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I'm thinking I'm going to try Platinum this one. Looks like you can do it in one playthrough. Anyone know?


I'd say so yeah, you've already got it on hard so thats covered. Everything else such as upgrade all weapons, find all heart pieces etc i'm pretty sure can be done on the same save.


I'm nearing the third dungeon, just reached a desert type area complete with giant sand worms.


For those who are interested in getting it:


Zelda-ish elements are:



dungeon layouts (with maps and boss area)

new weapon in each dungeon (that you can use to gain access to new areas)

lock on targeting (with aforementioned widescreen feature!)

overworld (albeit more linear)

your trusty steed

you gain a new heart piece once a dungeon boss is defeated



GoW-ish elements are:


fighting system

souls from fallen enemies

...which you use to buy and upgrade

finishing moves on bosses and enemies


I'm sure there are others.

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Played it a bit more. It's good, but not great. I'm still on the first dungeon (the one where you get the boome....cross blade). Dungeon seems far to spread out and big. The thing I liked about Zeldas dungeons were that they were compact, but still felt like there was a lot to explore. Darksiders ones seem spread out and a bit more linear.


The games better than my first impressions of the videos though. Seems like a Zelda-ish game with the styling of a religious version of Warhammer.


The Panzer Dragoon style section was also a nice bit of nostalgia.

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I just got Ruin. So cool.


What difficulty you playing on Goafer?


Normal. I was tempted by hard, but there didn't seem to be the option to change mid game if I got stuck. I hate getting stuck on games, normally I never go back to them.


Normal is a bit of a challenge, but I haven't died yet. Seems about right.

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Yeah, that kind of freaked me out...but I'm glad I did now (Not really sure what possessed me. T'was probably going for the Platinum).


In 8 hours of play I've racked up around 25 deaths. I've also spend just short of 2 hours in combat. :heh:

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Yeah, that kind of freaked me out...but I'm glad I did now (Not really sure what possessed me. T'was probably going for the Platinum).


In 8 hours of play I've racked up around 25 deaths. I've also spend just short of 2 hours in combat. :heh:


Hahaha, reminds me of when I played infamous and Arkham Asylum on those difficulties (only for the game to not award me the trophy because I had spent a second on the default difficulty before changing it ¬_¬).


But must say I played this yesterday, and wished bayonetta had arrived first. Hoping it gets alot better but even though the story looks interesting with some cool characters, it also looks a bit contrived and confusing. Really hope it grips me. Combat imo is not as fun as, that name again, bayonetta, but its only the beginning so there is a long way to go. will give it another play through today.


Oh and because of Daft im playing on apocalyptic. Almost died in the prologue bit of the game!

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Yeah, it was amazingly difficult right up to the first boss, I found. It kind of levels off from there on...not that I still don't die every 10 minutes. :heh:


I love it because the mechanics are solid, the fighting it kind of puzzle like. If you die normally it's because you make a mistake.


I wasn't that taken with it until I moved the second stone giant (where you have to do those four challenges).

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Because someone told Flameboy to do so, I just recently got this game and started it on Apocalyptic :D A lot of fun (and not very hard considering it's "Apocalyptic" but maybe that will change soon), although the Zelda comparisons really are only on an aesthetic level. It's really the sort of game I needed to play though for a nice change of pace. It's well made and there's plenty of detail there, and yet it's simple enough to make it easy to pick up for a quick play in any mood.

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(and not very hard considering it's "Apocalyptic" but maybe that will change soon)


I'm probably just a bit shit at it tbh. :heh:


The one thing that really annoys me is how you block. I pretty much never block...might explain a few things.

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This is ok/good...perhaps i was expecting more (straight away) hoping it gets better...no-where near Zelda at the moment, but i'm going to give it time. This year i've slashed which games i'll be buying, so i don't wanna waste £40 here...

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Because someone told Flameboy to do so, I just recently got this game and started it on Apocalyptic :D A lot of fun (and not very hard considering it's "Apocalyptic" but maybe that will change soon), although the Zelda comparisons really are only on an aesthetic level. It's really the sort of game I needed to play though for a nice change of pace. It's well made and there's plenty of detail there, and yet it's simple enough to make it easy to pick up for a quick play in any mood.


haha nice....also ironic that you took advice intended for me which I am yet to take....can't decide yet if I wanna get it, I had my list of preorders all locked down:


Bioshock 2

Heavy Rain

Final Fantasy 13

God of War 3




and didn't really account for buying anything else for now. However Darksiders has very interested me....

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I've stopped pre-ordering. Every game I bought on the run up to Christmas was on some sort of special deal at £20-£25 within 2 weeks of release. I wasted something like £60 in total just to get games on release day! Tis madness and I've decided to stop doing it, I'm waiting for this and Bayonetta to drop in price before I pick them up.

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I've stopped pre-ordering. Every game I bought on the run up to Christmas was on some sort of special deal at £20-£25 within 2 weeks of release. I wasted something like £60 in total just to get games on release day! Tis madness and I've decided to stop doing it, I'm waiting for this and Bayonetta to drop in price before I pick them up.


I'm gonna hold out and wait for darksiders I think tbh...most of the games I have preordered right now have some kinda bonuses or are special editions or titles that you know will not be going cheap anytime soon.

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Wait I don't mean the one that you go past under it on the rope. It's the one that when you shoot the thing holding the block and it slams down making the spider go on its back.


Unless that's the one you mean anyway.


But I'll see what Mark says at that point.


EDIT: No sorry you were right the first time, I just needed to look around some more duhhh! Thanks again.

Edited by Solo
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Had some tough times in this game but if you plow on and really concentrate, you find yourself really enjoying exploring the environs, collecting the trinkets hidden away and when the combat kicks in, its actually becoming really enjoyable now that I have more health and dont die from something like 2 hits. Even the characters are quite interesting like Ulthane. Think I have barely scratched the surface as I am not at the grievers temple but really enjoiying it in the absence of bayonetta (still).

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Yeah, the enemies do more damage later on (one of the weird phantom ladies can kill me in three flurries) but it only really causes problems if you're not paying attention. Actually one of the mini bosses takes three whole health bars off.


I love the characters. They're all memorable.


The only thing that would make it more Zelda like is if it had a pair of friends towns and if it had a much bigger central hub.


I hope they do games with the other three horse men.

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