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In God We Rust: Game Thread


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Literally annoyed. I was silenced for 12 hours. As of 12:36 I'm allowed to post again.


Rather convenient that as soon as I'm mentioned I'm soon after silenced -- perhaps the silencer thought they could rush a lynch? If that's the case I have my suspicions as to who it was, but I'll hold them close for now...


[Kinda cool power though J7. I love unexpected variances like that -- really threw me off.]


As for all this busdriver business... I might as well say -- nothing is achieved by keeping my role a secret.


I don't know who I targeted last night.


I'm Dmitri, a human. I've got a cyborg chip in my brain which means I'm being controlled by whoever is pulling the strings (my role doesn't explicitly mention who, but from the write-up they seem to be robots) -- to make kills on their behalf.


Hence my brain surgery comment. My role would be the best thing if I didn't have the obvious downside that I'm literally a puppet. If there is a doctor out there, please target me!

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Literally annoyed. I was silenced for 12 hours. As of 12:36 I'm allowed to post again.


Rather convenient that as soon as I'm mentioned I'm soon after silenced -- perhaps the silencer thought they could rush a lynch? If that's the case I have my suspicions as to who it was, but I'll hold them close for now...


[Kinda cool power though J7. I love unexpected variances like that -- really threw me off.]


As for all this busdriver business... I might as well say -- nothing is achieved by keeping my role a secret.


I don't know who I targeted last night.


I'm Dmitri, a human. I've got a cyborg chip in my brain which means I'm being controlled by whoever is pulling the strings (my role doesn't explicitly mention who, but from the write-up they seem to be robots) -- to make kills on their behalf.


Hence my brain surgery comment. My role would be the best thing if I didn't have the obvious downside that I'm literally a puppet. If there is a doctor out there, please target me!

So if the brain surgeon doesn't come forward, you're a threat.....?


So do you not have a power? I also find the way that you

express that you were silenced strange. But not that I can draw anything from that because I know you specifically act differently/strangely in every mafia game. Bastard. :p

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Chairdriver, do you get a pm saying who your masters sent you to target or anything or can you only find out your actions in the write-up?


I still don't understand how Zell targeted Jonnas though. Mundi switched you two around so you followed each other's targets. One target was someone on floor 409 (not jonnas) and the other target was the doctor (not jonnas).


Jonnas attempts to go to floor 409 but this is AFTER Chairdriver does.


Something is really not right with the whole situation :nono:

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Chairdriver, do you get a pm saying who your masters sent you to target?


No. That would make the second aspect of my power too beneficial.


I still don't understand how Zell targeted Jonnas though. Mundi switched you two around so you followed each other's targets. One target was someone on floor 409 (not jonnas) and the other target was the doctor (not jonnas).


Jonnas attempts to go to floor 409 but this is AFTER Chairdriver does.


Something is really not right with the whole situation :nono:


Well the really obvious answer is that neither of us killed Jonnas. The lift situation was probably a jailkeepplus (when the target is roleblocked, and no one can target them).

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No one targeted either Dmitri or the confused character who targeted the doctor, besides Adam. So I see no reason for either of you to be silenced.


Relatively sure it was a day power, because it kicked in at a random moment. Unless j7 forgot to PM me at the end of the night phase, which is unlikely.

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If you think that, chairdriver would really have to be a mastermind. Perhaps even a psychic mastermind. He asked for the doctor before any of us knew anything about the situation. He didn't even know his role would come up in this dayphase. Unless he thought ahead and posted so soon in order to improve his own alibi - which would require a tactical mind beyond anything I've ever seen in a mafia game - his story really seems true. Also, notice how it is already mentioned in the intro that Dmitri has been chipped by his mechanical masters, and notice how he fixates on pleasing his masters. The clues were there all along.

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Chairdriver doesn't pick his targets, he is just sent out (so I understand). Also, he was redirected so whoever is giving him orders was trying to send him to the doctor (presumably to kill him). This must be luck though because there's no way the mafia (or whoever the group is) could have known who the doctor is specifically to target him.


But we must assume that now one of the mafias knows who the doctor is.


It was Zell who ended up going to the doctor so he is the one who targeted someone on floor 409.

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I believe there being two mafias is correct. One of them seems to be led by Caleb, the other by Viktor. This gives us a few names to go by. Also, regarding the story, it would seem to me that the Liberals, the town, are the high class of this society, and that the two mafias are low class and want a revolution.


I would think that chair asking for a brain surgeon might suggest that of the two people switched, he's the one who targetted the Doctor and is now trying to figure out who that was. But I'm not at all sure of this.


One of Dmitri's masters seems to be the mutterer, and this would fit with him being mafia.


Also, is anybody else thinking that That Damned Preacher is supposed to be jayseven himself?




Wait, so you target two players, and whoever targets player 1 ends up targetting player 2 and vice versa?


Just reading back through the thread. The mutterer who is Dmitri's master is the one that kills Jonnas right? Is that what people were saying? So if he kills Jonnas, and there are two mafias, why hasn't the second mafia killed anyone?

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