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FIFA 10 - hilarious!!


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Okay. Fifa 08 was alright; pretty good for it's time actually. But then came Pro Evo Wii...


Anyways, I bought Fifa 09 for the Wii because it ripped off Pro Evo, I gave it a shot and it is truly, truly awful!! So I sold it and bought the PS3 version, which I have to admit was amazing. But I sold this when Pro Evo 09 came out for the Wii - which is incredible.


Anyways. I've dowloaded the Fifa 10 demo and it's great. Brilliant in fact. I don't kno what to do because this year Pro Evo 10 is coming to the Wii the same time as the other versions... Difficult one. I love the Wii version; it plays incredible, but Fifa 10 is also great (not as good gameplay in my eyes) but it has all the team and features etc etc...


Anyways, as always, the Wii version of Fifa is completely ignored. I wondered if they'd steal the Pro Evo gameplay properly... I did a quick google and found a developer walktrhough...


Oh dear god...it sounds like it will be the worst football game since Fifa 64. What the hell are EA thinking? They've nailed their apporach on the Wii. But for some reason they just keep fucking up and fucking up Fifa on the Wii!!!!




So infuriating. What the hell do yanks know about football :D Just listen to this moron speak though...

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I've got to fiddle around with all my drivers and utilities, because I formatted my laptop earlier. So, need to still watch this video.


I own 08, and love it. Still play it online to this day. I've heard 09 just wasn't great...hmm. They seemed to be onto a winning thing and seem to have lost the plot, maybe. What a pity, as the 360 version of 09 was awesome. Probably one of the best footie games I've ever played.

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They have done the same with Madden 10 on Wii this year, namely given it a Wii cartoon outing. The style looks great IMO and is refreshing from the serious overtones you can get elsewhere. The sad thing is all of the power ups, rocket shots etc...I would have dug a funky FIFA re-jig but this has (like Madden 10) tipped off the scale waaay too much. Shame but it 'could' play brilliantly and be a great fully-liscensed arcade-like game. We will see.

Shame the live seasons/be a pro still seem tied to the 360/PS3 versions though.

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  • 6 months later...

Forgive my necromancing...


Well, that's me eating a bit of humble pie with this game. That's two EA games I've picked up on the cheap recently that have turned out really well. I didn't expect much from either this or Nitro, but I'm loving both of them.


Fair do's it's not PES, but then it's not trying to be. That doesn't mean it's dumb or unsatisfying to play. I expected to find it a bit naff after the precision of PES on the Wii, but I'm absolutely loving the gameplay now I've got used to the controls. It did take a bit of acclimatising to after years of the Konami game, but it's really, really great fun. For my money it looks way better than PES too. The style they've gone for is very attractive imho.


Well worth the £15 I paid. Needs extra stuff putting in for next years though. Not enough options or modes for a full price game. One to keep an eye on though. :)

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Why was there so much hate for this? Granted I haven't played it but from videos I've been watching it looks really enjoyable. ::shrug: I like that it's done something different other than aiming for realism. Probably will get this along with one of the PES games just before the World Cup in case I crave playing out how the matches really should have gone.

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