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LittleBigPlanet 2


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I'd hazard a guess the person uploading the videos didn't make a single one of those levels, but they certainly didn't make all of them as they're created by different people.


Anyway, it's safe to say that people are doing some very clever things with the Beta mechanically, and that's without all the tools of the final build available.

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Impressive that that was made in LBP2 actually, can't wait to see what people make in the next year or so when they own the full game and have time to create.


yeah me to! The stuff in the beta for the first one was great but then when the game actually came out things exploded and got incredible.

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For me the editor is the best part, not because you can make good stuff in it, but just so you can wonder at the potential staring you in the face. I made a fairly competent/convoluted effort, which I was fairly happy with. Whilst it wasn't as good as what I ideally wished for, it was nice to see myself pull off some tricky mechanisms in my designs, that have to be used for completion.


The actual playing of levels was largely boring in LBP1, because the platforming wasn't exactly an art that could be mastered. Now with physics adjustments and more options, who knows.


There are a lot of niggles that come with creating levels though. They never sorted the sticker/colouration in my opinion. There should be a paint tool, instead of having to collage standard shapes with a limited palette. And certain important stickers, like letters for instance, had to be unlocked. I hope they amend that.

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I'm not sure, but I think what's happened here is that Media Molecule were discussing going Gold with the game, then they read my post and thought 'shit, if dwarf's not happy, we better listen to his very valid points'.


Or they were close to release and realised that some of their musical content had track names including 'Black Man Stole My Bike'.

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Disappointing news but at the end of the day it'll bring out an even better game once it is fully ready and not had bits rushed near the end. Also, the game may have suffered in terms of sales because of Gran Turismo 5 finally getting released this November. Just hope we don't see a similar situation to last year where games were being delayed just to let Modern Warfare 2 be a sales success that everyone knew it would be.


Seen the trailers and vids for LBP2, the different possibilities and potential for levels looks brilliant and I really look forward to what the top creators come up with. :) Basically able to make minigames in this!

Edited by Rowan
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Seems a shame that this has been delayed.


I bet they had to push for more time.


This could have been a decent game for Sony to shift some PS3 and Move units; a decent sequel to PS3s most (widely) recognised IP.


I'm stoaked that the 32inch Sackboys got pushed forward though.

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