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StarCraft 2


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The artefact hunts are pretty sweet, I enjoyed having to train a decent attack force to get the first Protoss artefact and not just being able to waltz over and collect it with one unit. Nice touch. The achievements are good fun too.

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I really want this, just because its Starcraft, but I prefer the RTS style that Relic has propagated. A bit more thoughtful and not about just dirt farming and building a huge army and sending it forth with crushing power. Screw it, I'm just gonna go right back to Company of Heroes :D

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Haha, I know what you mean re: zerging Bard, but I have to say that this game is just superb. The single player is without a doubt the best single player in any strategy game I've played, and the multiplayer is great fun despite me getting whipped constantly. Get eeet :D

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Besides, Starcraft isn't really about brute strength. Canny players can take out overwhelming numbers with clever tricks.


I remember playing my mate back in the day and wiping out entire armies with single specialist units he just hadn't prepared for. It was glorious.

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I love this game. My battlenet name is 'Jonny' I've not played too many multiplayer games. One I lost as I tried playing Zerg and had no clue about the new units. The others, I all statistically won but my shit connection timed out making me lose. Which is slightly annoying. Anyone wanna add me, please go ahead. :)

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I love this game. My battlenet name is 'Jonny' I've not played too many multiplayer games. One I lost as I tried playing Zerg and had no clue about the new units. The others, I all statistically won but my shit connection timed out making me lose. Which is slightly annoying. Anyone wanna add me, please go ahead. :)


Ill add you so I have at least one person on my battle.net friends list :P I think my name is Deathjam and my character code is 893 if anyone wants to add me. You need bother the battle.net name and character code to add someone.

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12 Missions in the game and loving it. Even as a great Warhammer 40k fan I, must say (sadly maybe), There was more game in those 12 missions, than in pretty much the whole DoW 1 game + Addons (all 3). Not because it's longer, but because everything shows so much attention to detail. The Missions are incredibly varied and interesting, the talking sequences are excellently produced and Blizzard's CGI scenes are in a league of their own.

Ok, Raynor isn't the most interesting character video games have ever seen, his German voice isn't any better than in SC1 (it's the same, sadly), the Story isn't particularly deep and goes for "epic" rather than "subtle" wherever it can (typically Blizzard ;)). It's just fun.


I definitely won't touch the regular multiplayer though. I'm just not good at it and the time needed to get any better, provided I wasn't a hopeless case, I can spend on other games, that don't require me to constantly make about 150 "APM". Hopefully there'll be a lot of interesting fun maps. ^^

Edited by Burny
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