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The Colour Mafia


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Also, Eenuh... If your power is passive, how did you target Dan-likes-trees (yellow) on night 1? VERY wobbly ground :p


By passive I mean I don't affect anyone. I don't go around swapping targets or roleblocking or anything like that. If you check who I targeted you may find out what my power is (which like I said, just helps me get a tiny bit of information, but nothing substantial).

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I feel like I'm being really dense.


Only looks like you target someone on the first night if you are unidentified in them all.. as the only time bright blue has shown up is on the first night that you claim that its been hijacked.





Chair... I've just gotta say Im not convinced. Killing Dan would make sense for the mafia and its obvious by the 4 bullets pointing at Dyson that his own mafia must have targetted him along with everyone else that could kill.

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When Bright Green targeted Diageo and me, we both got the correct pm but the people we followed in the write-up were switched. ie I got that Sméagol was Blue however in the write-up I followed Dark Yellow. Another thing I forgot to mention is Dark Yellow can darken colours, as seen when I became grey for targeting him. It could also have been Bright Cyan who darkened me but Bright Yellow killed him, so I think that rules him out.


So when JaySeven switches two people he just switched the write-up meaning paj targeted Grey but this objective was switched to Blue. Sméagol did you get the right pm?

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I feel like I'm being really dense.


Only looks like you target someone on the first night if you are unidentified in them all.. as the only time bright blue has shown up is on the first night that you claim that its been hijacked.


I've targeted someone every night. But like I said since it's a passive power it's not mentioned in the write-up that I'm doing anything. Only on the first night am I being shown as "having my eyes on" Yellow, though I guess Dannyboy just changed the write-ups for the later nights as he figured my power doesn't really affect anyone.

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Chair... I've just gotta say Im not convinced. Killing Dan would make sense for the mafia and its obvious by the 4 bullets pointing at Dyson that his own mafia must have targetted him along with everyone else that could kill.


4 bullets came from:





Dark Green



White & Black did a simul-kill as part of their bounty hunter clause.

I vig-killed him.

Blue is likely mafia hitman for the other mafia, hoping to gain some credibility -- notice they didn't come forward when I claimed as vig.



Anyone that is "unconvinced" is either not reading the thread, or choosing to see what they want to see.

The original argument against me was "You aren't the vig -- heroicjanitor is.". Since then he himself confessed that he started the game as neutral. That pretty much destroys any argument against me.


I've explained all my targets, and even debunked any objections towards them.



You forget that the mafia can switch around their hitman. Why would they use the same hitman each night? At best, you could accuse me of being a serial killer -- but if I were a serial killer, why would I do nothing on night 1? Why would I stick so rigidly to vigilante-rules?

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Eenuh; you are the UNDERLINERRR!! :P


Zell; the problem I'm having is that your targets in all three nights are 'unidentified'. You are claiming three different targets for each night (eenuh, dyson, rummy) yet eenuh is claiming she is the 'unidentified' in all three write-ups.


I need to know what the truth is.

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Eenuh; you are the UNDERLINERRR!! :P


Zell; the problem I'm having is that your targets in all three nights are 'unidentified'. You are claiming three different targets for each night (eenuh, dyson, rummy) yet eenuh is claiming she is the 'unidentified' in all three write-ups.


I need to know what the truth is.




I am unidentified yes, though maybe write-ups have been changed? Seems colours get switched all the time, or people showing up as different people. What colour is Zell supposed to be?


At the moment I believe him to be good: he outed Dyson as mafia and claims me and Rummy are good (I know I am and I think Rummy is too with his double vote). Unless of course he's a mafia investigator and trying to win our trust, but at the moment I don't think he's a threat.

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I could only kill that one night and after that nothing else suspicious has been linked too me.


Because the mafia knows its dangerous to use the same hitman twice.





Seriously. What the fuck?



You believe all these random townies have kill powers. IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT. The mafia can choose whichever of its members to make the kills.


The fact that it's been me consistently proves that I'm either the serial killer or vigilante.


And please accuse me of the former. I'll just show you how bad your reasoning is.


Grey was Dark Blue's target and Bright Green swapped it with Blue. I just wonder why Paj (Dark Blue) hasn't said anything about it, he did help kill a mafia member after all.


Just re-read this.


I'm 95% sure both Mundi and Paj are mafia.


If I die, remember that.





Regardless, the 48-hour mark has passed. We can't lynch anyone now.



Doctor, protect me tonight. I'm going to bag us a Mafioso.

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I think Dannyboy's job is done.


Real-time edit:

Did I miss something? Why is Eenuh voting for herself?

What do you mean by "my job is done"? Is there a mistake somewhere?


The one with Eenuh voting for herself was a mind slip on my part. It was Jonnas who voted for her. I left it there because it was funny. :heh:


Anyway, chairdriver is right. No agreement had been reached within the 48 hours. Nobody was lynched.


Night 4 begins now.

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Dark Magenta, Blue, Cyan, Bright Green, Bright Red, Rainbow and Dark Blue all stayed at home. Dark Red, for once, didn't stay at home, but visited Blue and made a list. Magenta visited Bright Green, and Dark Green went out to get his target. White took note of him as he left the house. Before he reached his target, however, he was stopped by Dark Yellow, who was being watched by Dark Green, who in turn was under the protection of Dark Cyan.


Day 5 begins now.


15 players remain. 8 is the majority.












Paj Meen Ah



The Peeps


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