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Sooo got this game today. Fucking sucking online at the moment, getting like 10 kills and 18 deaths. Getting to know the maps but shit internet connection makes it painful. Not quite gotten to grips with the money-stuff for upgrading weapons... But yeah had a few nice kills (but mostly lots of annoying moments). Played the single player a little and it seems alright. Starting to see what people mean about respawning enemies. usually I'll either sit back and pick people off or run through and be a nutter - this game kinda punishes both forms of play.


So yeah. Sucking bad. Really annoying. Kinda considering picking up MW2 again to get my kicks as all the summerfags will be on so easy kills, like :P

Posted (edited)

I've been playing it the last couple of months online (I'm not even bothering with the campaign, I know it'll be CoD wank).


I recommend Ghost (ofc), Sleight of Hand Pro is essential as quicker ADS is a deal breaker (+ reloading fast is ridiculously useful), and the third perk preferably Hacker, though that last one is more variable.


As opposed to MW2, I don't silence my weapons. They nerf the guns much more in this game. So instead I recommend dual mag attachment, which gives you more starting magazines (unadvertised on the description) and it makes every other reload faster - so combined with SoH it makes reloading insane.


You generally want to avoid the sub-machine guns bar the AK74U for rushing. It's well known that the FAMAS is amazingly powerful, with the Galil also being a very sturdy option. Use those to get confident.


Parenthesis ftw.

Edited by dwarf

Cheers man :) I've noticed on gun games/shooters (i forget the name) that I've been slayed even when I've had the trigger first. I know it's a noob move to blame my tools but frankly it's happened so often it had to be something other than me -- slieght of hand it is. Ghost is essentially cold-blooded, right? I've noticed waaay more choppers in Blops.


When learning maps I basically do nothing but rush so set-ups for that are very much appreciated. I'll settle once I know where the hot spots are, so I'm all about quick-fire, short-range.


Level 9 atm - got to level 6 whilst drunk in sheff so I've not got much going for me atm. Once I know which maps are open/closed I may start shotty-ing it. Never really played that way but hey.


Any map packs worth investing in?

Posted (edited)

Yeah Ghost is cold-blooded, but the pro-version (invisible to aircraft) is a bit more of a bitch to unlock in Blops because the 3 challenges required for pro are a tad erksome.


And by gun games do you mean Cod solely? Because I can only think of KZ3 that has an equivalent to SoH. It might well be an inconsistent Internet connection that damages your games.


Rush classes are fairly self-explanatory, you'll want Lightweight (preferably pro for quicker ADS after sprinting), sleight of hand (always sleight of hand!) and marathon. Don't silence your weapons as said - use the AK74U with either extended mags or dual mag.

My favourite rush class though is 'teh shotty' one. Marathon, Lightweight, steady-aim. Use the Spas silenced (doesn't sound amazing in practice and almost always takes two shots to kill but honestly it's pretty awesome - especially for maps like Summit). You can flank, hang around fairly close to short-range areas and nearby spawn locations and completely tear the opponents up, and you won't be on enemies' radar from shooting. The Spas has a fast fire rate so put your skepticism aside.


Plus, you'll want to be using UAV as one of your killstreaks, always. That's what I like to do anyway.


I know nothing of the map packs, I'm only borrowing the game for a long time.

Edited by dwarf
Yeah Ghost is cold-blooded, but the pro-version (invisible to aircraft) is a bit more of a bitch to unlock in Blops because the 3 challenges required for pro are a tad erksome.


And by gun games do you mean Cod solely? Because I can only think of KZ3 that has an equivalent to SoH. It might well be an inconsistent Internet connection that damages your games.


Rush classes are fairly self-explanatory, you'll want Lightweight (preferably pro for quicker ADS after sprinting), sleight of hand (always sleight of hand!) and marathon. Don't silence your weapons as said - use the AK74U with either extended mags or dual mag.

My favourite rush class though is 'teh shotty' one. Marathon, Lightweight, steady-aim. Use the Spas silenced (doesn't sound amazing in practice and almost always takes two shots to kill but honestly it's pretty awesome - especially for maps like Summit). You can flank, hang around fairly close to short-range areas and nearby spawn locations and completely tear the opponents up, and you won't be on enemies' radar from shooting. The Spas has a fast fire rate so put your skepticism aside.


Plus, you'll want to be using UAV as one of your killstreaks, always. That's what I like to do anyway.


I know nothing of the map packs, I'm only borrowing the game for a long time.


The Spas is probably the only silenced weapon that doesn't seem to be nerfed, actually seems to be more effective when silenced.


Some of the maps are good, but unless your gonna play zombies as well, I wouldn't bother.


Using an enfield at the moment. Most games I join are carnage with the amount of carepackages flying around. Getting to know some of the maps, getting to be very pissed off at players higher level than me who clearly suck - and starting to have the occasional positive k/d!


enfield with red dot sight, ghost, hardened, marathon. that nerve gas stuff and clamores with my frags. Doing alright with it - learning my range which is what most of this game was about for me before.


Level 18, k/d ratio is 0.98 - was 0.2 at one point :P


You generally want to avoid the sub-machine guns bar the AK74U for rushing. It's well known that the FAMAS is amazingly powerful, with the Galil also being a very sturdy option. Use those to get confident.


Parenthesis ftw.


The FAMAS is decent but I think the Galil is by far the best gun in the game. It's extremely accurate at pretty much all distances and its very powerful. I only have a few classes where I don't have the Galil on it as it's fantastic in every situation..


Been M16ing - great range and accuracy. Been taking out snipers! Also last-stand (or whatever it's called this time) is getting me loads of kills - however, why the fuck do my team-mates just run past me?! I've seen them help others and I always revive people but not ONCE has anyone revived me. amidoinitwrong?


Still not shot up one of those RCXD things. Hate 'em!

Been M16ing - great range and accuracy. Been taking out snipers! Also last-stand (or whatever it's called this time) is getting me loads of kills - however, why the fuck do my team-mates just run past me?! I've seen them help others and I always revive people but not ONCE has anyone revived me. amidoinitwrong?


Still not shot up one of those RCXD things. Hate 'em!


You got pro version?


@ Charlie.... Nah, Famas is beast. The competitive gaming community crap is littered only with that gun.


Lol yeah I do now... Felt a bit of a plum :P People be ressing me all over the place now! Best result was 24/4 :D Generally I get around 14 kills and 7-10 deaths so I'm not an out-and-out killer.


Definitely prefer the challenges system of MW2 to the contracts system here. Prefer trying to get the playercard banners and logos in MW2 as well, and kinda don't feel as much rush to develop a master class. Is there no way to flag a player to be booted? Playing 6 games in a row where one of the guys has a k/d ratio of 0.20 who runs around and loses the game for us every time because he gets 2 kils and 20 deaths... it's a rather unfair handicap.


Really want to be good at the gun game! I just seem to get stuck on the first few weapons, then I get like 8 kills in 2 minutes with the rifles but by then people have launchers and I'm out of the game.

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