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Weight Loss 2010!


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Is there any way you can cycle to work? How far is it? The thing about the gym is that it's great but if you can get exercise into you're daily routine it is so much better.


I guess also, if you're really set on losing weight, you'll cut out takeaways altogether.


What other food do you eat?

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Is there any way you can cycle to work? How far is it? The thing about the gym is that it's great but if you can get exercise into you're daily routine it is so much better.


I guess also, if you're really set on losing weight, you'll cut out takeaways altogether.


What other food do you eat?


Thats very true, a few years back I used to cycle to work, 8 miles in and 8 miles back, and the weight just dropped off me. Ever since I stopped cycling I put it all back on though.

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I think I've officially given up on actually dieting. I simply can't do it, I love food too much. However, I am going to try and chance my food habits a bit (more fruit, less cookies/chocolate) to be more healthy. Not like I eat that badly but still, too many snacks in between. =P


And hopefully once it gets warmer I might pick up my bicycle again. Maybe even tomorrow (well already have to for the dentist but that's five minutes away haha).

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Usually those people that say "oooh, it's so hard" have a bucket of KFC in one of their arms


xD That made me laugh, it's so true, although I will say this, years ago me an a mate of mine just ate KFC everyday for months and strangely I lost a load of weight. We did walk loads at the time though aswell.


I'm one of those people who can lose weight when I want to but just cba most of the time :P. I was shocked before Christmas how much I lost quickly when I cut out fizzy drinks completely. Goes to show how all that sugar is bad for me. ... but they tastes so nice :P. I really need to start excercising though as I gained loads during the holidays, just couldn't stop eating...looks at those pigs in blankets... curse all the food for tasting nice.

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I'm somewhere between 78 and 79 kilos, which means I'm pretty much around that 12 and a half stone mark. A bit crazy considering that only 3 or so years ago I was around 3 stone less. I love going to the gym and I do feel different, but I don't always see the difference. My friends have noticed and Ine has noticed, especially with areas like my chest or my arms.


I've got a bit of fat that I want to shift, mainly on my stomach. I'm not a big guy, so I don't think it looks like I have too much fat to the naked eye. But, I know there's a little bit here and there that I want to get rid of. :heh:


12 and a half stone is the heaviest I've ever been, though.

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Is there any way you can cycle to work? How far is it? The thing about the gym is that it's great but if you can get exercise into you're daily routine it is so much better.


I guess also, if you're really set on losing weight, you'll cut out takeaways altogether.


What other food do you eat?


Exercise is a hard one.. As much as I'd love to make every effort to cycle to work, I think it would actually kill me. Its only 2.5/3 miles, but I've got ankylosing spondylitis, which is basically stiffening of the spine


The plan is to make an effort to go for short trips to the gym straight after work every day. And get out walking when I have the time/nights are brighter.


I go to weightwatchers on Tuesday after work, and that's basically my bad evening, I get a take-out as a treat. Then I'll eat healthy stuff within my weightwatchers allowance for the rest of the week. (salads, veggies, potatoes, porridge all that exciting stuff) I had fucking chicken salad for the first time in my life last week, isn't that crazy! :D


I mean I'm far from perfect, but I think as I lose the weight, I should be able to make changes. I definitely see your point about making it part of your routine, rather than going cause you have to..

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I'd say 3 miles is the perfect distance. It takes me around 35 minutes to clock about 5.5 with traffic, and I bomb it. I know it may seem like you might not be able to but if you push yourself, you will be able to do it and the more you do it the easier it will get. The human body is an amazing thing - so adaptable. With 3 miles you don't have to rush yourself.


I'm not sure what the weight watchers diet is. I think salads are amazingly unhelpful as the majority of a meal (Seriously, leaves? wtf! :heh: ). What would a couple of your meals consist of during the week?

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I've made some changes to my food now that my girlfriend is away and I'm able to eat stuff she doesn't like, etc.


I've also bought a few containers and stuff, so when I want to have a curry I won't just use a whole jar of sauce for myself, instead I'll actually keep half of it for later or something.


I know that sounds silly and obvious, but before I just used to use the whole jar and be like, "meh".


I've also decided I'm going to actually get up and have breakfast...


I haven't had breakfast since first year of uni, now my mornings involve getting up the very last minute and maybe having a quick shower.


