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Battlefield Bad Company 2


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I'm slowly forcing my way through the campaign because


1. it's not very good and

2. multiplayer is piss-my-pants excellent


BUT i've just come accross this mahoooosive desert level (with the castle in the middle) and duuuude, this needs to be a multiplayer map (albeit not quite as huge), it's so epic!


Give it to us EA!!

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There's a conquest map modeled after it. No castle though.


Unlocked a couple more weapons, The NS2000 shotgun, and the M14. I'm very close to finishing the Engineer unlocks now. I think I'll do the last 3 guns for the Medic next.

Edited by Emasher
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The campaign mission you were thinking of is definitely not atacama desert. Unless you mean it's based loosely on it.


Just hit level 22. Got the G3 gun which I thought was a level 26 unlock but I guess not. What I find annoying about the 'all kits' weapons is that you can't attach sights to them, is this an error by the designers? Plus there seems to be glitches with the loadouts sometimes. Stuff you expect to appear doesn't always show up, yet I'm also able to pick C4 for my assault soldier at the moment. I'm guessing it's so the classes don't become too wish-washy and overpowered, so they swap stuff around.


Anyway, weapon evaluation:

Neostead 2000 is the best shotgun.

M-95/M24 are the best snipers.

PP2000 is the best submachine gun

The AN-994 Abakan and the M16A2 are the best assault rifles

The clear winner for pistols I find is WWII M1911.45. I don't know why you wouldn't choose it, everything about it is brilliant.


The 'all kits' weapons are almost entirely disappointing bar the aforementioned Neostead. Without scopes the M14 and G3 just aren't that great. I think the only guns that can really get away without a red dot/scope are the SMGs and a select few LMGs.


My most sucessful class would be the AN-94, with red dot, shot gun attachment and magnum bullets along with M1911, or the exact same but exchange the AN-94 with the PP2000 and the shotgun attachment with the RPG.

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Had some cracking games on this earlier, scout and medic mixed up on a Africa Harbour Rush netted me 5500 points. Then had some great games on Valparaisno or whatever it's called.


Looking forward to checking out the Laguna Presa Rush map.


I guess this will be the case with a lot of people, but there's only 2 trophies I need for the platinum -

Et Tu, Brute (knife 5 friends)

Demolition Man (get 20 demolish kills)


Both of those are quite annoying.

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Oh sorry about that, me and Cookyman/my civil partner just finished it :/ We did it differently to that video.


We went on that Isla Inconcentes map or whatever it is and met by the shore under a small wooden pier/dock thing. Easy. Apart from the map skipped and we had to find a slightly more difficult to access place in Laguna Presa.


Took a fair while to be honest! Probably half an hour because we didn't have many tactics and messaged through PSN.

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2 more weapon unlocks to go. All I've got left is the MG3 LMG, and the G3 Battle Rifle.


A few suggestions for the trophies that people seem to be struggling with:


Et Tu Brute:


-Try sending friend requests at the beginning of matches to people on the other team, and in the message asking if they want to get the trophy with you, and suggesting a location on the map to do it in that other people aren't likely to disturb you in.

-Do it in Squad Deathmatch, as you're much less likely to get disturbed by other players.

-If you have a microphone, tell the other members of your squad what you're doing, so they don't disturb you.


Although, I don't actually have the trophy yet, so I would be up for teaming up with other NE members to get it.


Demolition Man (I think that's what it was called).


-Play Rush, more people are likely to be in certain buildings (the ones with the objectives in them).

-Arica Harbor has 2 objectives in destructible buildings.

-Port Valdez has 3 objectives in destructible buildings.

-Isla Inlets (Or whatever its called) has 1 objective in destructible buildings.

-Nelson Bay Has 3 or 4 objectives in destructible buildings.

-Valesperio (Or whatever it is) has, actually, I don't think any of the objectives there are in buildings that can be destroyed that way. There might be one at the end.

Now for the strategy

-Warehouses, and houses (and any of the bunkers that have actual doors that you have knife open (nelson bay)) can be collapsed.

-Don't bother with buildings that don't have the objective, unless the building is almost down, and there are people in it.

-You can kill teammates this way as well, but they will not count towards the trophy. From what I understand, you will only loose points for killing them if you are playing hardcore mode though.

-Play as recon and use the mortar strike, as it does the most damage to buildings usually.

-C4 can also be used, but it involves getting near the building.

-If a building is almost down, a 40mm grenade, or a rocket will usually bring it down, if you're playing as another class.

-The Mini-guns on the blackhawks are also very good at destroying buildings, so you might want to think about that if you're an attacker in a stage that has them.

-Learn how to use both light and heavy tanks. The grenade launchers and rockets on the light tanks can be just as effective as the cannons on the MBTs if you know how to use them. The MBTs usually work best though.

-When I say learn how to use the tanks, I also mean how to defend the tanks. The Alternate fire perk is a must for taking down infantry, who are threatening you. Unless the building will come down with one more hit, taking out enemy engineers and stationary AT users should be your first priority. If you're doing it right, you shouldn't have a problem with recon killing you with C4.

-Most important, be patient. Its not like the EA servers will be closing down next month, you still have years to get the trophy. If you just play the game normally, but watch out for opportunities to take down buildings, you'll probably have more fun, than you would actively trying to get the trophy.

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I played this for a couple hours for the first time last night and did reasonably well, I didn't die more times than I killed people anyhow and finished in the top 3 or so scorers in each match.

I was using the medic class; the standard gun is an awesome weapon as it is, I can't wait to see what the others & unlocks are like!

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I played this for a couple hours for the first time last night and did reasonably well, I didn't die more times than I killed people anyhow and finished in the top 3 or so scorers in each match.

I was using the medic class; the standard gun is an awesome weapon as it is, I can't wait to see what the others & unlocks are like!


Its more that the game is awesome. The actual guns you start out with aren't really that good. The game only starts getting really good once you start unlocking the better weapons and the support equipment.

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You get docked points for team kills and defender objective destroys on normal mode as well.


Ah so you do get punished for destroying your own Rush bases?


I bloody well hope so cos i've played a few where one of my team mates would just stand there and blast our own base, I mean WHY, where does the satisfaction come from?

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I'm just glad they took out the other methods of team killing.


Edit: Does anyone know how skill level is calculated? I just finished a match where I played as a sniper the entire match, got a 16:1 KD ratio, and a recon score of over 3000, where nobody else had surpassed 2000, and only a few people had surpassed 1000. When I quit back to the main menu after the match, I was greeted with a message that told me my skill level had decreased. I can't make any sense of it.

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I think it's glitched. I got it a while back where it was reset to 0, Then I got it back up to 195 and then it reset again to 35, saying that I need to up my game when I've been plodding along doing well. It's changed about 6 times.


You occasionally get a message telling you that it has increased, but to be frank I don't think it really means anything.

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Ahhhhhhh what a wonderful game, Rush is awesome and I been playing so well recently, Assault class, That russion 2 shot burst gun and red dot sight, is awesome. Lots of capping and using smoke grenades, seems to piss the snipers off(joy)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I experienced something yesterday that didn't half piss me off!


If you get disconnected from a server, all the XP and unlocks you've earnt during your time playing on that server disappears!

I lost the GOL and the SVU sniper rifles, the Spot Scope, the XMP Compact and the extended shotgun magazines!


It was so annoying to have lost it all, I'm just glad it didn't take too long to unlock again.

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