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Exams 2009!


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Had an Accounting exam last Tuesday, was a dirty question in there. Now tomorrow and Friday I have two Computing Science exams, both starting at 9am = me getting up early. The freaking nerve of exams :nono:


*Hasn't woken up that early in months*

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Had a physics practical today, went alright :) Got a chemistry one tomorrow followed by a physics written paper (it's a half paper) which should be good fun. After that i've got nothing for a while :)


OCR A2 by anychance? I'm hoping it's something mindlessly simple like a titration. I'm in incarceration for 5 hours!

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I've done criminal law for 3 years up to now. I don't need luck. I need rest and a little bit of a catch up ;) I'm sure you'll do great to! Good luck as well!


Also when does everyone finish their last exam?


Haha! Nice!


Yeah, mine tomorrow I could probably Twitter it to the examiner and get an ace mark. Just want to get it done with so I can go get drunk all night. :heh: (Not that exams really stopped me...)

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OCR A2 by anychance? I'm hoping it's something mindlessly simple like a titration. I'm in incarceration for 5 hours!


5 hours? thats a bit long :/ How did you find it btw? Thought mine went rather well though my concentration H202 was a bit off what is was supposed to be (0.83 i think it needed to be, mine was 1.09...).

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My first yearly test is tomorrow: Written Greek. It's probably the one I'm most worried about, to be honest. The day after tomorrow it's written Latin, the one I'm most worried about after Greek, so I get the worst out of the way first.


That being said, I'm fairly optimistic. It's not too bad when you're in the middle of it. It's the nervousness up until the test itself that's a bitch.

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Urrgghh frak this. Finished my art but next week I have 3 3 hour exams, 2 English and biology, which I need A's in to get into uni... feeling like I'll never be able to remember enough of biology, (why did I choose an A level that revolves around memorising hundreds of useless facts?) and I find revising English impossible. 8 days and I'll be free of any work until October... just hope I can pull it off :S

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I hate the way I can't revise. Got a D.T (well tought at my school pfffft) 3 hour one on Friday, done little revision of note. then English AKA the Memory Test.


Surely analysis of any text is hindered HUGELY by not allowing a student to have it in the exam?

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I hate the way I can't revise. Got a D.T (well tought at my school pfffft) 3 hour one on Friday, done little revision of note. then English AKA the Memory Test.


Surely analysis of any text is hindered HUGELY by not allowing a student to have it in the exam?


You should try biology. As I say, all it is is a contest to see who can rememebr the most of hundreds of useless facts.


But yeah agreed... closed text exams = largely stupid. I've barely started learning quotes as well :S the plan is, John Clare quotes tomorrow, Hamlet quotes Thursday, War synoptic quotes Friday. Not convinced Im gonna pull this off though. Im stressin'.

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Done with my yearly test in written Greek, and it went really well! :yay: The syntax analysis and morphology parts as well as the translation and translation commenting parts were easy compared to assignments I've done, and that gave me lots of time to write some good and detailed answers to the background questions to the text.


Next up is written Latin tomorrow. I feel a lot calmer now that the Greek test (the one I consider the hardest of the two) went so well.

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Which theoretical frameworks do you use for these, if any? Congrats on it going well, anyway - good luck for your next one.

Thanks. :)


Well, when analysing syntax we break down the sentence(s) and identify the different parts like the subject, the verb, direct and indirect objects etc. I am not quite familiar with the English vocabulary in this area, so bear with me.


When doing morphology, we are presented with a number of words from a text. By backtracking we identify the original form of the word and determine the mood, the aspect, the tense etc. of the word. (If it's a verb. If it's a noun or a pronoun, we identify the case, the gender and so on.)

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