The fact that I go to bed at stupid o'clock is partly to blame, so I'm heading to bed earlier each night and reading until I start to nod off.


Hopefully that'll help with... stuff?


I'm going to also stop buying so much junk food... I'll regularly buy a big party sized bag of cheap Sainsburys' cheesey puffs and eat them in one go. So good though... but I'll stop that.


Also, most importantly, I am going to start doing regular exercise at home and going to the gym on Fridays. Yay!


Although I'm keeping my Friday nights! On Friday nights I like to have either a beer or two or maybe some Pimms. I think Fridays will be yay-days still, Pimms and chocolate and a good movie.




I dunno how much I weigh.


I'll go in a store and use some scales tomorrow maybe.


I think I'm about 11 stone... and 3/4s...




I dunno, the last time I weighed myself was before Christmas and without my glasses on, it could have easily been 15 stone and a middle finger pointing back at me.


I'm also quite short... so, even thought 11 stone and whatever might not sound like a great deal, it does look a great deal without my top on. :laughing:

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I'd say 3 miles is the perfect distance. It takes me around 35 minutes to clock about 5.5 with traffic, and I bomb it. I know it may seem like you might not be able to but if you push yourself, you will be able to do it and the more you do it the easier it will get. The human body is an amazing thing - so adaptable. With 3 miles you don't have to rush yourself.


I'm not sure what the weight watchers diet is. I think salads are amazingly unhelpful as the majority of a meal (Seriously, leaves? wtf! :heh: ). What would a couple of your meals consist of during the week?


it just gives you a restricted amount you can eat in one day, according to weight, activity, height, gender.


Lunches can be like chicken salad, or low fat ready meal with lots of salad, maybe porridge. I'm a bit limited at work because I only get half an hour and we have a microwave and toaster on offer :P I don't tend to eat an extreme amount of food during the day because of side effects (lots of sickness in the morning with chemotherapy drugs)


relevant to the exercise point; (wiki)


All physical therapies must be approved in advance by a rheumatologist, since movements that normally have great benefits to one's health may harm a patient with AS; massages and physical manipulations should only be practiced by therapists familiar with this disease. Some of the therapies that have been shown to benefit AS patients include:


* Physical therapy/physiotherapy, shown to be of great benefit to AS patients;

* Swimming, one of the preferred exercises since it involves all muscles and joints in a low gravity environment;

* Slow movement muscle extending exercises like stretching, yoga, climbing, tai chi, Pilates method, etc.


Moderate-to-high impact exercises like jogging are generally not recommended or recommended with restrictions due to the jarring of affected vertebrae that can worsen pain and stiffness in some patients.


I kinda got the short straw with the health stakes...

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I think I've officially given up on actually dieting. I simply can't do it, I love food too much. However, I am going to try and chance my food habits a bit (more fruit, less cookies/chocolate) to be more healthy. Not like I eat that badly but still, too many snacks in between. =P


And hopefully once it gets warmer I might pick up my bicycle again. Maybe even tomorrow (well already have to for the dentist but that's five minutes away haha).


Yeah! Diet ditching!

That's Mr_Odwin, Eenuh and jayseven all chosing to just get fat. What a cool gang that sounds like. Come on everyone, join us ... or something.

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Yeah! Diet ditching!

That's Mr_Odwin, Eenuh and jayseven all chosing to just get fat. What a cool gang that sounds like. Come on everyone, join us ... or something.


You can be known as The Fatties. Or, Teh Fatties. Get an internetings reference in there. You'll be so cool. Everyone will be jealous.

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One thing I have changed with my eating habits lately (For more then a month as a matter of fact) is making sure that I have breakfast, and making sure it's my biggest meal for the day.


Usually I have cereal mixed with sliced banana and apples mixed in with it, I like trying different mixtures in what I make ;)


One thing my sister told me that I was amazed, even though the word breakfast was right in front of me, it really did mean breakfast I was amazed on how stupid I was for not realizing it sooner :laughing:

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Yeah! Diet ditching!

That's Mr_Odwin, Eenuh and jayseven all chosing to just get fat. What a cool gang that sounds like. Come on everyone, join us ... or something.


Hahah noooo, I don't want to get fat. Or more fat. =P

I just don't want to cut out all the nice food. I'm just going to limit myself a bit more and try and exercise more. Try and find a good balance so I can still eat, but not gain weight. ^___^

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it just gives you a restricted amount you can eat in one day, according to weight, activity, height, gender.


