I don't think the music is quite up to the standard of the other games, but it's still great. :smile:


Bossa Nova is just heavenly... :love:



So much fun to play too. :bouncy:

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So I picked up the EU copy of the game and then... My wii remote's batteries died during the rhythm test! :cry: That test is like the worst thing about this game and I've done it 3 times already, twice on the Japanese edition and once on the American.


Lol, I got annoyed doing it once, just wanted to play the game. At least it doesn't try to force you to it perfect ;)

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Up to the 7th remix now, and it's definitely getting harder - I'm getting fewer medals and more Try Agains! Also only managed to get three Perfects so far, and despite being offered the chance twice for Monkey Watch, still haven't made that one. I never found it difficult at all - until the music cuts out at the end, which is where I'm continually screwing it up!

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New sig and avatar! :D
Lovely. :bowdown:


Up to the 7th remix now, and it's definitely getting harder - I'm getting fewer medals and more Try Agains! Also only managed to get three Perfects so far, and despite being offered the chance twice for Monkey Watch, still haven't made that one. I never found it difficult at all - until the music cuts out at the end, which is where I'm continually screwing it up!
I just did Remix 7 today. Been a bit of a hectic one for me this weekend, so not as much time to spend on this game as I'd have liked. :sad:


Anyway, my progress so far:

Flow = 116

Medals = 35

Perfects = 10


Looks like now it's on to the tougher clones of earlier mini-games and the old school GBA games! :wink:

Loved how the credits used a mini-game from the original RT too. :grin:


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Haven't played a rhythm game like this before, also my first in the Rhythm Series, and I love it! I just played up to the pigs in the meeting. So far I got 3 superb's and the rest OK's...I'm finding them a bit hard, but I'll be spending some more time with this today.

Favourite rhythm game has to be the see-saw one.

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All Medals GET!! :yay:


The stats so far:

Flow = 134

Medals = 50

Perfects = 20


30 Perfects to go... :)

I'm already having nightmares about perfecting Remix 10. That stage is insane! :o...


...Talk about crazy, it chucks pretty much everything at you, and at an incredible pace. Major LOL at the rhythm test even being a part of it too. :laughing:

I tell you what though, the satisfaction of achieving perfects is just as immense as ever. Did Karate Man today, and my heart rate was through the roof at the end of it! :heh: So exhilarating. :bouncy:


Anyone else get the image ghosting? It's easiest to tell on the Screwbot game.
A tiny bit, yeah. Although funnily enough I never really noticed it on Screwbot. :blank:


Haven't played a rhythm game like this before, also my first in the Rhythm Series, and I love it! I just played up to the pigs in the meeting. So far I got 3 superb's and the rest OK's...I'm finding them a bit hard, but I'll be spending some more time with this today.

Favourite rhythm game has to be the see-saw one.

Nice one, -Dem0-! :bowdown:

Oh man, you're in for a treat. :awesome:

And hey, if you enjoy this game, be sure to try and pick up the DS version at some point. Last time I checked it was going for ludicrously cheap, like a fiver or something. :o

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Nice one, -Dem0-! :bowdown:

Oh man, you're in for a treat. :awesome:

And hey, if you enjoy this game, be sure to try and pick up the DS version at some point. Last time I checked it was going for ludicrously cheap, like a fiver or something. :o


I think I got it for a fiver (or maybe £7 or £9 at the most). According to the 3DS I think I played it for ~7h so £1/hour is decent value! When Beat the Beat is that cheap give me a nudge. :idea:

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I've also got all the medals now, but only 12 perfects, so a long way to go. Not sure if I have the motivation to go for all 50, though - for one thing, not being portable like the last one means it's not as easy to just switch it on and have a go, and secondly, I'm not convinced I've got the patience! I've had nine attempts at perfecting Monkey Watch now, and although I know exactly where each button press should be, there always seems to be one I don't get dead on, or the ending scuppers me. Same goes for the pinpoint accuracy needed in the likes of Air Rally and Working Dough. I'll still keep going for a bit longer, though, as I know there's more out there that shouldn't be too hard to perfect.

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When Beat the Beat is that cheap give me a nudge. :idea:
Sure OK... *nudge* ;) ;) ;)

Seriously though, I don't think you'll have too long to wait for that, judging by the initial sales. :(


I've also got all the medals now, but only 12 perfects, so a long way to go. Not sure if I have the motivation to go for all 50, though - for one thing, not being portable like the last one means it's not as easy to just switch it on and have a go, and secondly, I'm not convinced I've got the patience! I've had nine attempts at perfecting Monkey Watch now, and although I know exactly where each button press should be, there always seems to be one I don't get dead on, or the ending scuppers me. Same goes for the pinpoint accuracy needed in the likes of Air Rally and Working Dough. I'll still keep going for a bit longer, though, as I know there's more out there that shouldn't be too hard to perfect.
Well at least you're blaming your lack of patience this time, not the controls. ;)


I'm definitely going to try and get them all, just like I did with the other 2 games in the series. :awesome:

Got through another 10 since my last post, including Remix 9.

Happy to get that one done so early on, as it's not far off Remix 10 insanity levels, some parts might even be worse actually. :D

Fantastic Remix stage though, really love it...


...Awesome! :love:


I got a shot at a Remix 10 perfect today too, which I obviously failed. :hehe:

Made quite a bit of progress into it though, feeling slightly more confident for my next attempt. :heh:


Now I'm thinking the stage that's going to give me the most trouble to perfect is the donk-donk one. Had 6 chances on it so far, failed miserably at all of 'em. :shakehead Getting the medal on it was so easy, but the perfect is looking really tough.

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Had a good laugh watching my sister play it today :)


I couldn't play it very well on the living room TV, hope it's not suffering from input lag :( Couldn't even do Hole-in-One very well even though I perfected it :(

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So what're everybody's favourite and least favourite games? Although I haven't perfected it yet, I really like Samurai Slice, same with Tap Troupe. Screwbot Factory is great too - I've perfected both of those. The one I'm most surprised I like is Love Rap. Before playing, I thought from video snippets that there wasn't any rhythm cue involved -that you just pressed A when the girl finishes her lines. Having played it though, this obviously isn't the case, and it's actually pretty clever how it works. Still haven't got perfects yet though.


As for least favourites, Monkey Watch bugs me, as I said above, as does Working Dough and, for some reason, Flipper-Flop. I think it's the combination of its speed and the tiny margin for error. I think I've only played Donk-Donk once, as I got a medal first time and haven't had the chance for a perfect. I think I'm going to end up feeling the same as RedShell, though, as it's a tricky rhythm to tap continuously.

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