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Post your Christmas tree 2009 edition!


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Jesus Christ your kids are big!


My girl is 3 and a half (and she's small for her age)! It's going crazy fast.


nice tree , whats the going rate for 6 foot real trees up country this year? usually £30 -£40 here but i hear there are shortages this year :(


We buy the ones where the needles drop everywhere as my wife thinks they look the best. They're cheaper - ours cost £12/£13 from B&Q.




Poor thing sure has got your genes :p


Dude, how many Christmas party photos of me do you have? (That's a different year to the last one!)


Mr_Odwin, to prove I have a heart despite not liking Up!, I just want to say I think it's amazing that we as a collective have been able to watch your kids grow up, in a totally non-creepy way, from "We're having a baby!" forum posts to the pictures we see today. And they look so happy :) well done, dude!


Yeah, I've not gone out of my way to show them off (well not as much as I could) but most of my photos these days are with them, so when I post in User Image Gallery, or somewhere like here, it's likely to have at least one of them in it.

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My girl is 3 and a half (and she's small for her age)! It's going crazy fast.
My neice is currently round at my house, she's 3 and a half too! I think she might be even shorter, but so are my Sister and my Mum, my Nan was too... I think it's a genetic trait :heh:


Thread has derailed a bit! I shall post a pic of our Christmas tree (my first :D) soon.

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That was almost 15 hours ago, how long does it take to decorate a tree?


[/poor Rez style joke. :heh:]


It's too early for decorating at my house, but I'll post pics as soon as the tree is up! ^^


You know what happened, the tree ended up half done then my mum thought meh cba and left it for days half done, >.< I was like wtf lol. Plus I totally forgot I posted here xD my brain slowed this past week :P. I'll take the pics in a min.


Edit: Boohiss the camera needs charging :/ i'll do it tomorrow xD.

Edited by Stewilo2005
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