Lunches can be like chicken salad, or low fat ready meal with lots of salad, maybe porridge. I'm a bit limited at work because I only get half an hour and we have a microwave and toaster on offer :P I don't tend to eat an extreme amount of food during the day because of side effects (lots of sickness in the morning with chemotherapy drugs)


relevant to the exercise point; (wiki)




I kinda got the short straw with the health stakes...


Well WeightWatchers obviously know a crap load more than me but I'd say fuck salads. They're fluff, don't fill you and leave you hungry. I'd say it was all about eating 5 or 6 smaller meals during the day.


As for cycling, it's low impact. I think it helps people with arthritis as well. Perfect, no?

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Hahah noooo, I don't want to get fat. Or more fat. =P

I just don't want to cut out all the nice food. I'm just going to limit myself a bit more and try and exercise more. Try and find a good balance so I can still eat, but not gain weight. ^___^


You're not fat, silly.


But, you're not suitable for dietings. You love yummy stuff. Just limit yourself, I reckon. You couldn't cut alllll of eet out, because that would be rubbish. :(

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You're not fat, silly.


But, you're not suitable for dietings. You love yummy stuff. Just limit yourself, I reckon. You couldn't cut alllll of eet out, because that would be rubbish. :(


You can eat all the yummy stuff as long as you exercise and burn it off :heh:, I still don't look at what foods goes in what and also those 98% fat free products piss me off to a great extent.


And I'm with Daft...who the hell wants to eat leaves!? Give me some meat on my plate any day xD

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You can eat all the yummy stuff as long as you exercise and burn it off :heh:, I still don't look at what foods goes in what and also those 98% fat free products piss me off to a great extent.


And I'm with Daft...who the hell wants to eat leaves!?


It's been a bit difficult for her to do some intense exercising, because she had some problems with her leg last year. There's a trampoline in her garden which I don't think we've been on for a while, heh. I want her leg to get better because I fancy going on that. But, alas, it is also winter.


I'm really surprised that her weight hasn't gone up though, considering she was on crutches and stuff for a while! Impressive, Starfox. If that were me, I'd have ballooned or something...she moves in mysterious wayz.

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Salads can be really nice though! Last year I used to eat a salad for lunch (with a slice of bread). It had some smoked salmon in it as well. It was great. But then I like salads heh. We often have a salad with our meal (lettuce, tomato, carrot), yummm. =)


It's been a bit difficult for her to do some intense exercising, because she had some problems with her leg last year. There's a trampoline in her garden which I don't think we've been on for a while, heh. I want her leg to get better because I fancy going on that. But, alas, it is also winter.


I'm really surprised that her weight hasn't gone up though, considering she was on crutches and stuff for a while! Impressive, Starfox. If that were me, I'd have ballooned or something...she moves in mysterious wayz.


I did gain weight you goof. Quite a bit too. You're just too blind to see. =P




Blinded by luuuurve, obviously.

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You bluddy didn't! If you did, it was something insanely small, like a tenth of a pound or something. You looked in pretty great shape. ;)


I don't know how much a pound is, so I can't say, but I gained about 7 kg since about this time last year. That's not insanely small. =P

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It's been a bit difficult for her to do some intense exercising, because she had some problems with her leg last year. There's a trampoline in her garden which I don't think we've been on for a while, heh. I want her leg to get better because I fancy going on that. But, alas, it is also winter.

Ah ok, I did not know that part sorry :red:

I guess just go for nice simple exercises, I think even going to a gym would help, a friend of mine had a stuffed leg a while ago and at the gym he went to he got some help in doing the exercises he could handle...don't know if it would be the same over there though :hmm:

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I don't know how much a pound is, so I can't say, but I gained about 7 kg since about this time last year. That's not insanely small. =P


It didn't make that much of a difference to the way that you looked, though. :heh:


Ah ok, I did not know that part sorry :red:

I guess just go for nice simple exercises, I think even going to a gym would help, a friend of mine had a stuffed leg a while ago and at the gym he went to he got some help in doing the exercises he could handle...don't know if it would be the same over there though :hmm:


Heh, don't worry. She's doing this Aquagym stuff, which seems like a strange concept to me, but pretty cool. When I think of it, I just think of...synchronised swimming or something. Haha.

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