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In God We Rust: Game Thread


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It's interesting that Jonnas's alignment wasn't given away - isn't that usually the case when someone dies?


It seems like John/Jonnas and the mutterer do appear twice in the write-up. There's the set up at the start where 'one of Dmitri's masters' appears to have been redirected to floor 409. He can't access it so he goes out and is followed by the mutterer.

Later on, John/Jonnas stops and is killed by the mutterer.


If Jonnas is this character then it's possible he was mafia I think. From the day 0 write-up it does seem that there are two mafias, or at least two groups that are against the liberals?

It may be that one mafia has inadvertantly targeted the other.


It's interesting how both redirected characters have been sent to 409. Either they were both redirected to the same person or someone got lucky and managed to target two people in one alliance.


Another thought I had was that perhaps the first paragraph, where someone is seen taking out a file, is showing Midas collecting information for the journalist, karpov.

If this is another pairing then one may send out the other for information about a character (species, alignment, w/e) and can use their own power on that character at a later date.



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Two points for clarification;


- The assistant in the 'stacks' is a NPC

- The 'mutterer' bit is clarified


As he headed out into the street, muttering about his severance package he somehow didn't hear the footsteps that squeaked as they followed him. He didn't hear the footstep's owner whimpering something about uselessness and sin over, and over, and over. The mutterer was going to bide his time, play it safe.


... Changed in the write-up. Sorry, again. Won't happen next time!

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Well unless anyone comes forward with decent information, I don't think we have enough to go on. If anyone found out anything worthwhile last night, please post.


I'm fairly sure we have a mafia redirector who can select 2 targets and can possibly only redirect them to one person (or just chose to in this case). I think Jonnas was most likely Dmitri's master who was seen going into the lift and I think he and Dmitri are part of a mafia group.


I do think we have 2 mafias but we've only had one kill. Maybe one group just chose not to kill to stay under the radar or maybe they can only kill on alternating nights? Does anyone else think we have 2 mafias? The first write-up definitely makes it look that way.


Not sure about these 2 individuals playing chess either. Are they the two from the first right up who 'quite frankly, didn't care' while the others were plotting against the liberals? Maybe they're neutral?

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Gonna come out with some info, hope it helps.

I am a role-switcher, I target two people and whoever targets them targets the other and from the looks of it, I targeted Dmitri and the roleblocker.

My targets were: Zell and Chardriver.


Chairdriver already talked about needing a brain surgeon so based on the write-up we can assume then that Zell is Dmitri and apparently Dmitri is a part of a group.

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So you affect whoever targets them and not who they target? Because it seems like they've been redirected to me as they both find themselves going to places they had no intention of going.


Dmitri felt odd. He was pleased to do as he was ordered, but something compelled him, spoke to him to act otherwise. As he dispersed from his masters, he ignored the turning he was supposed to make, and headed to the lift.


The confusion affected more than one individual. The second one rubbed his head mercilessly, unable to shake the feeling that he had set out to do something a little different... Yet he found himself at the doctor's on the 13th floor


I was remembering the write-up wrong before. I was thinking both of the redirected characters were directed to the lift but that's not the case. Need to make better notes :p


One of the confused characters appears to have been redirected to someone on floor 409. The other has been redirected to the doctor.

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I may be confusing this a bit, them being compelled to do something else is me making them target one of the people I "swapped"

Which is why they find themselves in other location because they originally targeted person A but were compelled to target B instead.

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I believe there being two mafias is correct. One of them seems to be led by Caleb, the other by Viktor. This gives us a few names to go by. Also, regarding the story, it would seem to me that the Liberals, the town, are the high class of this society, and that the two mafias are low class and want a revolution.


I would think that chair asking for a brain surgeon might suggest that of the two people switched, he's the one who targetted the Doctor and is now trying to figure out who that was. But I'm not at all sure of this.


One of Dmitri's masters seems to be the mutterer, and this would fit with him being mafia.


Also, is anybody else thinking that That Damned Preacher is supposed to be jayseven himself?




Wait, so you target two players, and whoever targets player 1 ends up targetting player 2 and vice versa?

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Right I see now. So the people who appear in the write-up aren't the ones you targeted but the ones who tried to target your targets? One tried to target chairdriver but ended up going towards zell by mistake and vice versa?


In which case neither of the confused characters in the write-up are Chairdriver or Zell... I think I may still be misunderstanding your role ::shrug:

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Let me start this again got everything very wrong

I got a bit confused by all of this.


The confused people are the ones that had their targets switched, so the people they targeted are the players I "switched"


Sorry if I am fucking this up a bit.


EDIT: I got a PM from Jayseven correcting this, it is as I thought originally, the confused people are my targets.

Not the people I said before.

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Right I see now. So the people who appear in the write-up aren't the ones you targeted but the ones who tried to target your targets? One tried to target chairdriver but ended up going towards zell by mistake and vice versa?


In which case neither of the confused characters in the write-up are Chairdriver or Zell... I think I may still be misunderstanding your role ::shrug:

No, I think this is correct. Which means one of them is the Doctor, and the other is ... one of the two individuals on floor 409, perhaps? It appears that more than one person tried to target them, but That Damned Preacher did something to prevent people from getting to them - jammed the lift, perhaps?




Oh, for fuck's sake!


So player 1 ends up targetting player 2's original target and vice versa?

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Let me clarify this a bit, after the message I got from Jayseven:


The people who are confused are my targets.

when I target them their targets are swapped.

as in, Dmitri originally targeted the doctor and the second confused person rubbing his head had something to do with the elevator.


After I targeted them, they swapped targets.


Originally my PM said the people targeting them get swapped but Jayseven rectified this.


Correct again Danny, lets hope this mess is over with.


EDIT: That is what happened on the last night, usually its backwards but Jayseven made a mistake.

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So what you're saying is that, originally, your power was supposed to make those targetting player 1 end up targetting player 2 and vice versa, but it has been changed to simply switch the targets of your two targets?


My power is that I target two people and everyone who targets them targets the other.


Jayseven send me a PM saying that he made a mistake so that in the write-up my targets swapped places instead of doing what my power does.

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lol I'd like Jay to confirm this if possible


So you SHOULD target two people and switch their targets


BUT what really happened was you targeted two people and their targets were switched


AND this should you use your power again it will in fact do what it is meant to and switch the targets of your choices.


:bowdown: I think I've got it.


So chair and zell were redirected like I originally thought. One of them targeted the people on 409 and the other targeted the doctor but they were each sent to each other's targets.

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