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Nintendo preparing the media for E3


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Come off it Stockton, people say that kind of thing every year! (Well, not "2006 is going to be amazing" but you know what I mean). And we always end up with "E3 was crap!!, but TGS will make it all better!".


True, I got so hyped for E3 2005 that it didn't live up to my expectations, but then again think, if Revolution and PS3 are going to both be PLAYABLE, it will be very interesting.


And Jordan, don't get you're hopes up too high, afterall Jim Merrick said no games would be shown this year, but then again he said we should hear information about games and see the controller shell so who knows. Firday is going to be a very interesting day indeed.

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True, I got so hyped for E3 2005 that it didn't live up to my expectations, but then again think, if Revolution and PS3 are going to both be PLAYABLE, it will be very interesting.


And Jordan, don't get you're hopes up too high, afterall Jim Merrick said no games would be shown this year, but then again he said we should hear information about games and see the controller shell so who knows. Firday is going to be a very interesting day indeed.


The PS3 maybe playable before E3. I heard Sony will have PS3 playable at CES.

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Humm... anyone knows when will be the keynote this friday? I never though they could make a controller like this so if they promise anything new this friday I'm the the first to believe that.And E3 is still far far away but sounds promising however it seems a bit late to shows a playable console since Xbox was it already this year.


But do you know when wiil be the keynote? A decent hour I expect....(the wait in tgs almost killed me:D)

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Finally we have confirmation for what everyone suspected before and I'm thinking about this in a good way because now, whenever there's a speech we (I) don't have to get up our (my) hopes too high.

I think showing everything at E³ - shortly before they release the console - is the best thing to do it, to get the hype machine running on maximum but they have to let out little details over the coming month or the current hype will die.

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Broadway and Hollywood will be revealed at the Kodac Theater (Oscars anyone?) what a coincidence :grin:


I just hope that means the console is done in may because I don't want to wait over a year to finally get one ... but to be honest I think Nintendo will be the last in the competition again. No I don't think Sony will launch in spring but I am sure they will launch before Nintendo and I am afraid that Microsoft will have much to battle the PS3 and Revolution launch at this time. More advanced games which really show off the power of the 360 maybe even Halo 3 and this means a serious hit to Revolution and the PS3 in my opinion.


Nintendo late to the party as usual ....

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Finally we have confirmation for what everyone suspected before and I'm thinking about this in a good way because now, whenever there's a speech we (I) don't have to get up our (my) hopes too high.

I think showing everything at E³ - shortly before they release the console - is the best thing to do it, to get the hype machine running on maximum but they have to let out little details over the coming month or the current hype will die.

you know as much as it does piss me off that we must wait this long for the info (i still dont know what is on the page coz my internet wont let be, but i trust what u guys have said) i deffinately agree with you. I mean i live in australia but when E3 is on even our news covers the big stories (we were shown both the xbox 360 and the ps3), and considering I'm pretty sure that there is no news that could possibly dwarf the unvieling of the revolution, it will be the high light of the show for sure and will be THE BIGGEST thing at E3, there for we will be hearing about it everywhere.


well... at least i hope this happens

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Broadway and Hollywood will be revealed at the Kodac Theater (Oscars anyone?) what a coincidence :grin:


I just hope that means the console is done in may because I don't want to wait over a year to finally get one ... but to be honest I think Nintendo will be the last in the competition again. No I don't think Sony will launch in spring but I am sure they will launch before Nintendo and I am afraid that Microsoft will have much to battle the PS3 and Revolution launch at this time. More advanced games which really show off the power of the 360 maybe even Halo 3 and this means a serious hit to Revolution and the PS3 in my opinion.


Nintendo late to the party as usual ....

You make it sound like it already happened :hmm:

Let just let wait and see when they come before everyone bursts out in negativity

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If I´m not mistaken, Jim Merrick and NOA have both hinted that more information on Revolution will be forthcoming on a regular basis beginning early next year. And at E3, Nintendo will propably reveal everything that they still have in store and have Revolution playable.


And I still wouldn´t say Nintendo is too late. At least in Europe, Revolution has big changes to come before PS3.

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