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Hardest games you've played

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F Zero GX is the hardest game I have ever played. You have to be a God to master that game. :(


It's not even "cheap" hard. The difficulty is just so, so high. One day I'm going to go back to this and complete everything.


I'm pretty sure that, in Chapter 7 of the Story mode, the Black Bull can be faster than what is actually possible.

Also, Samurai Goroh in Chapter 2 has a clearly impossible starting speed (though it doesn't stay that way for long. That was probably meant to give him a headstart before reducing to normal speed)


But that's it. Everything else really is fair game.

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I never understood people's problem with chapter 2. it's just a little trial and error and just because it will take like 7 times doesn't make it the hardest level ever :)


It is however a very hard game, Probably too hard it should have had an easier option. If you can get past this it's still the best racer on a nintendo platform ever I think.

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I've got to give another vote for F-Zero GX. Unlocking the arcade tracks requires an insane amount of time, patience, skill and, honestly, luck. And as for unlocking the arcade racers, well I never even managed that.


Off the top of my head, getting to 1000 lines in Polarium was an achevement I'm pretty proud of, as that was extremely difficult!

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I never understood people's problem with chapter 2. it's just a little trial and error and just because it will take like 7 times doesn't make it the hardest level ever :)


I didn't say it was the hardest, I was just pointing out the few examples of "cheap" difficulty that the game has (and now that I think about it Chapter 3 has shades of that, too). But it's minor stuff, really.


The hardest thing to do in the game is, indeed, unlocking the characters. Unlocking the triplets in the Pink Spider is a lousy unlockable for all that trouble (The Fat Shark was a much better machine).


As for other games...


Ghosts'nGoblins is quite hard, even if fun.


Fire Emblem 6 is also hard. I've heard FE5 was worse, but 6 is the hardest I've played yet.


The Lv.50 cup in Pokémon Stadium, as well as the Lv.5 cup in Pokémon Stadium 2 were pretty hard, too (that computer cheated, dammit!)

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Guest Captain Falcon

F-Zero GX is also cheap in some other ways thanks to a rather strange take on rubber band AI.


I can't really say which other character sets work, but if you play as Captain Falcon, and personally speaking, I play as no one else, if Samurai Goroh and Black Shadow are racing in the grand prix, no matter where you place, the AI will make sure they come as close to you as possible.


If you win, unless they somehow get screwed by the other computer racers accidentally, they will always be the ones pushing you to the finish line. However, if you come last, they probably won't break the top 20.


I second the points about Viewtiful Joe and Timesplitter 2.


I did beat VJ on Super V-Rated but it took a long time to master but as for TS2, I could never beat the Robot Factory level on Hard.


If you're going for Platinum medals, Blast Corps demands nothing less than intimate knowledge of the level and zero mistakes. It's not that it's unfair, it's just that anything less than perfection isn't good enough.

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I didn't say it was the hardest,


oh no just talking in general apologies.


I've been hearing about the dreaded chapter 2 and how people gave up on it instantly for a while.


F Zero GX is the hardest game I have ever played. You have to be a God to master that game. :(


It's not even "cheap" hard. The difficulty is just so, so high. One day I'm going to go back to this and complete everything.


Ha ya it's the thing really isn't it. What makes it frustrating is you can't blame the game. If you're bad it's your OWN fault ha :)





Fire Emblem 6 is also hard. I've heard FE5 was worse, but 6 is the hardest I've played yet.



the one on ds is hilariously hard when you play it on 5 star hard. I can't get past the epilogue like, it's insane.

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I'll agree with F-Zero GX, it is an amazing game, but would actually have been better if it was a bit easier. I agree about it being mostly fair, but there is a little bit of rubber banding in there too. It's crying out for a Wii remake with online.


When I look back at my game collection though the games that really had me pulling my hair out I think Turtles on the NES was a major contender for the most difficult.


Recently I have found most games lack the challenge they used to have. Fire Emblem on the Wii was a real challenge though.

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Ha ya it's the thing really isn't it. What makes it frustrating is you can't blame the game. If you're bad it's your OWN fault ha :)


That's pretty much it. It doesn't feel like you can "trick" your way through. You have to actually improve massively. I've hit a wall where I just can't get any better haha. I'll play again soon and hopefully I'll crack this nut.


I'll agree with F-Zero GX, it is an amazing game, but would actually have been better if it was a bit easier. I agree about it being mostly fair, but there is a little bit of rubber banding in there too. It's crying out for a Wii remake with online.


I would have prefered if it was a little bit easier, because right now it's a bit too tough for me. But, the feeling you must get when you finally master it must be worth it. So, I'll stick with it and keep plugging away. A brilliant game though.


F-Zero GX is also cheap in some other ways thanks to a rather strange take on rubber band AI.


I can't really say which other character sets work, but if you play as Captain Falcon, and personally speaking, I play as no one else, if Samurai Goroh and Black Shadow are racing in the grand prix, no matter where you place, the AI will make sure they come as close to you as possible.


If you win, unless they somehow get screwed by the other computer racers accidentally, they will always be the ones pushing you to the finish line. However, if you come last, they probably won't break the top 20.


See, I don't think that's a bad thing at all. In fact, I'd class that as a good thing. The game has given you a set of bitter rivals, and they'll do anything to put you off from winning the race. I don't mind that. It's a bit like "Liverpool upping their game when they visit Man United" so to speak. They up their game to beat them.

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The game has given you a set of bitter rivals, and they'll do anything to put you off from winning the race. I don't mind that. It's a bit like "Liverpool upping their game when they visit Man United" so to speak. They up their game to beat them.


And the good thing is that atleast in the game you have the possibility of beating your rivals... whereas in real life, you don't! :heh:

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