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Revolution making way for VR.

Gaijin von Snikbah

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Hello! I was sitting around reading news, and reading comments by people. There was this guy, he wrote his ideas to what Revolutions remaining secret could be. He had realised that if you applied the technology in the controller to a headset, you could have Virtual Reality.


And therefore he concluded with the remaining secret of Revolution to be VR! I have to admit I loved his idea, and VR would make Revolution the coolest. But of course the idea is crazy, and very hard to believe. But... something that isnt crazy is how well the controller would work together with a VR headset.


And then it hit me, how perfectly the controller would work with a VR headset. If you had a VR set, this would be the way to play. It made me think twice about VR and Revolution. I remembered Miyamoto saying how he wanted games to break out of the TV screen.


The Revolution is almost a VR machine, but you dont wear it on your head. You wear it in your hand. Its almost the same technology. We just need some cool goggles. Someday the goggles will be here, and then we will have a great controller.

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The idea of a visor was around for some time, it could work quite well but Nintendo said that you have a sensor which you put on your TV, so it still uses a TV screen.

I'm not quite sure whether a Visor would be a good thing or not, on the one hand it gives an impressive ingame feeling but on the other hand you don't notice your surroundings anymore and if the visor doesn't fit properly long gaming sessions are quite painful.

I hope for that 3D thing on the TV where you don't need glasses or anything - I think it's called stereoscopic 3D.

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I don't think there will be a visor or any goggles for Revolution but I DO believe it will use stereoscopic 3D, without 3D glasses.

It always seemed so unlikely, but now it seems more and more likely. Why else would they not show any screens or footage for so long? If the graphics are worse than Xbox 360 or just about the same then why would they bother?

Nintendo have said so many times that its not horsepower that matters anymore, and in that way it might mean its not how good the specs are and polygons etc. but the revolution is how the graphics are displayed. Also, Miyamato's comment hints even closer, but also all that fuss about the director of Sin City or Peter Jackson or someone saying that Steroscopic 3D will be in cinemas by 2007, but a video game console being released in 2006 is to use it first. Its all starting to link together. Well I think so anyway, and its like the controller is designed for steroscopic 3D. Revolution will all be about immersion I think, thats the revolution.

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i personally dont think that the Revo will come with a headset or any type of goggles.


according to nintendo, the new controller is shaped like a tv remote control so people who dont play video games or feel turned off by complex controllers can pick it up and feel comfortable using it - simplicity and user friendly. they dont want something that a non-gamer will feel intimidated by.


which totally goes against the idea of a headset. 'i can use a tv remote, but not so sure bout that helmet thing' ( - said by a non-gamer about the headset in 2006 :heh: ).


myself, i havent got a clue what the next secret is. ill be buyin a Revolution next year, prob for christmas (if its out by then) whether it comes with a headset, goggles or just a sticker on the side that says 'Sony Blow'. :heh:



i can see nintendo doin very well with the Revo, the DS is attracting new gamers like i never could have imagined - my girlfriend (23) wants a DS to play nintendogs and mario kart, as does her (female) friend, two people who i never would have seen playin games.


the future is bright, and its only the size of 3 dvd cases stacked on top of eachother! :D

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I still think the idea of VR as the future of gaming is too old and too naive. Look at Nintendo now, they simplified the controller design to attract new gamers, but they wouldn't throw that all away by requiring goggles for playing games? I'll tell you this: virtual reality is way too expensive and way too impractical to ever become succesful for a game console.

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I still think the idea of VR as the future of gaming is too old and too naive. Look at Nintendo now, they simplified the controller design to attract new gamers, but they wouldn't throw that all away by requiring goggles for playing games? I'll tell you this: virtual reality is way too expensive and way too impractical to ever become succesful for a game console.


visors only work in johnny quests world

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