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Why? Isn't it expected with every season ender? For every show? Since the 90's?


Absolutely not.


Cliffhangers are cheap, with the odd exception (Inception). I think it's taking the piss that the people behind the show have built up tons of speculation about what's going to happen in the finale and are then going to rob us of the end result by not telling us what happens until the next season. It's absolute bullshit. It's pretty much confirmed now that this is what's going to happen.


It robs the season being self contained. Season 1 and 2 didn't end with cliffhangers. Season 5 had a very minor one with Morgan appearing, but we saw things go down and it was it's own self contained story. We saw how Deanna came around to Rick's way of thinking. Therefore, not a cliffhanger. Season 4 had one, ish, but it's nowhere near as fucking bad as this.


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What a cheap cop out. The show runners have cried wolf yet again and there's only so long before people will stop caring. There was the bit with Glenn's "death", the way the mid season finale ended with the whiny kid, Daryl and now this. Total fucking bullshit. It's almost as if all they care about is getting more ratings by getting people to "tune in next time"


They've visited the well way too often.


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So gutted.


You can literally play this frame by frame and show exactly where this episode goes from being one of the best in the season to one of the worst in any tv series. Just dreadful. Fucking rubbish.


I'm actually quite calm and composed now. I swore bucketloads when it finally happened and I can't believe how cheap it looked. It looked cheap, low budget and...it was just an absolute let down. I feel absolutely cheated. You cannot do promos, build a whole season around one moment THAT IS TAKEN FROM A VERY WELL KNOWN SOURCE MATERIAL AND THEN NOT DO SAID MOMENT. Would Game of Thrones do this scene with the Red Wedding? Would Breaking Bad do this with Ozymandias? No. And they are regarded as the best episodes in any tv series of all time.


So pissed off right now.


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The episode was good, until


Negan chose whom he was going to kill. I felt it lacked a bit with the entire ending, like Flink i could see where the episode started to go downhill. Don't get me wrong, i do enjoy cliffhanger endings. Season 4 had a mild one when they were stuck in a container. Seasons 1 and 2 didn't have one as such, and Season 5 was mild. If they follow the comic book route, we know it's Glenn getting the chop. But the producers could throw us off and chose different.


Jeffery Dean Morgan, a great choice for Negan none the less. I am looking forward to seeing more of this character in the next season. But that ending, that was bad. And not in a gross way bad.


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I've never seen such negativity surrounding a single episode of television ever.


Critics have been scathing, but the fans have been very vocal everywhere I've looked. Facebook, twitter, reddit, the own Walking Dead forums, other forums...they've really fuarked this up.


The only way is down from here. I can't see the show being fixable beyond this point. This is the equivalent of that moment in Prison Break where Sarah's head is found safely reattached to her body.


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Everyone knew what was going to happen, unless they were planning a bait-and-switch. They've signposted Glenn's death all season, he's been staring vacantly at baseball bats, finding weird shrines to Lucille's previous victims, everyone had come to terms with it, why the fuck didn't they deliver the literal finishing blow?


There's cliffhangers and then there's this shit. The fact that they allegedly haven't even chosen/filmed who's going to die makes an already ruined iconic moment even worse.


I'm past caring about this now, it's going to be spoiled in advance of the premiere of season 7 in October anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if Gimple is ousted as showrunner at some point this summer. Anyway, someone slowed down all the off-screen screaming at the end, signs point to Glenn but it's probably bullshit since none of them know what happened.



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Everyone knew what was going to happen, unless they were planning a bait-and-switch. They've signposted Glenn's death all season, he's been staring vacantly at baseball bats, finding weird shrines to Lucille's previous victims, everyone had come to terms with it, why the fuck didn't they deliver the literal finishing blow?


There's cliffhangers and then there's this shit. The fact that they allegedly haven't even chosen/filmed who's going to die makes an already ruined iconic moment even worse.


I'm past caring about this now, it's going to be spoiled in advance of the premiere of season 7 in October anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if Gimple is ousted as showrunner at some point this summer. Anyway, someone slowed down all the off-screen screaming at the end, signs point to Glenn but it's probably bullshit since none of them know what happened.



I don't think it's Glenn. They're definitely going with the whole bait and switch thing. What's the point in doing the whole business with the hashtag and first person perspective if the majority of viewers already think it's him anyway.


Other forums have suggested that the actual screams are just generic stock footage/sounds. I've listened to the audio track a few times at full speed and slowed down and it just sounds like generic screaming to me.


At this point, I don't really care. I'm too pissed off to care. How can you call that a finale when the very definition of the word means "final" and that was far from final. I'm glad the internet have called bullshit on this because this shouldn't have happened. I'm making a conscious choice now to not watch the opening episode of the next season and will wait for impressions of the season to see if it's worth watching. At the moment, I am absolutely done with the show. They've built up so much in this half of the season and just haven't delivered at all. Why should the viewers take an hour/hour and a half of their lives to watch something that doesn't bring satisfaction? This was the lowest rated Walking Dead episode of all time according to IMDB and I've never seen such a negative reaction to a WD episode before where the Internet unanimously slates it for all it's worth.


