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Killzone 3


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Hope they improve map rotation as well, after some games it doesn't even give the option to vote for a different map and just starts the same one again.


Ive played the salamun market map 2 many times already!! I want to play the new ones!!!! Ive got the map preference set to any, i don't expect the same map to load every time!


You have to exit out sadly. The retro maps are bugged right now so they repeat constantly and do not let people vote. Other on disk maps are fine though. Its going to get patched.


Why is Kaznan Jungle so popular?! It's a terrible terrible map.


I have only played it once. Its pretty much there for COD players :p Easy camping maybe? I stick to Warzone and Operations mainly. More fun and XP.


I will say Akmir breeze or whatever, the oil rig in the snow is a lot of fun.

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are there any good tips videos online I could watch? Anyway hopefully my copy is at home so are people up for some online tonight? I'm going to buck my usual trend of playing single player to completion first and tackle multiplayer as and when community is on.

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are there any good tips videos online I could watch? Anyway hopefully my copy is at home so are people up for some online tonight? I'm going to buck my usual trend of playing single player to completion first and tackle multiplayer as and when community is on.


Me, Cooky and Mike have been on pretty much every night. Join us.

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I'm finding it somewhat difficult to enjoy the online side of this. Every other Warzone game I join seems to be incredibly unbalanced, either placing me on a team with a fraction the amount of players as the opposition or otherwise in the middle of an in progress spawn camp.


When battles aren't completely one-sided it's good fun, though.

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Boost was awful, I'm glad to see the back of it. Likewise I disliked spawn grenades as they actually exacerbated spawn camping: the enemy could literally appear inside your base, and whilst ostensibly useful for escaping such a situation they were incredibly easy for a dominant team to lock down; someone could leave their reticule over the spot players' heads would appear.


There are far more elegant ways to solve such issues, both in terms of team balancing and map design.

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Boost was awful, I'm glad to see the back of it. Likewise I disliked spawn grenades as they actually exacerbated spawn camping: the enemy could literally appear inside your base, and whilst ostensibly useful for escaping such a situation they were incredibly easy for a dominant team to lock down; someone could leave their reticule over the spot players' heads would appear.


There are far more elegant ways to solve such issues, both in terms of team balancing and map design.

Boost shouldn't have worked but I thought it did.


Yes, that was an issue with the spawn grenades but it kept areas of the map active that might otherwise have been neglected, and as well as this it placed you into the action much faster.


Plus, there was always the camera enabling you to check if people are camping the spawns (although admittedly it was unreliable) and it usually wasn't a problem if both spawns worked in tandem, or were fairly hidden. The only gripe I had with way they worked was that they ruined the S&D mission types.


Solution: allow spawn grenades to be placed only in certain regions. In the private beta matches it was clear there weren't enough areas to spawn, making travel cumbersome, and causing the aforementioned one-sidedness.

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There is alot less spawn camping in KZ3 but it still can happen. Problem is no matter what any game does it still happens. Yeah S&D isnt that much of a mess now. Bodies still pile up though :laughing: I cant say either method is ideal. both have their pros and cons. The beta snow map has the most running around in the game.

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officially first time shopto has let me down...ordered and dispatched on 28th still not here..never not had them arrive day after and nows its the day after that :(


That sucks mate - not really shopto's fault more like Royal Mail dragging their heels.

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Patch time. More stuff incoming after this patch too.




Network - Lag fixes and fixes for network errors 10002, 8001 and 8013

Gameplay - Players now have more stamina by default. Sprint length is increased but the recharge timer has been adjusted to compensate

Gameplay - Mortally wounded players no longer have collision. Alive players should now be able to traverse the levels without getting stuck on mortally wounded players

Gameplay - Medic's revive cool-down reduced from 25 to 10 seconds

Gameplay - Increased range from where friendly players can be revived - player can be revived from 20 meters now

Gameplay - Guerrilla Warfare games now last 15 minutes and it takes 100 kills instead of 50 to win

Performance – Improvements to party creation server load

Menu - Show envelope icon to indicate that player has received message

Menu - Rewards panel in post game screen now auto-scrolls

Menu - Botzone is now paused when player goes to start menu

Menu - Single click squad invite

Menu - Enhanced idle detection code in menu, the player isn’t spawned if he’s still pressing buttons

Security - Several security, anti hack and cheat fixes





Stability – Fix for an occasional crash bug when in the Credits screen and transitioning straight into Multiplayer via a Invite

Stability – Fix for potential hang when players migrate between maps

Gameplay - Player can retain crouched collision after deploying jetpack

Gameplay - The Assassination Executioner medals only count Deadly Assassin kills, not Executioner kills

Gameplay - Cloak kills with weapons that break cloak now count towards medal for Cloak levels 1 and 2.

Gameplay - Global - Medic’s Triage droids now disappear when player quits out of game

Gameplay - Cloak/Disguise cannot be removed manually by accident anymore

Gameplay – Fix for rumble in Exo being over-powered and out of sync

Gameplay – Fix for Silent Footsteps remaining active after choosing other skill and removed from the personal stats menu

Exploit - Akmir Snowdrift - Player can reach the boat by using an ammo box to exit the intended boundaries

Functionality – Disc eject now handled more gracefully

Trophies - DLC 1 ‘Little Big Weapons’ Trophy does now counts rocket launcher and StA2

Clan functionality – Fix for player quitting and re-joining a tournament, they may re-enter a tournament alone.

Menu - Find game – Operations - Mode description - Spelling issue fixed

Menu - Friends: Fix for Clan tags being displayed for a max of nine players despite the number of player that are in the clan

Menu – Fix for incorrect message given when attempting to join a Clan Game that an online friend is taking place in

Menu - Spawn-screen – Fix for when the extra Primary Weapon skill is equipped, the weapon description goes out of sync

Menu - Accolades do now show subsequently

Menu - When receiving a squad invite from a player in another match, there is now a warning that the player will leave his current game.

Menu - Scramble detailed range and in-game range now match properly

Menu - The Spot and Mark description in the unlock menu is now correct

Menu – Fix for when the player presses the SQUARE button when a player that is in their game is highlighted in the squad lobby menu they receive the message ‘You cannot join a play that is not in a game.’

Menu - Turn off animations for the squad list to avoid it becoming unreadable every time a rebuild occurs when voice chat is activated

Menu – Fix for when trying to join a friend without the required DLC pack, the message will tell the player they are part of a squad.

Menu – Fix for the message informing the player they are attempting to join a DLC game without the required DLC content installed reading better

Menu - Increased Accuracy & Faster Reload Ribbons now update in the personal statistics screen.

Additional to this, we are performing regular and significant Server updates to help with connection issues such as the -9 Error (fix deployed Thursday 3rd of March) as well as improving performance and lag.

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GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO






online tonight anyone?


Fuck yes!


No fix for map rotation when set to 'Any'?


Seriously WTF?


One would have thought that would have been one of the first things to do...



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