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Sonic the Hedgehog


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like i always say

"it is useless posting with kids..."


you my freind is LOST, Nintendo has brain washed you with their ripp off


First of all.

Sonic Heroes is on all consoles, now its even on PC

Sonic DX is also on PC

Sonic Mega Collection which is in all console

(you flooded this topic by posting all games on Mega Collection, which you don't have to)

Sonic Gems is also on all console


The only game only on Gamecube is Sonic Battle 2


I think you must have gotten yourself confused with your own question:d

Thats odd, I never saw a question in my post. You must be seeing things xino. And I don't see how I am 'brainwashed' by Nintendo.

I never said that those games were Gamecube exclusive. I said that those Sonic games were on the Gamecube. You said this:

it doesn't deserve it, and not all sonic games was release on Cube, accept for Sonic Battle 2 and DX

You never mentioned exclusives whatsoever. You said that not all sonic games are on 'Cube. While this may be true, you will find that you have just about the same amount of Sonic games on the 'Cube, as you would on the PS2 and Xbox. So tell me this. Why doesn't Nintendo deserve a new Sonic game?

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f@k this

this is a lame arugment

wat da hell?


Sonic Adventure was on Dreamcast? DUH, lets put this argument away

Sonic Gem Collection isn't on xbox, so... but its on ps2, not exlcusive for GC


lets just put this argument away, cuz it might lead to something stupid


i say, for now Sonic The Hedgehog isn't coming out on The Revolution

but it might, when Revo tec spec and controller has been finalized, and the systems are for the game has well

if you don't like it


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xino is cute. Can I buy a pet one?

I'd contact his parents; they're probably open to offers. I would be.


Nah, I'm just kidding, xino. However, you might elicit a better response from others if you took the time to be a bit more eloquent in your typing. I know you probably just want to get your ideas down as soon as possible, but this is a public forum, and as such other people must be taken in to account. You do yourself a disservice by not putting your points forward clearly enough for others to fully understand.

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how many times did i posted information about Sonic clearly, i think you are the one that is confused my friend, i am sorry you got confused what can i do about it:D


i don't have time to, log in, read crappy post of kids, reply to a topic, and me TAKING my time making my grammar correct, sorry i got other better things to do, than waste my time replying to people that won't listen.


If there is a price and aim about my grammar, then i will make it better, but since this is just a damn forum, i will just post info i know, i don't have time to make it better, because if i still do

Some idiot will come up with something stupid or dumb, which makes me waste half of my time

i will get down to my real grammar, if i am doing a article, education and price!? but just posting info for people that won't listen is just a waste:P


like i said i am sorry if you can't read:D


and you wanna buy a pet one!? ~_~

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i don't have time to, log in, read crappy post of kids, reply to a topic, and me TAKING my time making my grammar correct, sorry i got other better things to do, than waste my time replying to people that won't listen.


If there is a price and aim about my grammar, then i will make it better, but since this is just a damn forum, i will just post info i know, i don't have time to make it better, because if i still do

Some idiot will come up with something stupid or dumb, which makes me waste half of my time

i will get down to my real grammar, if i am doing a article, education and price!? but just posting info for people that won't listen is just a waste:P

If you don't care about what you have to say, why should we? It's as simple as that.


like i said i am sorry if you can't read:D

Oh yes, I'm barely literate.


In closing, you might want to see someone about your apparent superiority complex. You refer to everyone as 'kids', and then threaten to 'own/boyed' them — it's that sort of hypocrisy that makes me think you're a simple wind-up.

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wind up to what?




Tell me your age all of you, so i wont' post that you are all kids

Second, don't act like kids, becuase the way you all act, seems like a kid to me, for example our main man Kav82


now i am 17

i don't act like a kid, i am mature

i boyd/own fan boys that make fun of other fan boys, like you guys/ girls here


oh yea, "If you don't care about what you have to say, why should we? It's as simple as that."

who said i don't care? i said i don't want to waste time, ... why should you?


or is my post temping you to read it?:D

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wind up to what?




