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Killzone 3


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I know meleeing was shit in KZ2 but I was perfectly happy with that, whether it's better or not in this i couldn't give a toss really.


If you think lower health is better then... More fool you. Saying 'you're being shot with guns' doesn't wash, it's a game, different FPS games choose different bullet damage. It was nailed in KZ2, I don't think they should've changed it at all. If you want to have realistic gun damage in an online shooter, it would be one hit kills the whole time, and if not, everyone would be limping constantly after a firefight. More health means potentially less annoying instant deaths and increases the ability to go on streaks (I think so anyway).


Level unlocking isn't perfect, but if everything was unlocked at the start it would be much lamer. That's where you'd have to implement customisation to keep people interested.


Lower health emphasises better positioning and movement which I prefer. It's much more enjoyably realistic. Not to mention it speeds the whole game up which is what Killzone needed.


Doesn't TF2 have everything unlocked from the start? Halo Reach has armour abilities all up for grabs at the start and any weapon you want is on the map. Unlocks aren't necessary to keep people interested if the game is good enough.

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Lower health emphasises better positioning and movement which I prefer. It's much more enjoyably realistic. Not to mention it speeds the whole game up which is what Killzone needed.


Doesn't TF2 have everything unlocked from the start? Halo Reach has armour abilities all up for grabs at the start and any weapon you want is on the map. Unlocks aren't necessary to keep people interested if the game is good enough.

Couldn't disagree more with first paragraph. I want that from some shooters but Killzone isn't one of them. KZ2 could be hectic, but it wasn't about constantly running into firefights, and one-on-one duels were far more enjoyable, and rewarded skilful shooting to a greater extent. In this it's much more likely that an inferior player can get a lucky couple of hits and score a kill.


Those games you mentioned are similar to Uncharted as well. You don't unlock skills or weapons in Uncharted, as items are strewn across the ground for collecting. Granted this wasn't the case with TF2 but that game was exceptional in different ways. I don't think KZ works with having nothing to unlock. Well maybe it would, but if everyone was using the fully powered engineer with the dreadful rocket-firing turrets from the off it would be pretty boring.


Rocket firing turrets is another fail. It was fine as an anti air-support only thing.

Edited by dwarf
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I can also rant on but I hope GG can make changes and let us test something more substantial. Right now KZ3 is just not on my radar and I just cannot play any more of the beta.


Lesson to the developers: Listen to the right people.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Worth pointing out the beta is now available for all Plus members now. No restrictions. regarding feedback alot of stuff has been confirmed for changes.fixes but the beta will not be patched. The changes will simply be in the final game.


yeah I saw it yesterday have downloaded it may play a bit tonight.

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yeah I saw it yesterday have downloaded it may play a bit tonight.


Well I'll be on for abit.


Definitely feels like doing the beta was well worth it. They must be happy they got the feedback they needed. I doubt we will have Black ops like issues at launch. I just hope they are able to add everything asked for.

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Disappointment of the year.


Kind of. I'd still rather play it over Black Ops right now. Some of the mistakes were so amateur in the KZ3 beta but the developer response is good so far(provided they do what they say) something which Treyarch have not demonstrated to date.

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Do pointer controls feel better and more responsive than analogue controls?


I really want to play a good FPS with good pointer controls.


Dont know about KZ3 as its not in the beta. But SOCOM is the game you are looking at if you want killer Move Pointer control. Best way to describe it is that it dampens tiny movements, making the cursor stable on screen. Worked amazingly well at eurogamer expo.


MAG also hasMove control. It is very challenging with Move. Its like controlling a lightgun. Super fast and sensitive. Easy mode for shotguns though :p

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Thanks for the info, Choze. I'll look into it more, once I've got some spare cash.


Is Soccom out already?


No the one out is the one by Slant 6(psp/psn/wii developer) and its just a stopgap at best. Zipper (SOCOM 1-3) will be ready with theirs next year. There will be a beta for it. :D

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I'm sorry Jamieson, but you know shit all about the franchise son. Please do not comment further.

Sit yo' ass down and watch Mad Men.


Oi! He's got to watch Battlestar Galactica first.




Oh shi--


Four episodes in....it is awesome. 3 was definitely the strongest. I like the young guy, its interesting how he goes from your most hated character then when he gets back and you find out about some of his troubles/issues you're like "Ah, he's actually one of the nicest ones"


It's out next month.




So, who is definitely getting it? Tapedeck and I....who else?

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