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I still need to add all of my retro stuff, I remembered while looking at the site yesterday that ive got a load of Gamegear ones to add aswell


get it done so we can properly compare! My megadrive collection is pretty impressive now! Next thing is to pick up a Mega CD and get the few decent games for that.

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get it done so we can properly compare! My megadrive collection is pretty impressive now! Next thing is to pick up a Mega CD and get the few decent games for that.


Yeah I will do. Might even have some Megadrive or Snes games to add myself soon. Ive hopefully got goafer keeping an eye out for the consoles but who knows with him, dont think ive spoken to him properly in about 2 weeks now! (Little bitch!)

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Ive been looking at my account on here recently, I think im gonna have to start working on completing more of my games. There are far to many under the uncompleted section!

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Ive been looking at my account on here recently, I think im gonna have to start working on completing more of my games. There are far to many under the uncompleted section!


Tell me about it! Look at my stats in my sig...

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I was going to do my backlogging but I was quickly disappointed by the lack of a unified database. How are they suppose to interconnect everything if anyone but the game title they want? (ex: Super Mario Galaxy or SMG)

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We've got something similar to this on http://www.theigdb.com, I like the stats on here though, something I haven't really had a chance to implement yet. We have a few improvements on them though in terms of our actual database I think.


Would be great if some of you guys could try out our site and give me some feedback to it. I definitely want to get some more of these stat-based things going, very cool!

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We've got something similar to this on http://www.theigdb.com' date=' I like the stats on here though, something I haven't really had a chance to implement yet. We have a few improvements on them though in terms of our actual database I think.


Would be great if some of you guys could try out our site and give me some feedback to it. I definitely want to get some more of these stat-based things going, very cool![/quote']


Aren't you the dude behind My Games Archive?

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Not me I'm afraid. Noticed the link in your sig but the site doesn't seem to be working.

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Not me I'm afraid. Noticed the link in your sig but the site doesn't seem to be working.


Yeah, its been like that for ages, haven't been bothered to change it :P. It was created by another forum member but it seems it didn't went well for them. That's why I'm reluctant to do this lists on new sites, there isn't any proven stability. As bad as Backloggery seems to be for a database listing website at least it seems to stand the test of time.

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Well if you want to give ours a try it's certainly not going anywhere. We've also got a facebook app which I'm hopefully going to do a big overhaul to over the next couple of weeks, make it run a lot better hopefully.

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I was going to do my backlogging but I was quickly disappointed by the lack of a unified database. How are they suppose to interconnect everything if anyone but the game title they want? (ex: Super Mario Galaxy or SMG)


that is true, I like the visualisation of it more than anything but admit other than whether you have beaten a game there is some track stating missing etc..

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So do you just type in the title of the game and set your own stats? Seems like a massive oversight to me if so, I'd want to compare my collections with other people at a title level ideally. I think I'll sign up and give it a go.

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Yeah it did suprise me when I found you could just type in what you wanted and not choose from a list. I just like the stats that the site provides, has actually inspired me to try and complete more of my games now that I can see just how many I leave unfinished.

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So do you just type in the title of the game and set your own stats? Seems like a massive oversight to me if so' date=' I'd want to compare my collections with other people at a title level ideally. I think I'll sign up and give it a go.[/quote']


Yeah but that has its advantages as you can put any game in! I prefer to say your site, as it shows what percentage of games I have unfinished, what percentage I've beaten, what percentage I've 100% completed, percentage of master runs etc...whereas your site seems to just have owns and completed...Also it has the nice sig image that I have in my sig.

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I am going to try and clear some games I have started from my backlog! If you check out my post:




I will be providing coverage of it all and "reviewing" games I couldn't be bothered to finish back then and assessing whether they were worth going back to or not. Be nice if people keep track of it kind of and even comment either here or through twitter or on the site?!

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I updated mine the other day. Still need to add all 200 of my PS1 games and however many original Xbox games I have. I'll get round to it eventually.

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Have you decided what the first game you are tackling will be, flameboy? Unless your list is already in the order you are gonna play them, then NSMB DS or EBA is as good a starting place as any.

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Have you decided what the first game you are tackling will be, flameboy? Unless your list is already in the order you are gonna play them, then NSMB DS or EBA is as good a starting place as any.


Yeah think will start with NSMB DS as actually on the last world from what I remember. I think it just got left behind in the diluge of other titles.

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Finally added my Xbox games. Just the PS1 games left to add. I think I'll do that when I'm feeling more productive.


Oh the shame of having to add several Barbie, Mary Kate and Ashley and various other girly games. Stupid Gamestation...

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Have you guys seen the fortune cookie thing on Backloggery which randomly selects a game for you to start playing after you make certain choices (like choosing unfinished games etc). Im thinking I might start using it to try and complete some games on the list.

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Have you guys seen the fortune cookie thing on Backloggery which randomly selects a game for you to start playing after you make certain choices (like choosing unfinished games etc). Im thinking I might start using it to try and complete some games on the list.


ooooh thats a good idea...might have to try it.

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Do you think i can count Ocarina of Time as "completed" even though i didn't get 100 skultulas? I got, like, 70. And everything else.


*puts as completed*




And what about games like Animal Crossing? You can't ever complete them.

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You can set games like that so its knows they arent completable and doesnt count them. As for Ocarina, personally I would have put that as Beaten not Completed. Thats how I do my lists anyway, only when ive done everything possible will I put it down as completed.

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Ok, so i list Animal Crossing, etc, as "null"?


Yeah, i think i'll downgrade OOT to "beaten", gotta be strict!

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Ok, so i list Animal Crossing, etc, as "null"?


Yeah, i think i'll downgrade OOT to "beaten", gotta be strict!


Yeah you gotta be strict and honest I am.

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