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Even more tweaks.


Worried that some of the Killzone 3 beta's unsightly blemishes might persist into the game's proper retail release? Well, there's no need to fret -- provided that said blemishes are included in the hit list posted after the jump. Guerrilla has announced the changes which will go live shortly after the title's February 22 release date, from the esoteric (Medics can now revive more often and from farther away!) to the damn near necessary (inviting a player to a group is now a one-button process).


The developer also announced a number of updates that will go live after the game's release -- super important updates, too, like "support for color-blind players," and "overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down." In case you were wondering, that's one of the best things we've ever read. "Excuse me, sir? You're dying too loudly."


•A fix to the "Your Faction Has Won/Lost" issue, along with all oddities that resulted from this occurring

•An issue that allowed more than two clans to join a clan match will be fixed

•Increased Accuracy, Bullet Damage and Faster Reload Ribbons will update correctly on personal statistics screens

•We've simplified the process to invite players into your game (just one button press)

•The radius of the Marksman's Scramble++ has been lowered

•Medic's Revive distance increased and cooldown to re-use is decreased

•No collision on mortally wounded player bodies

•Increased player stamina

•An icon will be shown in the menu when you have a Killzone 3 message in your inbox

•Support for color-blind players

•Implement unranked custom games for players to create private or clan matches

•Enhanced custom games functionality that will allow players to:

•Control over games modes and settings

•Secure games, allowing you to invite the players you want to play with

•The ability to prevent abilities and weapons from being used

•Toggling on and off functionality, such as ribbons, skills, explosives, etc.

•Selecting which careers you want available to players

•Allow friendly fire to be turned on or off

•Faction switching enabled or disabled

•The Clan Officer role will be added to clans

•Separate turn speeds for hip-fire and ADS

•Overly enthusiastic death screams will be toned down

•Increased the amount of kills required to win a Guerrilla Warfare match

•Increased Accuracy ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered

•Likewise, the Bullet Damage ribbon will have its effectiveness lowered as well

•Matches will end if the other team forfeits (i.e. too few, or no players on the enemy team)

•Matchmaking enhancements that will close and merge games based on player count, which will keep games more full

•Balance factions out by moving players to the other team at the end of the match if one team is lopsided

•The ability to turn off HUD markers for point pop-ups and objectives

•A menu option to allow squad-only chat

•The addition of a Mute All button

•Scoreboard flickering will be fixed

•Clans will no longer get matched against other clans that have many more players than they do (i.e. 4 vs. 7, 5 vs. 8)

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Today we are showing the first of five videos demonstrating how Killzone 3’s career progression can be tracked through Killzone.com.


Each video will highlight one multiplayer career from Killzone 3, including all of its abilities and key weapons, and show how it’s interlinked with Killzone.com. We kick off the series with the Engineer, an excellent support class with distinct defensive and offensive capabilities. The voice over for the video is by Dan Nanni, Multiplayer Designer at Guerrilla.




Worst unboxing vid ever?


Edited by Cookyman
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That guy has issues.


I've pre-ordered the special edition one from GAME for £45. Is anyone else getting this at launch?


Yeah that is the one i have ordered. No brainer given the price. Its getting processed. Still thinking of the HMV ultimate pack for the Marksman.


Worth pointing out that the 24 hours code is for 24 hours only(not game time) so you will need to marathon it :p


Also extra unlock points via HOME and the website game. Will give links later.


Just played the single player 3D demo. In a word: Stunning.


Yeah 3D was very good. I wish I had a 3D TV. I think this is the show off 3D game right now. Excellent use of explosions, snow flying about, gun trails, smoke etc. Its the effects that make it.

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Worth pointing out that the 24 hours code is for 24 hours only(not game time) so you will need to marathon it :p


Yeah i did think that would be the case.


To be honest the only thing i really want it for is the steel case considering the price isn't that much higher and everything else is a bonus on top.

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Ive pre-ordered the special edition one from GAME for £45. Is anyone else getting this at launch?


I'm getting this - I refer you to my earlier post!


Well couldn't resist and have just ordered Killzone 3 from Zavvi.com


If you enter this code - FIVEOFFZAVVI


You save a fiver off a £50 quid order so got the Killzone 3: Limited Edition pack for £54.85


I was needing a new controller and you get this with it:






It's a nice way to get a cheap 2nd official controller!


Oh and you could be really sneaky and then flog the controller on Ebay for £30 and save even more money (I'll be keeping mine though)


still undecided....


Do it flamey - join us, join us. You know you want to!

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sold out on Zavvi. Use the hut instead(same thing).




Yeah i did think that would be the case.


To be honest the only thing i really want it for is the steel case considering the price isn't that much higher and everything else is a bonus on top.


The two extra maps (Saluman Market and Blood Gracht) along with unlock points and xp bonus seal it.





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Are we going to have the semi-active clan again. Winning matches with 2-3 people was actually fun sometimes (seriously). Thanks to cooky, I pre-ordered the same pack as himself. Also pre-ordered the special edition for a mates birthday, but I also have his psn account info so ill get the bonuses that way too :P

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Are we going to have the semi-active clan again. Winning matches with 2-3 people was actually fun sometimes (seriously). Thanks to cooky, I pre-ordered the same pack as himself. Also pre-ordered the special edition for a mates birthday, but I also have his psn account info so ill get the bonuses that way too :P


Yeah let's get a clan going - I'm totally up for that!

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If any of you haven't ordered this yet - perhaps this classy launch trailer will help to persuade you!


