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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.

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Where are you in SW Scotland, Gaggle? I'm originally from Dumfries and still have a house down in Galloway.


Aye, that's the area - 'bout 15 miles along the road from Dumfries. It's not a bad place to live really, but I don't think it's gonna give me what I need to claw my way up society's icy ladder.

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Well, I've applied for another 2 jobs today. Both within the Export Industry which is where I want to be, having worked there previously. Although one of the jobs closing dates is today... I hope my application made it in time!

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I'm not sure if I've been fired yet. I visited yesterday and was told I'd get contacted in 24 hours with the decision. This was 26 hours ago. Our concepts of time differ. Anyways I'll probably show up tonight to take part in the quiz, and see if it's been 24 hours for him yet.


EDIT: Went, asked, apparently he'd been so busy he hadn't had time to think [which is bullshit, it's never that busy] so I have to come back at 7 tonight. I'm guessing he's stalling until he gets my minimum wage monies and wants to give it me and fire me in one go. I have a feeling he'll procrastinate again today saying he'll have his mind made up when I turn up tomorrow to pick up my wages.


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I have a question about the good old Job Center and was wondering if someone could answer it.


When I last went to the JC they done a job search and printed a job out for me I asked for. The more I've thought about it I don't fancy it and I'm not going to apply. Now that they have printed it out for me do I have to apply for it or not? Do they have any records on there system of what they have printed out for you? I don't know if there expecting some sort of reply from me or the employer, or if they don't have such a thing and they just simply press the print button.

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I have a question about the good old Job Center and was wondering if someone could answer it.


When I last went to the JC they done a job search and printed a job out for me I asked for. The more I've thought about it I don't fancy it and I'm not going to apply. Now that they have printed it out for me do I have to apply for it or not? Do they have any records on there system of what they have printed out for you? I don't know if there expecting some sort of reply from me or the employer, or if they don't have such a thing and they just simply press the print button.

You believe you've got not a choice in applying if you print out the details? C'maahn, don't bullshit me.


I printed out shitload of stuff when I was looking for a job and they never said dick about what I previously printed.

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I have a question about the good old Job Center and was wondering if someone could answer it.


When I last went to the JC they done a job search and printed a job out for me I asked for. The more I've thought about it I don't fancy it and I'm not going to apply. Now that they have printed it out for me do I have to apply for it or not? Do they have any records on there system of what they have printed out for you? I don't know if there expecting some sort of reply from me or the employer, or if they don't have such a thing and they just simply press the print button.


Was it printed from their computer or the touchscreen one?


If they themselves printed it then there will be a record and you will get in trouble for not applying. Just apply for it and dont follow it up, will save a lot of hassle.

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If they themselves printed it then there will be a record and you will get in trouble for not applying.



Mon sheet. I never experienced that myself. Mainly because I used the touch screen shit when waiting, or using the website. I only went to the desk shit just to sign my name.

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Yeah sometimes Id prefer if they just left me to it.


Few weeks ago I got in trouble for not applying for a job because they'd given me one for the wrong town. I then had to convince them why I couldnt get there (no car, terrible bus service) and then they blamed me saying "Just make sure you learn your bus timetable better for next time". It was their fault in the first place!

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Ah bugger so they have a record of all the jobs they've printed out for me? I was watching the computer last time I went and I couldn't see any record, all he did was hit print then walked to the printer.


Also how do they know if you have applied or not?

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They dont really, the only way they will know is if you tell them you didnt apply for it and didnt write it on your "What ive done this week" thingy. If they personally sort out a job for you and do the ringing then they'll usually ring back the job to see how it went but thats rare.

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Was it printed from their computer or the touchscreen one?


If they themselves printed it then there will be a record and you will get in trouble for not applying. Just apply for it and dont follow it up, will save a lot of hassle.

Um, no they don't.

You don't have to apply for what they show you, you just explain you changed your mind about it. You can even just say you did as they don't check up on it.

Aslong as your proactivly looking for work they just leave you to it.

I was on for 6 months before i got a job, and they never got on at me once for not applying for them.

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Well good for you but as ive already said in this thread, I did get in trouble once for it so they obviously do

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