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Dark Souls


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Yeah, I'm amazed people still care about new Zeldas. The omission of a jump mechanic is an abysmal oversight in this day an age, other adventure games have left the series in the dust by actually being adventurous in their design. There's no subtlety to be found in Zelda - all one does is acquire one glittery item after another before being promptly tunnelled towards a point of interest marked by a gaudy arrow shouting "OVER HERE, USE IT HERE!"

There's little if no grading of an item's utility, it's always a single-purpose thing and it's always more effective than other items in absolute terms. Where's the fun in that? I'm not that enthusiastic about customization but at least allow me some choice and direction.


On top of that, the writers seem to have been mining the same barrel of tropes for the past 20 years. Feed us some decent mythology!


The Souls games have been great, although I do agree with Oxigen (please don't think I've read the whole debate you've been having) that some of the systems in the game have been shoddily implemented, or aren't clear. The ephemeral eyes/suicide ritual used in Demon's to change the state of the world was simply nonsense, and I'm not entirely sure why the developers adopted the Humanity system for this. It surely can't be the most logical design choice.

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Well Zelda would be towards the more extreme end of repeating stuff but people obviously still like it enough / aren't bored by it enough to keep buying the games.


Most sequels keep enough elements similar since people obviously like the game series for what it is. With Dark Souls I don't see how it was that similar and certainly you couldn't predict what was going to happen next based on the previous game. I thought there were quite major improvements from Demon's to Dark, which is a lot more than can be said for a lot of shitty sequels these days. That's why I refute the comments on that it really needs to change. In my opinion, I want change in games that don't please me. Dark Souls was so good that it seems counter common sense to request a lot more change than it was already doing.


Out of interest Oxigen, do you think Dragon Quest games need to change? There is a series that is absolutely adored, and is conservative as fuck. I wonder, what's the thin line between a series between repetitive and become a classic in which changing things too much rocks the boat?


The ephemeral eyes/suicide ritual used in Demon's to change the state of the world was simply nonsense, and I'm not entirely sure why the developers adopted the Humanity system for this. It surely can't be the most logical method design choice.


Yeah changing the tendency was a big part of Demon's and they removed it. Again, pretty much showing they changed a fair bit between Demon's and Dark.


Humanity was fine. It was like an extra difficulty modifier in order to increase how much you could heal. It was a decent attempt to increase the difficulty because in Demon's you could have a frickin' stash of grass to munch on, lol.

Edited by Sheikah
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Consumers don't know what really excites them, they're confined to comfort zones. Yes, each iteration of Zelda has a base guarantee of playable quality, but the series doesn't deserve the continuous, unyielding popularity it's managed to foster. Nobody's looking at the thing to innovate, or to surprise, and it's as if the franchise's staunch refusal to wander too far away from expectations is noble and commendable. Fuck that. Nintendo needs a radical staff reshuffle or something of the sort to reinvent its major franchises because as I see it, the Miyamotos of the company are desperately clinging onto tradition and stifling creativity by doing so. They aren't pushing boundaries anymore. I honestly think you'd have to be an idiot or a chronic nostalgic to keep buying their big games. It's just as well there are lot of idiots.


To be fair, I'm far less likely to be sold on any game series that progresses beyond two parts anymore. I couldn't care less about Uncharted, for example, when a few years back I'd be craving a new instalment.

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Loving just exploring in the game but the last time I did so, I had killed the boss in the depths getting the key to Blighttown (yay? probably nay :( ) and I went off to explore some bits I missed and ended up getting cursed by the second to last basilisk. Rage quit shortly after.


Anyways, thanks to the modding community fps has been unlocked in the game but has issues: Steam forums thread on 60fps


Texture edits are available thanks to the latest patch of Dsfix from Durante. I think this one is a particular winner: asC5C.jpg


And I think the steam community has really taken to this game like a moth to a flame. Some of the uploaded pics are hilarious: http://steamcommunity.com/app/211420/screenshots

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, who's on board for the DLC next week?


Haha, Gaben shield. Why has Gabe not made some sort of appearance in every Valve game in the same way that Doak did for all of Rare's?


Gaben's had his share of exposure already with his prominent role in Count Duckula, I'm sure the man just wants some peace and quiet now...

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  • 3 months later...

Fuck. I made unforgivable mistake of allowing myself to explore a new area without having fastidiously read up on the whole fucking Wiki, and now I've not only been cursed by some bizarre frog-esque creature - halving my life bar and rendering the game pretty much impossible - but trying to get back to New Londo to get it removed is such a ridiculous trek. Where do you get the stones to remove the curse; I may as well stock up on a few to prevent it happening again.


I guess I have to do it now though, since I ran into the gaping dragon and got through about half it's health before getting flattened. I have no doubt in my mind that this game was designed by autistic savants who absolutely don't grasp the concept of easing you into an experience. I like it though.

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Fuck. I made unforgivable mistake of allowing myself to explore a new area without having fastidiously read up on the whole fucking Wiki, and now I've not only been cursed by some bizarre frog-esque creature - halving my life bar and rendering the game pretty much impossible - but trying to get back to New Londo to get it removed is such a ridiculous trek. Where do you get the stones to remove the curse; I may as well stock up on a few to prevent it happening again.


