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The Amazing Spider-Man


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Well somewhere between the second and third while they are in college yeah.


I assume it'll just be a very loose fit with the other movies anyway. Hopefully this done mean though that we wont be getting the origin all over again, would be better to just go straight into him being a hero, probably with flashbacks showing what happened with Uncle ben etc.

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How... how would that even begin to work?


And what about The Lizard!


I hope they have misunderstood what was said, because really, although it's all happening a bit too soon perhaps, after Spidey 3, a reboot is what's needed!


Oh and hang on... his COSTUME!!


Yeah they must have got this wrong!

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This is horseshit. Too many unanswered questions and replacing/remixing the continuity.


Marvel love doing alternate realities, maybe the Maguire series was a fucked up version of what we're getting now.

Maybe the last couple of years were all just a dream for Spidey, and it can start with Gwen Stacey walking out of the shower.
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I actually enjoy different takes on the same character and the concept of discontinuity within the context of Marvel, because it fits well with the fact there are different realities/universes.


Yep, I agree with this. I don't see any need for it to follow continuity from the previous films at all.

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I'm sorry ... what?


The film dude, the film. You know, the one full of goofs and insanely hammy editing. Where the lawyer has a super powered fight in a playground full of kids whilst in his secret identity.


In fairness I hear the director's cut is infinitely better.

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In fairness I hear the director's cut is infinitely better.


It's still the same film though...


My friend said the same, I watched it and was like "...". The playground scene still exists, the acting is the same etc. There's maybe a bit more to flesh out certain parts of it, but it really doesn't make it suddenly brilliant. Strangely the sex scene is taken out. ::shrug:

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When this was first revealed i instantly didn't like the idea coz it appeared to be a 'reboot' and i didn't see the need in doing one.


However now further down the line i have calmed down and looking forward to it, however they decide to take it.


The webshooter thing is a weird one for me though, i know it has been the case in the past with the character but i never really read comics, only the odd spiderman cartoon and the 3 films so I have always known him to naturally have web, which in my head makes sence since he is like a spider... (although u could argue why doesn't he have 8 legs! ha)

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Im amazed the web shooters are getting as much attention as they are. Theyve been around for decades, it was only the films that changed it to organic, the comics went with it for a while but decided to go back. While I didnt really mind organic webbing, I much prefer web shooters.


Like i said the focus for me is that i have 'known' spiderman as having organic web because of what i said in the previous post. I know that he has always had web shooters it's just not what i'm 'used 2'.


This may be the case for other people as well hence people picking up on it.

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