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Killzone 3


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It's hardly silly when I know I was in the first 10,000.


And yes I have checked my folders, settings etc.


If anyone has a spare code I'll gladly buy it off them. The beta was my most hyped thing this year.


how do you know you were in the first 10,000?! have I missed something...


wait what your going to pay for it?! madness...or like dwarf said shit of the bull variety.

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Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.


Yeah don't you think there were a ton of other people who sat an installed it straight away as well?!


Also its nothing like renting a game...your paying to play something completely unfinished rather than renting and paying for a finished game!

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It's hardly silly when I know I was in the first 10,000.


And yes I have checked my folders, settings etc.


If anyone has a spare code I'll gladly buy it off them. The beta was my most hyped thing this year.


Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.


I definitely downloaded it faster than you.


And it was 5,000 codes. The other 5,000 were for America.


Tbh, I wouldn't get too down. It's alpha code and it's clearly not finished graphically.


...although it is awesome.

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Because I had it downloaded and installed within 30 seconds of it coming in the store.


And yes I would pay for a beta code, it's just like renting a game out at the end of the day.


Sounds like you deserved a code. Did you get one? Message Liquidrunner at killzone.com


I think the beta is rough and not fun(most of the time). They have ALOT of work cut out ahead if they really want to fix the game and make it as good as can be. I also hope they delay the game.

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Ok good. Not sure if its a good thing playing the beta for fun though but after a ton of leveling up my impressions are negative. Yes its still a good game in isolation but nowhere near the standards of KZ2.


There are gaping issues and I do not understand why there were changes in key mechanics that led the way back in KZ2. The new Tactician for example has a wall hack and has to capture spawn points instead of spawn grenades. Currently this whole class is overpowered and not fun. They also use an LMG which happens to aim better than any other gun in the game. Medics can just get up after dieing. Marksmen can stay cloaked and now undetectable. The abilities are too overpowering. To top it off people have found stuff like sniper scope auto aim like in COD games. No other fps has had this amount of big/stupid changes in a sequel this whole gen. The COD games since COD4 are exactly the same games with new skins and afew extras. Why cant developers grasp this simple concept? also which idiots came up with the idea of a wall hack? Seriously?


The only thing that makes sense is to revert back to KZ2 gameplay/multiplayer and delay the game. Play the beta and go complain in the http://beta.killzone.com forums.

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The beta (or is it alpha?) is quite rough, but fun. The maps are a bit rubbish though. They have vastly improved the controls now, they still have weight, but doesn't feel like you're moving under water anymore. They feel like Bad Company 2 controls.


I'll spend some more time on it over the weekend, but my first impressions are good.

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I'd like to beta test please Choze :P.


Check your pm


The beta (or is it alpha?) is quite rough, but fun. The maps are a bit rubbish though. They have vastly improved the controls now, they still have weight, but doesn't feel like you're moving under water anymore. They feel like Bad Company 2 controls.


I'll spend some more time on it over the weekend, but my first impressions are good.


Controls are ok but weapon balance is a mess. The stupid changes are a joke and so are lots of other stuff. Play more.

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I think what people mean is that's a lot more rough arounds the edges than other Betas such as Call of Duty or Halo.


Then again as Mat said it looks as though were playing the Aplha code not the Beta so things could be much better in development as I type this.

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Can't thank Choze enough. Awesome!


It'll probably be a few hours before it finishes downloading, but something's wrong with me if I don't stay up to play it.


This is second in amazingness only to a future Resistance 3 demo/beta. Both games will probably be pretty darn fantastic.

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It's hardly the apocalypse that Choze was implying, that's for sure. Thing is, I don't know if the 'better controls' statement is true or if the aiming's just been simplified. I'm not a fan of it at this point.


Also, there doesn't seem to be enough new weaponary, in fact it's practically the same, minus a rocket launcher, with only additional secondary weapons. Definitely needs more variety.


Jetpacks are awesome though. Really easy to get the hang of, and are generally brilliant.


I don't like how the main ISA rifle is currently only open to medics (if I'm not mistaken). I think someone mentioned this before, but seriously, that's a bit disappointing. I favour tacticians, and they don't have a substitute gun.


Currently the LMG is overpowered.


I like the jetpack map a lot. In general though, all maps seem to be suffering from Guerilla's bad design, there's still far too many awkward staircases, and the maps still have needlessly convoluted areas.


The graphics are amazing though, some astounding effects, and yet this is just alpha code.


One of the better improvements is the more in-your-face scoring system, and a lot of different things nets you points.


Overall, a very nice beta. I'd love to play it a ton more and get better impressions but I'm away for a few days. Darn.

Edited by dwarf
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I like the idea behind the figure. Clever.



Overall, a very nice beta. I'd love to play it a ton more and get better impressions but I'm away for a few days. Darn.


I could have given the code to someone else. :p


Right now check into beta.killzone.com the site is also a beta test. GG have gotten back to people about what they are patching so lets hope they help. Yeah I guess its still a fun game but it needs alot of work for quality high level play.


I actually like the controls. Just balance the weapons. More worried about abilities and the new tacticians spawns.


New patch up already with some changes to weapons accuracy, power etc. and bugs fixed. Another patch also on the way.

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