Such a shame. They had everything in place and all they had to do was fucking deliver. They hired a phenomenal actor in JDM and even had the excellent source material to fall back on if they were stuck trying to frame the shot, capture the essence of what made the scene so great in the comics. They haven't delivered at all and you can't make empty promises for almost an entire season and now deliver on that promise. Having Negan name dropped during an aftercredits bit in the mid-season finale, dropping his name all-throughout, conducting interviews, promos, trailers hyping his eventual appearance and NOT show what should have been such an iconic moment and landmark in the show's history.


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Everything was going so well up to last shot. Seriously! It would make people continue watching even if we saw who got Lucille to the head. Damn do I feel let down by that. It's not going to stop me watching the next season, but it soured the entire 2nd half of the season. On the other hand, I liked the glimpse into the Kingdom's people.

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I don't really see what the issue is. From someone who hasn't read the source material it seemed like a pretty standard episode of TWD to me. Since season 4 it's been a bit of a 'B' show anyway. It's good for what it is but I'm never that surprised when a rubbish episode comes along.

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^ Agree with the above, though I actually thought the first few seasons were pretty mixed in quality. In fact I've found this year to be a bit of a high point for the show; it seems to be embracing a bit of a sense of fun and a lot of action, rather than thinking it's a deeper / better show than it is.


The thing that gets me about the end is


That we're bound to find out who dies before the season premiere by generally being on the internet. Like how it's completely apparent that a certain character from Thrones is coming back, since he's not signed on to anything else and keeps being photographed around Belfast.


Lame when big plot points are given away outside of the show, which now seems innevitable. But as Somme says, I'm not sure I'm bothered enough to care, especially as the show pretty frequently pulls cheap tricks.



Edit - did anyone watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm considering giving it a go cos I quite like Kim Dickens and have been enticed by the promotions for the coming season.. any good?

Edited by dan-likes-trees
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Edit - did anyone watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm considering giving it a go cos I quite like Kim Dickens and have been enticed by the promotions for the coming season.. any good?


If you enjoy The Walking Dead it is more of the same, but with a few less zombies in the beginning due to the time line. There are a few enjoyable characters, Nick and (Victor) Strand stand out. Definitely worth watching, but due to the newness of the characters less emotional impact. It'll grow in time, hopefully this season starting this Sunday.

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Negan's fucking back motherfuckers! Never liked seeing him caged. He's far too interesting and probably in danger of becoming a fan favourite, which could cause headaches down the line. Do we really want to root for an enemy of Rick Grimes? The way he killed Brandon though was superb. Wonder what he's going to do with the Whisperers...?

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Negan's fucking back motherfuckers! Never liked seeing him caged. He's far too interesting and probably in danger of becoming a fan favourite, which could cause headaches down the line. Do we really want to root for an enemy of Rick Grimes? The way he killed Brandon though was superb. Wonder what he's going to do with the Whisperers...?


That was an awesome issue. If he survives the initial meetup with the whisperers, which he will, he'll soon find out about the Alpha system they have going on, and he's smart enough to get rid of Alpha and become the new one. Through brute force or clever political play. This is only getting better. Have you seen the next cover Michonne and ?Aaron? (can't remember name of the top of my head) look to be in a spot of bother.


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I've just finished the third compendium. Couldn't put it down. It was amazing, gripping, fantastic, enjoyable, wow, much action, such amaze.


Fucking gasped at the ending of this issue. The entire volume is one of my favourites and that ending just topped it off. Fucking loved Ezequiel...one of my top characters. Rosita, too! Fuark.


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I've just finished the third compendium. Couldn't put it down.


I wish I was reading it all for the first time again. I be happy to lose my memory of all of it just to go through all that emotion again. It really is good to binge on it.


One off collaboration with writer/artist team Brian K Vaughan and Marcos Martin. Get it somehow, but it's entitled The Walking Dead: The Alien. It's canon and it's taken from a viewpoint of life outside the apocalypse.




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I wish I was reading it all for the first time again. I be happy to lose my memory of all of it just to go through all that emotion again. It really is good to binge on it.


One off collaboration with writer/artist team Brian K Vaughan and Marcos Martin. Get it somehow, but it's entitled The Walking Dead: The Alien. It's canon and it's taken from a viewpoint of life outside the apocalypse.




Yeah, I've heard about that. Think I'll take a gander at it soon.


Tempted to buy Volume 25 because I want to read the next part buuuuut then I'll have one Volume and three Compendiums...but the flipside is that I'll be able to read the next part now instead of having to wait, what, like 2 years for the next Compendium? Fuck daaaat.

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Well, they pretty much stealth released the May issue, no spoiler panel build ups, nothing.


Unsure about the speed in which Negan has ingratiated himself into the fold of the Whisperers, maybe this is the calm before Alpha takes him out (not going to happen). Suppose his info for the coming war will be invaluable to Alpha, who'll launch a pre-emptive zombie melee.


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