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Brink [PC, PS3, 360]


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Played a couple of games and I've got mixed feelings at the moment. The first server I played on, I didn't really know what I was doing so I was just getting used to things, I noticed it was quite laggy though.


Second server the sound was bugged. The sound was frozen to one spot, so no matter where you were on the map, you would always hear the sound from spawn as if you were still standing there. I had got the hang of the objective part by this point though so still had an alright game.


The third and last server I played was amazing. Perfect game, no lag, lots of teamplay. I had about 5 games on this server and luckily someone messaged me on Steam and it snapped me out of the zone - I noticed it was 4:30am! Not been so involved like that in a while.


So at the moment, I really like the game but I need to play it some more.

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You know those good-but-not-brilliant singleplayer games that have a tacked on multiplayer that ties to be unique but fails (i..e BioShock 2 and Singularity)?


Well...this is like the tacked on multiplayer without the good-but-not-brilliant singleplayer.

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hmmmm I may pick this up when its down to like £20 in a few months which will likely coincide with PSN being back up and running. It sounds like it has enough ideas that maybe they could solve the problems with a sequel? Mayhaps they need to bring in some new talent or seek more help from Bethesda (who already put a ton of weight behind it) to help developed a more polished game? Lets not forget they do come from a modders background and in latest Eurogamer podcast they make it clear that this was a big and hard transition to have made.

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Have Splash Damage ever actually delivered on promise? I seem to remember the ET: Quake Wars release lead-up being a lot like this too. It looked promising, it wound up disappointing and then found itself in the bargain bin for under a tenner just weeks later. Quake Wars is now one of the cheapest Xbox games around.

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Sold mine for £30. Not a total loss at least. I think Split/Second was the last game that I bought purely on how it looked and sounded before reviews/impressions came out. Definitely learnt my lesson. I played this twice and it didn't do anything for me. It was trying to be so many things at once and failing at every one. The class system was bizarre. There seemed to be no clear distinction between say an Engineer and an Operative. Very, very, unforgiveably shoddy graphics. Seemed like I had my HD cable was set to SD. It was because of this there was little point in character customisation. I couldn't see other people's outfits half the time. Let alone what mask they were using. Poor, poor AI. It was so irratic in its movement I couldn't get a straight shot on anyone. Then when you do kill someone they just go 'down' so you have to kill them again. There was no clear tutorial telling you how to play the damn thing. The HUD is a confusing mess. There's like objectives and secondary objectives and bloody optional objectives with no clear idea what benefit they have for going for them. Then there are special moves, which have cooldown periods or something? Man...messy, messy game. Glad I got the majority of my money back. Avoid!

Edited by ViPeR
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It seems the AI isn't entirely rubbish. If you're doing awful they seem to get better. It's most visible with hacking. Until the last few minutes you have to hack the target and fight the entire enemy squad on your own. In the last few minutes your entire team will go there, as well as a few more hackers.


I also accidentally completed the final level of the campaign.


I finished the second to last level, then went to set up my Grandparents' new amplifier. I came back to realise that it automatically goes onto the next level and that my team had won it without me.

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Shadowrun (another game this is similar to) is a close contender.


I actually liked Shadowrun and think it could have done alright if the Dev hadn't gone bust 2 weeks before release. It never got patched, so quite quickly people stopped playing because of balance issues, glitches and cheating.


Then again, Quake Wars wasn't that bad either after it had been out a few months. It was something of a bargain. Maybe Brink will improve too?

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Finished the "campaign" as both sides (which is 8 levels, but played from each side). Then did the challenges. Then went to do online. Appallingly, it's just the 8 levels from the campaign. No alternate modes or objectives, no variety at all. The defence always has the easy job (not only can they place defences in convenient locations but their spawn is usually closer to the objective). The verses component is no more engaging than the singleplayer.


One of the main problems is the level design - yes, there are multiple ways to the objective. The problem is that each team has separate ways to the objective. Which means that all the firefights are at the objective, which is rather rubbish. Other online FPS games have a huge amount of variety on each map. This, however, feels the same every time.

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  • 2 months later...

Free weekend on Steam, nice way to try it. Downloading now.


(But 5 gigs so will take a while)


Tried it for a couple of hours.. Meh. it is nice, that’s all it is. I have no real desire to explore the rest of the (scarce) content. The smart system doesn’t seem a great feature / huge improvement.

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