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The mafia have reached a capacity for majority votes and have won the game. The remaining mafia are.




Pideot - Rummy




Farfetch'd - Cube




Taillow - MadDog




Mamepato - Raining_again




A neutral has also won the game. Their win condition was to survive until the end of the game, and the condition has been fulfilled.




Shiney Caterpie - dan-likes-trees



More information to follow.


Okay, so that time two days ago or yesterday or whatever, when I "abruptly" ended day phase. It was three reasons.


1) I felt nothing was happening. In terms of vote. It was all just pointless finger pointing and the last few people that needed to post were practically inactive.


2) I wanted the mafia to win. And I realise I'll probably get heat for this but over the course of the game I think they played very well, and so deserved to win. I did post a warning time though.


3) I thought it had been 48 hours. But it had been 24. This was really the bottom line, because if I hadn't have made this mis...calculation, then I wouldn't have ended it so soon. So this is the bottom line, I made a mistake.


I am willing to take your rage.

  Diageo said:
Dustox and Beautifly obviously.


I meant what would our roles be.


  Dannyboy-the-Dane said:
Damn you all to hell! :heh: I was convinced that Cube was evil at the end, but Rummy and Raining? Never suspected Rummy, and after pushing Raining, her story was plausible, and at that point it was too late for me anyway.


Me and Ell suspected Rummy, but we suspected you more.


Much more.

  MoogleViper said:
ReZ what would me and Ell have evolved into if one of us died?


It would have been Dustox or Beautifly, but in terms of role it would have depended on what stage in the game we were at due to balance, but it was pencilled in as Power Protected Tracker.




List of Players



Pideot - Rummy

Farfetch'd - Cube

Taillow - MadDog

Starly - Zell

Hoothoot - martinist

Mamepato - Raining_again ~SPAMBOT4000~

Victini - Mundi

Psyduck - Nintendohnut

Kadabra - Nintendohnut ~Dyson~

Silcoon - Ellmeister

Cascoon - MoogleViper

Nosepass - Jonnas ~Coolness Bears~

Dunsparce - Tellyn

Vigoroth - Paj Meen Ah

Chansey - Marcamillian

Purugly - Dannyboy-the-Dane

Gyrados - Tales

Staryu - Raining_again

Shiney Caterpie - dan-likes-trees

Shiney Weedle - Gizmo

  ReZourceman said:


It would have been Dustox or Beautifly, but in terms of role it would have depended on what stage in the game we were at due to balance, but it was pencilled in as Power Protected Tracker.[/color]


That's surprising. Well done you two - your really good lie saved you both from night kills.


(I forgot to post Dannyboys lynchbomb in the last write up. But meh)


My favourite invented role aspects ; Hypnotise (although I'm sure I didn't invent it) Keen Eye...yeaaaaaahhhhhh. Shame it never happened.






Mafia Rules - The mafia can target a player to be killed in the night phase. Whichever mafia member makes the kill, sacrifices their night power to do so.


Pideot - (Mafia Don) (Mirror Pokedex, Choice Influential) You will be told which Pokemon a player is if they target you. Pidgeot can choose to a have an influential vote. If you want the vote you make to count for double instead of single, write the vote : lynch in dark grey text.


Farfetch'd (Roleblocker) Farfetch'd can target a player in the night phase, and their power will be cancelled. Farfetch'd is immune to being roleblocked. If a player targets Farfetch'd to be roleblocked then they will not be informed that it failed, and instead the word "Leek" will appear as an event that has happened in the write up.


Taillow (Substitute Tracker) You can send a member of your flock out to create a diversion. Choose a target, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. If anyone tracks you, they will be sent a message that you did not target anyone.


Starly (Silencer, Keen Eye) Starly can target a player to be silenced. When Starly targets a player (to be killed or silenced) and the player is protected/power protected, Starly will target the protector instead if the protection was succesful.


Hoothoot (Hypnotise) Choose a player at night. The following day that player will be unable to vote for anyone to be lynched and they will be unable to state that they are not allowed to lynch (that day)


Mamepato (Power Protector) When investigated Mamepato will show as a townie. Choose a target in the night phase. That player will be protected from other peoples powers. They can still be killed.




Victini - (Uber) (Mirror Tracker, Lynch Halt) Victini will be told who targets it in the night phase. Once during the game you can choose to stop a lynch before majority has been reached. If you do then Night Phase will begin.


