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Battalion Wars

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Yes actually it rocks!! I startede playing it yesterday. Im still on the first missions as I want and S on every one..and the control takes som getting used to.. meaning the whole "switching between the units".. can imagine it will get tough later on in the heat of battle. Great and wonderfull charachters and animation.. again im reminded of Vaughn Bodé's comics. And the control for the tank rules.. can't wait to try out the planes. Have only "met" Betty once.. but can't say im looking forward to seeing her again.. ill probably use Rammstein og RATM to drone her out

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is it as strategic as the GBA/DS ones?


It is not so strategic as GBA/DS games, but you will need to think how to use your units or you will surely fail. Battalion Wars is fine game and my only personal gripe with it is the control system. It can be sometimes very hard to control your units precisely and locking system is pretty bad.

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It is a great game. Im not that far into it yet beause I have to work.. boooring.. and play Animal Crossing also.. and I want a S on each mission.. also im trying to get better at commanding my different units, as it is sheer murder sending the wrong units up against a tank or say, flamethrowers. I made a lot of mistakes, but am getting better... phew, can't imagine how hectic it will get later on. And Betty isnt that irritating.. if only she would lay off the helium..

I simply love the graphic style of this game, the charachters are well and funny animated.. gear and equipment bounching as you run about the place. Grunts banging their helmets to check their mic's.. or at least thats what I think they'r doing.


Edit: and suddently i can see my old post.. i havent been able to see it since i made it.. thought there was something wrong

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  • 3 weeks later...
I started this game this weekend and its great how much fun it is. It takes a while to get used to the control methods and when things get hectic I tend to lose control of the battle ( happens alot ) Still worth a look by anyone IMO. Hopefully a sequel will be on the cards.

Yeah, it really is a brilliant little game. I got it on launch and only played throught the first 8 missions I think. Not played it since because of lack of time and all that..........but hopefully I'll be able to get back into it in the coming weeks.


And yes, the graphics are uber nice. There's alot of nice little touches, and the wooded/forest areas look really lush. I was also soooo happy when they kept the boxart in the same style as the US one...........prob best GC boxart around I rekon........although Paper Mario comes close. :grin:

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  • 3 months later...

I just recently got this game. I really like it but the controls are annoying. I'm mostly finding locking on enemies difficult, but not too much of a problem. My one major gripe though is controlling vehicles. Its so loose and it annoys me when the camera decides to turn and you're not facing that way. I'm finding mission 4 difficult simply because of this.


Anyone else find that? Did it get easier?

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I really like it but the controls are annoying. I'm mostly finding locking on enemies difficult, but not too much of a problem. My one major gripe though is controlling vehicles. Its so loose and it annoys me when the camera decides to turn and you're not facing that way. I'm finding mission 4 difficult simply because of this.

I think you just need to work on your controlling skills to be quite honest.

And don't worry about the controls, they soon start to make sence with your brain :P

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I think you just need to work on your controlling skills to be quite honest.

And don't worry about the controls, they soon start to make sence with your brain :P


Yeah, probably. The main control layout is actually quite good once you get it into your head. Could just be this one vehicle, just feels way to light. The camera thing annoyed me most though. Spose I'll have to get practising. :D

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I'm curious, does this game feel like Battlezone 1&2 on the pc? As I love those games. When I get the time I will buy this game. Renting games is not too bad, as I played through CBFD in a weekend. Didn't have the money to buy it that time. Now I can't find it anywhere.

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Could just be this one vehicle, just feels way to light. The camera thing annoyed me most though. Spose I'll have to get practising. :D


I think you're talking about one of the first missions


where you have to escape from enemy territory with a light recon.


The controls are indeed quite annoying there, but I almost completed it and didn't encounter any similar problems so far. The tanks feel very natural to control.

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I think you're talking about one of the first missions


where you have to escape from enemy territory with a light recon.


The controls are indeed quite annoying there, but I almost completed it and didn't encounter any similar problems so far. The tanks feel very natural to control.


Great, hopefully i can motivate myself to do the level and carry on enjoying the game.

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