I guess I have to do it now though, since I ran into the gaping dragon and got through about half it's health before getting flattened. I have no doubt in my mind that this game was designed by autistic savants who absolutely don't grasp the concept of easing you into an experience. I like it though.


Loving just exploring in the game but the last time I did so, I had killed the boss in the depths getting the key to Blighttown (yay? probably nay :( ) and I went off to explore some bits I missed and ended up getting cursed by the second to last basilisk. Rage quit shortly after.



LMAO. I know your pain friend.


Haven't played for awhile because I know the work that is ahead of me. Currently stuck in a place full of skeletons.

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I got the curse removed, as well as a back up stone lest it happen again. The fucking awful thing is that had I been vigilant and noticed a ladder near the giant rat, I could have avoided the fucking curse toads altogether. As it is, I beat the gaping dragon, and then got all the way through Blight Town. I stopped at the bonfire near the opening to The Great Hollow before doubling back and finding the entrance to Valley of Drakes.


Then, instead of using the key I'd just gotten to get into New Londo Ruins, I went right and decided rather bashfully to check out the giant dragon corpse (or so I thought) which promptly came alive and absolutely demolished not only my character, but also my will to live.


This game should be played with the immortal words of Admiral Akbar persistently ringing in your head.

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Ah the toothy vagina dragon. It's not actually a difficult boss when you know how to boss it. Still, there was something really satisfying about ravenously knifing away at its legs - I kept shouting 'KILL IT! KILL IT!' when I came up against the thing in the company of my friend, who encouraged my rage with a nod and a war-cry.


and decided rather bashfully to check out the giant dragon corpse (or so I thought) which promptly came alive and absolutely demolished not only my character, but also my will to live.


Lol. When I first saw the loot I thought it might have been too good to be true, but I caved and went to nab it anyway because, you know, the game wasn't always that much of a monster, was it? And then I remembered it was.

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I'd been playing the thing for hours, my faculties had been eroded, and I didn't even think that there was that much opportunity for a trap. I just thought I'd make a run for it if something bad happened. Instead, the loot was but a short sword and the fucking thing batted me away like a fly.


It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't been lugging around 30,000 souls :(. Still, everything so far has been forgivable, except for those fucking Mokujin looking shits that shoot toxic darts at you.

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I got the curse removed, as well as a back up stone lest it happen again. The fucking awful thing is that had I been vigilant and noticed a ladder near the giant rat, I could have avoided the fucking curse toads altogether. As it is, I beat the gaping dragon, and then got all the way through Blight Town. I stopped at the bonfire near the opening to The Great Hollow before doubling back and finding the entrance to Valley of Drakes.


Then, instead of using the key I'd just gotten to get into New Londo Ruins, I went right and decided rather bashfully to check out the giant dragon corpse (or so I thought) which promptly came alive and absolutely demolished not only my character, but also my will to live.


This game should be played with the immortal words of Admiral Akbar persistently ringing in your head.


Dude I'm going to make this worse for you.


You could bypassed so much of this hell of you took the master key gift at the beginning of the game. :p

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Fuck sake. My attunement and intelligence skills are basically zero at the moment. I'm playing a Warrior. I think I've made it harder on myself than necessary.


Decided to just fuck going to Valley or Londo Ruins, and instead made a detour to Shelaag's domain. I suppose Shelaag must be a spider.


Edit: Got murdered by Larvae because some smart ass decided to leave a hint that said "Try attacking." I feel like a moron.

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Yeah up your attunement to equip more spells but not too much. Pyromancy unlike other magic is boosted pretty much just by dropping souls into upgrading your glove. Nothing else really. Fireball pyromancy spells kick ass, and if you haven't already save the NPC in a barrel in the sewers near where you get cursed (don't attack the barrel, barrel-roll - hurhur. Prevents him aggroing you)


Back at the shrine he'll let you upgrade your glove as well as buy iron flesh (something like that), a super damage absorbing pyromancy spell.

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I got this for Christmas and was enjoying it pretty solidly up until Anor Londo. First the two silver knights with the giant bows that snipe you on your way up the side of the building, then silver knights with lances (got their attack pattern down eventually), now giants with magic AOE attacks and that big headless lightning guy like the ones in the basement of Sen's Fortress... I mean he's not even that tough, you get close and he misses all the time, but then he pulls that one-hit-kill attack out of his ass randomly...


I can't tell if I love or hate this game, but I'll keep going anyway...

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Oh wow, I thought you were way more advanced than that... You mean Quelaag, right? After Blighttown?


(she's actually quite easy, too oO)


Yeah, I haven't sat down to play the game compulsively. I pick it up every few days for a couple of hours, which I'm sure is the source of my frustration. Yes, Quelaag - I think I sort of combined Quelaag and Shelob because I'm a little tired of remembering the names of fantasy monsters :heh:

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Man I love this game. Just went hunting headless demons for demon titanite and now have Quelaag's Furysword +5. Those silver knights with the lances that were causing me much grief are now one-hit after a parry :D


Sen's Fortress though... man... fuck that place :heh: I keep trying to rush back through it and falling down.

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