Psyduck (Amnesia) You must target a character each night. (Unbeknownst to the player, the target will be investigated and incorrect information will be sent to a random player.)


Kadabra (Investigator) Kadabra can investigate a target at night. You will receive a PM back with details on the person you investigate.


Silcoon (Partner, Fragile Tracker) Silcoon shares a special bond with Cascoon. You can talk freely with Cascoon outside the mafia game thread, and can PM them at any time. Choose a target at night, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. Silcoon cannot be protected and if Silcoon is targetted to be Silenced, Silcoon will be killed instead. If Cascoon is killed or lynched Silcoon will evolve.


Cascoon (Partner, Fragile Tracker) Cascoon shares a special bond with Silcoon. You can talk freely with Silcoon outside the mafia game thread, and can PM them at any time. Choose a target at night, and you will be sent a PM back confirming who that player targeted. Cascoon cannot be protected and if Cascoon is targetted to be Silenced, Cascoon will be killed instead. If Silcoon is killed or lynched Cascoon will evolve.


Nosepass (Mirror Redirector) Choose a target at night. Anyone that targets you will instead target that player (apart from Roleblockers)


Dunsparce (Stalker) Choose a target at night. You will be sent details of anyone who targetted that player in that night phase.


Vigoroth (Roleblocker) Vigoroth can target a player in the night phase, and their power will be cancelled.


Chansey (Protector) Choose a target in the night phase, and that player will be protected from being killed.


Purugly (Influential, Lynchbomb) Purugly's votes count as double. Lynchbomb, If Purugly is lynched, the first mafia member that voted to lynch it will be shown by name of Pokemon in the following write up.


Gyrados (Power Protector) Choose a target in the night phase. That player will be protected from other peoples powers. They can still be killed.


Staryu (Substitute Ability Investigator) You can send a substitute of yourself out as a diversion. Choose a target in the night phase. You will be sent details back of that persons ability. If anyone tracks you, they will be sent a message that you did not target anyone.


Shiney Caterpie (Survivor) (Shiney Rules : Shiney Pokemon are immune to Silencers) Shiney Caterpie is immune to being killed in the night phase. Shiney Caterpie wins the game if it is alive at the end of the game. Shiney Caterpie cannot reveal its win condition and cannot role claim as Shiney Caterpie. If someone accuses you of being Shiney Caterpie/Caterpie then you must deny it.


Shiney Weedle (Traitor) (Shiney Rules : Shiney Pokemon are immune to Silencers) You are a townie, however you only win if the mafia win. The Mafia are ; . You are (obviously) not able to reveal who the mafia are and should generally attempt to divert lynching away from mafia members as the only way you will win is if the mafia win. You are not able to communicate with the mafia.


I laughed when the mafia killed Weedle.

  MoogleViper said:
How come Dannyboy acts more suspicious when he's town than when he's mafia?

I really don't know. It's strange. I think I'm just not as causious about how I act when I'm town, and people really have a tendency to mistake certain types of behaviours for mafia behaviour, even when they're not. Look back at how hard it was for me to change any opinions, even with solid arguments. Some people (granted, some of these were mafia) were convinced that I was mafia, and if your mind is set on it, you can almost read any type of behaviour as suspicious. That's why I hate to judge on behaviour alone. It's so easy to make mistakes there.


Oh, and ReZ: We may disagree on fixed day lengths and stuff. That's fair enough. But you shouldn't help any of the sides.


Overall in terms of powers, and how the game went....as a moderator I think this was probably my favourite one so far. I'm itching to do the next one, but I won't do sign ups yet (Pokemafia Trust No One) to give anyone that wants to, and is ready a chance to do so. It is going to be FUCKING crazy. Seriously. Lolz.




I have however written all roles and its all ready to go, so if there are slackers who have maybe planned one/bagsied to do it and aren't ready to go....then....


And yeah, unless you guys all really want me to do the next one.



Also Dannyboy, play the next one. You said you mightn't but do. I don't want to lose you. :(





if Silcoon is targetted to be Silenced, Silcoon will be killed instead.


if Cascoon is targetted to be Silenced, Cascoon will be killed instead.


Because of what Ell/Moogle said about if one of them was killed, we had devised a very risky plan to sort them out:


Kill one and silence the other. Then kill the other the following night.


Unfortunately, Zell had been discovered before we could pull it off.


I laughed when the mafia killed Weedle.


That was my mistake. I was convinced that he was a reverse investigator.

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