Tell me your age all of you, so i wont' post that you are all kids

Second, don't act like kids, becuase the way you all act, seems like a kid to me, for example our main man Kav82


now i am 17

i don't act like a kid, i am mature

i boyd/own fan boys that make fun of other fan boys, like you guys/ girls here

I am 15. I'm not going to say whether I'm mature or not, I'd rather find out whether others find me mature. Kav 82 is 23, and in my opinion, is much more mature than you. I don't really find you mature, I think you're quite the opposite.

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Don't make me laugh! Too late.

wats to late? i am trying to work things out, cuz you are all moaning like kids about me calling you all kids


xino, you're heading for a good boyding.
and who would that be?




you are 15 and you don't know if you are mature or not? that is a good excuss of hiding it

I'm not going to say whether I'm mature or not, I'd rather find out whether others find me mature.

nice try!


Kav 82 is 23, and in my opinion, is much more mature than you

of cousre all 18 and over are much mature, because things get harden and serouis for them, but my friend kav, he is mature but he doesn't act is age, the Nintendo must have ripped him of badly he turned mad

OFCOURSE!you don't find me mature, that is you, becuase you are a Nintendo fan boy

and i am trying to have my say why i am p@ssed off with Nintendo, you won't let me, i boyd you all, and you say you don't find me mature

do you even know what mature means?:D

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you are 15 and you don't know if you are mature or not? that is a good excuss of hiding it

I never said that I didn't think myself as mature. I said I'd rather let other people judge whether I'm mature or not.

OFCOURSE!you don't find me mature, that is you, becuase you are a Nintendo fan boy

and i am trying to have my say why i am p@ssed off with Nintendo, you won't let me, i boyd you all, and you say you don't find me mature

do you even know what mature means?:D

I own all three current gen consoles, and own more PS2 games than Nintendo games I play each console equally, and respect them. I do not consider myself to be a Nintendo fanboy. Calling me a fanboy when you hardly know about me is hardly mature now.

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so... why is it you are against me becuase i diss Nintendo's @Ss

hmm got you there didn't i:D


and if you are not how come you want all games on Revolution and THE REMOTE CONTROLLER IS THE BEST


I never said that I didn't think myself as mature. I said I'd rather let other people judge whether I'm mature or not.

by the way, you need to learn from your mistakes, KNOW YOURSELF

that is another trick sentence,

if you think proparly and by your own quote, you will understand


instead of letting other people judge you, how will you know yourself, what if people say you are imature, THIS SPROUT IS IMATURE, dumb boy imature

if you don't know if you are mature or not and let other people judge you, if you follow them, you may lead to the wrong way

so. if you know yourself and people juge you, you will learn by your mistake


inanother words, you don't know if you are mature or not but want us to juge you, if we all say you are imature, then you will start to act like one, but if we say you are mature then you act mature

think about it... know your self;)

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so... why is it you are against me becuase i diss Nintendo's @Ss

hmm got you there didn't i:D

No, you didn't get me, what you're doing is flaming Nintendo. Something that I cannot allow. I find that flaming for any console shouldn't really occur.

and if you are not how come you want all games on Revolution and THE REMOTE CONTROLLER IS THE BEST

Show me a quote of me saying that.


instead of letting other people judge you, how will you know yourself, what if people say you are imature, THIS SPROUT IS IMATURE, dumb boy imature

If they say that I am immature, then that is their judgement of me, and I respect their judgement. As said before, I never said that I didn't think myself as mature.

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First i know i am mature

i know when to stop and start

Sonic The Hedgehog title, i came in, said my thoughs

now there is a debate about Sonic The Hedeghog not coming on Nintendo Revolution

i try telling them it isn't coming out on Revolution (yet)

Dukkadukka came in saying why are we arguing?

i hate arguing especially with kids, so i stoped it

now you kids love aruging so you are bringing something up, anything to argue with you my friend Sprout is arguing for nothing

(now if you understand you will know what mature means) matures, don't act stupid or aruge ect


Now lets move on to your quote


Flamming who, THERE WE GO, another dumb quote to keep the argument up, do you know what flamming is?


I never said that I didn't think myself as mature.
can you read?

did i quoted or stated you are mature?

lets just forget this


this topic should be locked

thanks to KIDS, Trollers, IMATURES AND ARGUERS

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