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Dark Souls


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I don't get what is so difficult about the inventory stuff. You assign something to your left and right hand, then use L or R depending upon hand to use it...


The only confusing thing is that weapons often have symbols next to them instead of saying what the actual stats/stat requirements are. But that's fairly easy to work out after a little while, but obviously like most games you should give it more than 30 minutes.


lol @ nerd jibes at Dark Souls. This game is like the anti-nerd. Only true men emerge from this shit.

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Unlike this series however, Mass Effect is not worth your time or money.


I'm sorry, I can't hear you over my excitement for Mass Effect 3.


(but you're a PS3 gamer, so have gotten shafted with the bad versions, so I forgive you)

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seriously, though: I genuinely think this is my favourite game this gen. I think you'd get a kick out of it.


Plus: It's cheap


Alright man, you convinced me. I've always been one for a challenge anyway. Can't do it right now though cause I've got way too much work to do/ already playing too much TF2, but soon. Maybe I'll hit you up on XBL to whine when my testes are fully in it's grip :heh:

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Fuck that- I did the last level of Rayman: Origins last night- significantly harder than DS!


Truth is, this game aint that hard. It's tough, yeah, and punishing, but what really sets it apart from most games these days is that it doesn't treat you like a moron. If you pay attention, don't run around like an idiot and actually use some lateral thinking, you'll be more than capable of dealing with the challenge.


This is a game to be learned. As such, it's very different to 90% of games today that are terrified of you making mistakes or failing, but that can only be a good thing.

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Unfortunately, it's couched in the same nerdgasm bullshit as every other RPG; levelling up, skill trees, grinding and loot hoarding. I get the appeal in a game that is seriously difficult, but yields to your efforts to learn its systems, and for that reason, I'm seriously looking forward to playing Ninja Gaiden Black again when I get my Vita. I prefer games in which there's a possibility of success through observation and instant reflex, rather than what I've seen and heard of Dark Souls, which seems more to do with trial, error and inevitable death, as well as poor signposting of important elements like encumberance, or the fact that curses have a cumulative effect and can only be removed using a specific item, found in a specific place... just does not seem gratifying to me.


But, I'll try it.

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I prefer games in which there's a possibility of success through observation and instant reflex


Which is exactly what Dark Souls is. It's all about observing the enemy and environment, not rushing through and not even necessarily doing any of the level grinding, item hoarding 'bullshit' that you mention.


Levels and items aren't even necessary. You usually die within one or two hits whether you have good equipment or not. Aside from shielding, which is important, but this can be done with any basic, easily obtainable shield. Some guy did a fairly quick run through of Dark Souls showing you don't need to grind anything and it's all doable if you think carefully.


It's not necessarily trial and error unless you're not good at working out how to not die.

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Game arrived today, definitely helped having played its predecessor because they have kept everything near enough the same. The world the raven thing takes you to at the start is noticeably quite bright and doesn't quite have the atmosphere of the Demon's Souls beginning but I can see it's set to change.


Oh yeah, I ended my first session after clearing out the Jason and the Argonauts-esque area, moving forwards and then seeing a fucking gigaton skeleton run at me with his 4 buddies. Probably didn't have to run back to the camp fire but I have an essay to do. Bad timing really.

Edited by dwarf
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lol yeah that place leads to the catacombs. Bring/make a divine weapon for that place, the skeletons in the tomb get back up when you kill them if you don't find and hunt these necromancer dudes.


Firelink Shrine is one of the few light/outside areas of the game.


Btw easiest place to get humanity is after you clear the catacombs, you carry on to the tomb of giants. When you get to this swamp with baby skeletons they are ridiculously easy to kill and often drop humanity. Boost your item discovery rate and go nuts, you can get 99 humanity before moving on (use like 30 humanity while there to boost your item discovery too).


Well worth boosting all your bonfires since bonfires stay boosted on NG+.

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  • 5 months later...

Just got this on PC and got a patch fix for the resolution constraint and now that I've got it running at 1080p I can say that it seems pretty damn atmospheric, eerie and exciting so far. Unfortunately, getting murdered five times in a row on my way in New Londo Ruins does its share to put a dampener on your excitement for a new experience, especially since you have to trek all the way back on a corpse run before you can even attempt an alternate route. What a bummer.

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