Hello everyone,


It is my pleasure to announce that Killzone 3 is out in stores this week. After two years of hard work by the talented developers at Guerrilla, we are thrilled to bring you the most intensely immersive first-person action game the PlayStation 3 has ever seen. Killzone 3 has become a true showcase piece for the PlayStation 3, making full use of its considerable capabilities – including stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move compatibility. And with support for the PlayStation Move sharp shooter, Killzone 3 is accessible to experienced and casual players alike.


I would like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to the fans in the Killzone community, who have supported and cheered us on over the course of Killzone 3′s development, and to everyone who participated in the online multiplayer beta trials, for helping us make Killzone 3 the best game

possible. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to seeing you in Killzone 3′s online multiplayer mode.


Now, without further ado – go out and buy it!


Hermen Hulst

Managing Director, Guerrilla Games


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Day 0 patch up.


Welcome to the first of several patches planned for Killzone 3! Along with updates to multiplayer, you can also expect to find fixes for the campaign and enhancements to other portions of the game, such as Playstation Move support, through future patches as well. To get the best Killzone 3 experience, be sure to keep Killzone 3 up to date, even if you plan to play offline.



For those who participated in the Killzone 3 multiplayer open beta, you’ve already had the opportunity to play with several of the Gameplay changes as they were present in the package you downloaded. More updates and enhancements are on the way, based on the great feedback we received during open beta.



Increased the number of melee kills needed to unlock Increased Accuracy

StA-3 LMG has had its spread increased and overall accuracy lowered

Lowered the range and recoil of the LS-57 SMG

Silent Footsteps has been removed as a ribbon and is now an unlockable skill

Capturing a Capture and Hold area in Operations will award the same amount of points as it does in Warzone – it was previously worth less

A specific screen has been added to inform players when a Skill has been unlocked

Medic: The LS-57 SMG replaces their previously equipped StA-11 SMG

Medic: The M224-1A LMG replaces their previously equipped LS-13 Shotgun

Engineer: The StA-11 SMG replaces their previously equipped LS-57 SMG

Tactician: The LS-13 Shotgun replaces their previously equipped M224-1A LMG

Tactician: Neutralizing and capturing Tactical Spawn Areas now have two different timers, allowing you to neutralize the ownership away from the enemy faction quicker

Tactician: Spot & Mark has been rebalanced - it will now ‘pulse’ like a sonar for 30 seconds, rather than stay constantly active during its duration

Infiltrator: Disguise ranges for each rank has been adjusted. At rank 1, any player can see through Disguise when targeting the Infiltrator. At rank 2, a player must be within 30m range. At rank 3, a player must be within 15m range. Additionally, Disguise at rank 2 has had its timer set to ‘indefinite’ and is no longer based on a timer.

Infiltrator: The sprint speed modifier earned from Survivalist has been decreased

New online trophies can be unlocked from the Retro Pack DLC

Kick-voting has been added to online matches

Experience points earned for completing mission objectives has been increased


Clans and Squads:

You can no longer rejoin a clan match that has already finished

Current clan ratings are more accurately reflected at the beginning of the match

Players will no longer start the game in a squad by themselves

Clan matches will no longer end in a draw if one clan quits out (therefore forfeiting) before the remaining clan is able to score points in Guerrilla Warfare

You will no longer hang after pressing the Start button right after accepting a clan invite on the region select screen


Network Issues:

Network errors experienced during the open beta, such as 20002 and 8001, should no longer occur

A 30 second time-out has been added to Multiplayer “joining” screen, should you experience an interruption in your connection

Players that don’t have the Retro Pack, who tried joining a friend who was currently playing on a Retro Pack map, will no longer receive a network error code


General Bugs:

You will no longer have the “Your Faction Has Won/Lost” image roll over into subsequent matches

You will no longer receive multiple unlock points when the server is out of sync

You will no longer accumulate additional unlock points after everything has been unlocked

Fixed an issue that caused the menu to stop responding after switching rapidly between the career unlocks screen and the multiplayer main menu

The Bullet Damage ribbon reward is now applied to all primary and secondary weapons that fire bullets

Tactician: Fixed an issue that prevented players from re-activating Spot & Mark for 60 seconds after they were killed with it active





Stutter issues stemming from cutscenes that were loaded from the menu have been resolved

Icy Incursion: Audio is now in sync during the cutscene played while streaming into Providence Station



Improved streaming performance for a smoother gameplay experience



Sharp shooter:

Square button is mapped to Jump when using the Sharpshooter

Adjusted the deadzone modifier when using the Sharpshooter


PlayStation Move:

Fixed a possible crash that could occur after playing the campaign while using the motion controller



Killzone 3 is now integrated into the PSN store

Enhanced security features included to deter cheating


Hello everyone,


It is my pleasure to announce that Killzone 3 is out in stores today. After two years of hard work by the talented developers at Guerrilla, we are thrilled to bring you the most intensely immersive first-person action game the PlayStation 3 has ever seen. Killzone 3 has become a true showcase piece for the PlayStation 3, making full use of its considerable capabilities - including stereoscopic 3D and PlayStation Move compatibility. And with support for the PlayStation Move sharp shooter, Killzone 3 is accessible to experienced and casual players alike.


I would like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to the fans in the Killzone community, who have supported and cheered us on over the course of Killzone 3's development, and to everyone who participated in the online multiplayer beta trials, for helping us make Killzone 3 the best game possible. We hope you enjoy it, and we look forward to seeing you in Killzone 3's online multiplayer mode.


Now, without further ado - go out and buy it!


Hermen Hulst

Managing Director, Guerrilla




Above video showing controls and improved cover/melee system with slide etc.

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