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Bish goes fourth

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I'm still waiting to se what people make of my one. And if anyone really gets it.


I probably don't get it, but I'm gonna mince it big style.


PS excuse to buy Invincible asapzkthxbai.

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I officially can't do 2 of chairs. I can't go underwater since my cast would get wet and floppy, and I sure as hell can't juggle with it on.


I shall have to work extra hard on the others I guess. Although I'm tempted to juggle anyway. If my wrist explodes I'm blaming chair.

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I'm still waiting to se what people make of my one. And if anyone really gets it.


I already did one of yours.

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Man, I have a perfect picture for a non-existing superhero, but it was taken before this ... crap!


Anyway, some of those seem hard! I should have made mine harder ... Dunno if I'll be able to do any of those! :p

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Are we posting the pictures in here?


Here is my first few. Will do more tomorrow:


Mundi - A console pre-dating the PS1/N64/Saturn era

Take your pick. Username is on the Saturn:



Mundi - Dressed to kill

No idea what's going on with my hand, maybe I was stretching it at the time.



nami - Fancy Dress

I'm in there, honest!



Gizmo - Something to represent any N-E username (excluding your own, and cannot be in conjunction with Shorty's similar BISH)

Chairdriver. Luckily I happen to keep a spare steering wheel with me at all times. This is my driving face:



Edited by Goafer

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Nice start :D should get bonus points for being first or something...


Don't know if it's a problem but in the past we've always said you have to be in the picture, even if it's just a hand/finger with your name written on, paper might not be enough, but that's the judge's call not mine.


Snapped a couple today but I'm knackered, will post later!

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Some of these might not live up to the established criteria, so feel free to complain.


Gizmo - A frying pan somewhere it shouldn't be



Rummy - A journey to Narnia.


You can't see my face, but I hope it's all right.


ReZourceman - A thick and rich moustache.


Dunno if it's thick and rich enough ...




welsh_gamer - You're N-E username spelt with fruit and/or vegetables.


I hope it's okay I didn't write my entire username. Oh, and I ate all the grapes afterwards - one whole letter at a time! :p





Gizmo - Something to represent any N-E username (excluding your own, and cannot be in conjunction with Shorty's similar BISH)


Dan Loves Trees! And my name is actually Dan!


Marcamillian - A sculpture of a man fashioned from cheese


I actually missed the "sculpture" part, but it's still a 3D man of cheese, so technically it could count as a sculpture. I also ate this afterwards.


chairdriver - A picture of you juggling


This was really a lucky shot, but it caught the moment really well. In case you're wondering, I'm juggling with DS boxes. :heh:


Total number of BISH'es done so far: 6


Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane

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Is it just me, or could this be a screenshot from the opening of Super Mario 64?:bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown:

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Judge fussing!


goaferboy; your bish with the retro consoles is non acceptable. You need to be in the picture. The picture of you as Frank isn't clearly you, so I'm sorry to say I can't accept it right now...


Dannyboy; the dan-likes-trees thing is precisely what I was saying to shorty in the car, so that's fine, but I'm afraid you will have to do your full username in fruit/veg, so I cannot accept that.


The mousetache is something I'll have to ask the original BISHer whether it's acceptable or not. And while I can accept the frying pan, I do hope that people do more crazy things :P

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Nice start :D should get bonus points for being first or something...


Don't know if it's a problem but in the past we've always said you have to be in the picture, even if it's just a hand/finger with your name written on, paper might not be enough, but that's the judge's call not mine.


Snapped a couple today but I'm knackered, will post later!


Fair enough. If it's a problem, I'll take the picture again with me in the shot. It's not like I'll have to go far to take the picture of retro consoles again!


I'll also make sure I'm in all future ones to make sure.



Edit: I'm out. I just realised I can't take a picture with one hand and have the other in shot since one hand is in a cast. I can't use my right hand to take a picture since my camera is too heavy, and I can't use my left since I couldn't manouvre my right hand/arm into shot. So that means I'd have to enlist help everytime I found something and may miss things if I'm on my own. Maybe next time.

Edited by Goafer

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This does pose a problem. Can we please make an exception for goaferboy? He is temporarily disabled after all and he's put in a decent effort up there. Would like to see more from him :D


As for me, I'm struggling with a lot of these right now. Will crack on with them tomorrow.

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This does pose a problem. Can we please make an exception for goaferboy? He is temporarily disabled after all and he's put in a decent effort up there. Would like to see more from him :D


Well, I'm officially flattered.


But don't worry too much about making exceptions for me. It wouldn't be fair really. Plus it's more of a case of I probably could physically do it by the rules, but the cast makes it more hassle. Hassle I can't be arsed with. And you can't go changing the rules because I can't be arsed :grin:



So that I don't sound lazy, here is what I mean by hassle. The go button for my camera is on the right hand side of the camera. If I'm using one hand to take the photo, it needs to be my left since my right can't hold the weight of the camera. Left hand and shutter button on the right doesn't mix.

Edited by Goafer

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Goapherboy, I get people to take my photos for the majority of the time! Don't worry, you can usually always rope someone in, just don't explain why you're taking a photo of a frying pan in the middle of the M6*...


*Not advising this in any shape or form

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The mousetache is something I'll have to ask the original BISHer whether it's acceptable or not.


Is that me? I will thoroughly accept it. It may not be the largest moustache in the world, but you can see the passion thats gone into growing it.


Dannys bishs are soooo awesome. Best one is the frying pan one.



Caption ;



"What the....!"

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urgh... mobile phone cameras.....

just reading through the bish list... wondered if i should bother pointing out that dan dare's suggested bish in the cinema is illegal. at best you'll get chucked out of the cinema/banned from the cinema or worst you'll get arrested 'cause they'll think you're recording the film.


plus letty's kikkoman one is eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasy (for me! i could drown myself is soy sause sachets if i wanted to :heh: )

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Actually jayseven thought of that one and we did a swap because I wanted to do one of my own and I didn't realize we don't do the ones we pick.

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Actually jayseven thought of that one and we did a swap because I wanted to do one of my own and I didn't realize we don't do the ones we pick.

aaaahhh. whats the new one?

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I wanted to do the jelly baby film scene one as it was awesome last time and not enough people did it.

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Wait, we are or we aren't allowed to do our own submissions?

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if there are BISHes left completely undone near the end of the game, I'm sure there can be replacements :)


Goaferboy; I was about to let you off buuut enough people have pointed out enough reasons why you ought to play on. Plus, the picture this all spurred from is in your house, and you clearly managed to find someone to take pictures of you for other BISH entries, so that can be re-done.


It is only fair to keep the rules as they are, I'm afraid. You're practically winning already too!

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I wanted to do the jelly baby film scene one as it was awesome last time and not enough people did it.


Offensively true.

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I wanted to do the jelly baby film scene one as it was awesome last time and not enough people did it.


ahh yeah... nice recycled idea you're using there... who came up with that little gem originally i wonder...? whoever it was must have been AMAAAAZING :grin:


...oh wait!!



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